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Everything posted by siteonfly

  1. Hi, as you know, AmpYear don't work with some Near Future Solar panels (curved). I found simple fix for it: AYProcessPartModules.cs, line 1274 replace case "Curved Solar Panel" with case "ModuleCurvedSolarPanel"
  2. @maja Any reason why fuel cell not included in CalculateOtherPower()? It is very helpfull in early game.
  3. I think facilities lvl in contracts is wrong: Facilities data from persistant.sfs (Tracking Station is lvl 4 and Observatory is lvl 2, VAB is lvl 2 - not fully upgraded, not upgraded buildings have lvl 0):
  4. You are right. Supplies value didn't changed when I jumped to vessel. But I can't understand why another vessel have supplies for -213 days if It was launched 8 days ago? Anywat it is very uncomfortable to control resources on different bases/vessels. I need jump any vessel to see statistic. No info on space center or on tracking station. And as it turned out numbers in statistic are wrong.
  5. Strange things taking place: On vessel without any kerbals number of supplies decreising. Whis vessel was lunched with other vessel (docked), then I undock it and now supplies on vessel with supplies decreasing (no crew in vessel), and in other vessel with no supplies, number of days is -213 days and is red. These vesseles were lanched 8 days ago (kerbal time) as one vessel and just arrived to Minmus where were undocked from each other.
  6. Found such bug: when mouseover D.E.P.T. Propulsion Module it zooming to whole screen. Version .90. Last all in one USI pack.
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