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Everything posted by ilo

  1. if @unit327 doesn't object, I'd kindly try to help cleaning the issue list and keeping his good work updated.
  2. yay.. and once you dock you don't even have time to think on what is coming next.. land lol #14752 It is quite tricky, you have to keep your relative velocity while atmosphere drag slows you down from the target (or the contrary).. I still have this sfs save kept safe
  3. IMO, ksp as it is now is not an space agency game. it is, however, an astronauts agency providing services for some space agencies that offer random contracts without a real/serious space program.
  4. time ago we talked about this..http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/112533-Mod-that-makes-planets-and-moons-%28except-for-close-side-of-moon%29-whited-out-until-you-explore-it the problems I foresee is the amount of work integrating other mods.. RSS, weather, telescopes, scans at, and all the resource-stuff coming too..
  5. yes, on top of Unity as game engine.
  6. without any doubt, remote tech 2
  7. I'd actually support this as part of the HyperEdit module at all.
  8. Try PreciseNode, it includes an UI to change the conics mode, and will allow you to save much more fuel.
  9. mm I had to do.. this - - - Updated - - - Awesome! show some pics!
  10. Additionally, if you create a custom Scenario addon or a tutorial, you will have to make sure the module is loaded with the game. For this you must make sure your addon DOES NOT START on every game automatically and you have to add it to your SFS file manually. Edit your SFS tutorial or Scenario and add the following chunk as a new Scenario module (you will find other scenarios being loaded in the SFS file as well). [/URL] SCENARIO { name = THENAMEOFYOURSCENARIOORTUTORIALCLASS scene = 5, 7, 8, 6 // the scenes you want your class to be instantiated. } [URL="http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/misc.php?do=bbcode#code"] Just need to put in there your module name and the scenes to load your addon. When the Scenario or Tutorial (the sfs file) gets loaded, KSP will find your scenario and spawn it. Wen you have everything ready, you would want to change your game mode to Scenario (within the main Game node there is a "Mode" Attribute), or Scenario no resumable if you don't want the player to abandon it in the middle and continue later. Good luck!
  11. This will definitelly change and improve the addon development a lot! thank you Sarbian
  12. Here is a tutorial on writting tutorials.. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/23028-Article-Writing-Tutorials-A-Demo-%28and-some-source-code%29?p=1584655&viewfull=1#post1584655
  13. More working on my next project... dadaaaaaaa!!!! Here is the R***R01C (name hidden yet)
  14. I've been working on my first challenge. Nothing to unveal yet, but I found it funny in my first tests. I'm affraid this challenge will create a new crafting thread.. uh!
  15. You might want to take a deep look (and breath) to the visual remotetech planner tool. As mentioned by @supermun18, you don't really need to match ap/pe that perfectly, just make sure the orbital period (in msecs) is as close as possible: they sats will get closer and far during the orbit, but will keep their average distance stable. So I recommend you to use the smallest engine available and also reduce the thrust while adjusting the orbit. You must also take care of how much battery do you have in your sats. The bigger the orbit, the MORE time in the shade because of body eclipses, the BIGGER battery required. Additionally, the higher the orbit (the bigger the orbital period) the less deviation you will get because of different satellites speeds: if the difference is one second between two of the satellites, they will completely get out of their triangular shape at 1sec every orbit.. so if 1 hour (3600 secs) is 360 degrees, that means that 1 second of difference is 0.1 degrees: In 10 orbits (10 secs) the satellites will be 1 degree de-synched. Try to find somewhere in between that gives you some pace, you will have to balance. For kerbin 'ground' control, you just need 3 sats with a communotron 16 antenna at 200km orbit, but that will be too hard to maintain because of this same issue.. Btw, have you ever put a satellite in geosynchronus orbit in the mun?.. I did!! (i tis not in a geosynch orbit as it is not possible in the mun, but the mun relay sat stays in the same position relative to the mun during its whole orbit, and is orbiting kerbin). There is a satellite in the same orbit as the mun separated by 2.600km, enough to reach the mun sats using a communotron 16 antena.. These are my sats in the mun, they don't need a directional antenna because this is the purpose of the satellite in the mun orbit. I can have full coverage in the mun surface for a deflectron DP-10 antena.. with only C-16 antennas. And yes, only used two geosynchronous satellites in kerbin pointing to the mun, enough to reach the space center 24h.
  16. A direct mapping of SCANSat information to the celestial bodies seems to be easy, but somehow tricky, but unfortunatelly there is not direct 'surface map' available from SCANSat that could be used as the body texture. With all the processing and SCANSat internals required I think this 'draw surface from scansat information' should go as a SCANSat feature actually, or SCANSat will need to provide more information for other mods to use it. Here is the result of mapping (no texture rotating) on the kerbin surface. (yes, it is updated in realtime as the planet information gets updated (even if the SCAN window is closed). Anyway, I'd like to focus more about what information is known from the planets and what planets are visible, how become 'prensent', when the player is allowed to track them and we the player is allowed to center the camera, target it or not depending on the information, research and construction levels. I've also tried with StarSystem and seems to be working fine (at least planetfactory). The two big stars are visible but far from being reachable at the begining. I have a doubt now.. what is the future of this or kopernicus mods? apparently they both seems to be messing around and none of them finish working at all.. I've seen people releasing planets for PlanetFactory promissing an update to integrate with Kopernicus when it is finished, but then two posts later they realise that Kopernicus seems to be limited in how they create the planets/systems/etc.. I'm confused
  17. That is absolutely fantastic, man.. good work!
  18. This is what I think the Mun (manually edited image) should be until a probe or camera scans the far side. The same principle applies for other bodies (depending on a config, obviously), but I like the idea of retexturing the bodies with information from cameras/scansats or eva visualisation, lets see if it is useful or not. Well, if it has an atmosphere it may happen that the surface will not be known because it is covered, and mass/gravity even the orbit (distance etc) could be approximate, but exact values might not be guessed from regular 'observation' unless a special event happens. I think a good idea could be to provide more information of the bodies according to the tracking station building level and the tech tree, BUT, if the player gets a probe close to a body he might not need to upgrade the building or the tech and get the information on-site. Additional parts like cameras (custom or using CactEye2) can also add information to the knowledge base, and that info may require having a camera pointing a body for a whole kerbal year. I will have to install CactEye2 again to get a better idea on how is it now. Any regular user of that mod that could drop some knowledge or ideas on possible integration is welcome.
  19. If we are able to collect some more basic ideas on how to move forward I will love to develop it.
  20. It should make a difference with 'what is visible' and what is not.. Humans were unable to see the far side of the mun until we sent a probe.. No telescope was invented for that purpose.. it is like having a scansat or a camera, you might need to get there 'somehow' before you know what colour is it, and what about the atmosphere/gravity/etc.. eyes and telescopes can't tell, just guessing and inference from previous knowledge. So, the mun, as -re-textured- with the existing 'visible' information will only show the craters of the visible side from Kerbin, the rest of the mun is to be uncertain. Other planets information can be limited using the current tracking building level.. when you achieve a level you should be able to track orbits or even with certain tech, see 'raw' images of them etc.. but not being able to see its information unless you have studied it. The game assumes the whole kerbol system is already discovered.. what would make it discoverable mean? So yes, I agree that a camera would show the body surface.. but gravity, mass, even atmosphere.. would make sense require previous analysis before being shown in the knowledge base window. - - - Updated - - - I forgot to say.. On the contrary, I think this idea would bring up the fact that telescopes could be usefull at all, as you will not be able to 'know' the planet's surface (and therefore plan a landing) unless you have observed it. Cheers
  21. I really love the idea.. I thought of that when I started playing the game too.. Here is my best achievement for now in this.. I started working on this at the same time I was playing around with SCANSat for the first time.. I finally came to the conclusion that the best approach would be great to have scansat images as planet textures if SCANSat is available, or use the lowest resolution depending how close the player gets a manned ship / unmanned with camera probe into that. I'd like to also introduce the idea of update the planets information according to experimental research.. why showing if a planet has atmosphere or not, or the gravity if we never sent a probe to check for it? Now that I see some interest is around, we might want to have a brainstorm, isn't it?
  22. That is a good start, the flexibility allows the tweaking and personalisation to adjust each gameplay. Later you can introduce FAR and DRE, that would require more complex building and staging which will affect your ship building too, making large ships complex and encouraging small payloads too. Whatever your plan is, good luck!
  23. That's correct.. you just need satellites pointing to the bodies you are working for.. and if you plan appropriatelly, not so many in a single ship, you can just split the coverage from SOI to SOI using link satellites at all. There will be more ships, but decreasing enormously the number of used parts and cpu.. Cheers
  24. It looks like so easy to fly.. is it going to have a cargo bay? or is this just for 'space tourism'? @Agost, maybe it is because of the mod and the non-stock parts? no idea.
  25. I totally agree with this. Actually, the good (or bad) thing of the game is that.. there is no goal, so you will have to start creating your own goals at some point, this is how "challenges" started in the forum too. As a matter of fact, you will see that long and complex 'missions' in the forum are just 'personal challenges', not the game flow itself. I found myself in the same situation as you, asking for the purpose of the satellites, and I can confirm you that now satellites are a requirement for unmanned missions everytime I play KSP, including the delay btw. I've seen awesome mission reports in the forum that would not be possible without satellites. I've seen very funny situations in twitch during some streams because of the satellites too. Once you start playing KSP you will soon need something more challenging than getting science points for pleasure and start creating your own personal missions. They don't have to be extremelly complicated to be funny indeed. And this 'personal mission' can be done in career mode too, I mean, you might have to go through the whole 'science' and 'money' hardwork first, and trying to spend as less as possible, so you can finally start working your own 'personal mission' while completing contracts for funding it. Cheers! PS: as an example (there are thousands in the forum) I'm currently involved in "conquering" the dark side of the mun. The final mission is manned, of course, but before I can do that I first have to go unmanned. Now, the 'light' time in the dark side of the mun is limitted, I can't just simply put tons of battery cells in there: I need to do it while that face of the mun has direct sun light for the ground station to be operative. As this is (my personal requirement) a cheap mission, only the reflectron DPR-10 is allowed in the Mun for communications. That actually forces me to set a satellite network around the mun to match that requirement. As this is a cheap mission, I have to reduce the number of satellites and their componets to the bare minimun. I have set and tested too many different options to provide a reliable network communication between kerbin and the dark side of the Mun for the mission, done a docens of plans and calculations. As it is a cheap mission (did I tell you?) I had to set a limit in the ammount of fuel and rockets. I was able to setup the whole network communication in a single launch (that is another challenge, because you have to orbit sats while other ship is heading the Mun, and then you realise you have to control 7 flights at the same time) so I had to test and plan a lot of different possible transfers. Trust me if I tell you that I spent days (more than a week) trying to prepare everything (on paper, using calcs, setting up the mods, etc..) and after that, it took me two days to get the satellite network working.. I'm exhausted and I just have started, and this is hapenning is in the Mun, just minutes away.. but oh my.. this is sooo funny!!!
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