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Posts posted by Sarxis

  1. So what I did was I made it so that the assembly line bases can produce MaterialKits from Metals, which can be refined from MetallicOre (both of which are Community Resources in the CRP), and also made the vanilla drills able to mine both ores at the same time.  Had to switch the ISRU patch from making MaterialKits from ore to the MetallicOre>Metals path, but that was easy to replace. 

    Had to hack the ore containers to also be able to contain Metallic Ore, Metals, and MaterialKits for transport purposes.  Definitely not a pretty solution, but I haven't tried integrating the switchable tank module you included for the workshops and assembly line components, which would be a better alternative. 


    I can also fabricate machinery from kits and sophisticated parts and sophisticated parts from machine tools and material kits so I can in-situ establish my own base resources as needed; though I'm probably going to mess with this balance a bit as I play test things. 


    Just to spice things up a little bit :)



    Turns out switching any standard tank into one of the modular tanks is real simple. 

    Just have to replace the RESOURCE modules with this stuff:

            name = ModuleTankManager
            Volume = xxx

    ...to make it an empty, non-configured tank.  Add pre-configured quantities too if you want:


                name = LFO
                Volume = 9.2
                TankType = LiquidChemicals
                CurrentResource = MonoPropellant
                InitialAmount = 1.0
                Volume = 1.6


    Very cool!  I now can have configurable tanks for any resource! 

  2. On 6/2/2020 at 4:58 AM, Nightside said:

    @Sarxis, isn’t staging essentially draining your tanks from the bottom, with the additional benefit of getting rid of the mass of tanks and sea level engines?

    Well yeah!  But as you know, until you get the tech for larger tanks, sometimes you end up stacking smaller tanks to make a whole stage (of course). 

    The primary reason I was wondering about draining the lowest tanks first was for aerodynamic stability - shifting the center of mass forward while having control surfaces and gimballed engines in the rear.  I suspected this gives the ship a 'lawn dart' effect, thus increasing the chance a ship will survive max Q when flying.  


    Game wise, it doesn't really matter though?  If I have serious aero problems, I just add more fins usually lol  


    MOAR FINS!!!          cartoon-network-adventure-time-finn-the-

  3. I find myself often having my multi-tank stages drain from the bottom tanks first, and then successively upwards until the end of the stage.  My thought is that this gives my gimballed engines more leverage to work worth as the center of gravity moves further forward during the stage  (lawn darts).   As long as the aerodynamics of the rocket hold stable, this seems to be working out fine.  But is this the correct approach?  Should I just allow for even drain rates for all of my tanks, or drain the stage from the top down?


    I'm interested to know what your thoughts are on this and if there's ever been serious talk in real world design about this concept. 

  4. 4 hours ago, allista said:

    The only way to find out is to try, I'm afraid. But I doubt it: there were some breaking changes in KSP API between 1.7 and 1.8.

    Ok thank you!  Yeah, I noticed you had to recompile against the newer AT_Utils anyway.  

    Guess I'll be back at the wonderful 2.4.0 version foreva!  FOREVAH!!!   :D

  5. I'm curious how I can copy the new solid fuel rocket boosters into an older install of KSP.  I was able to copy the new blade covers and copter blades, as well as the new rocket cone just by copying the part folders into the appropriate sub folder.  But the boosters don't show up in-game by simply copying their folders over.  

    Is there something else I need to modify?  I added their part info into the PartDataBase.cfg file, but that isn't enough for the boosters to show up in the game.  

    I can't simply play on the 1.8.1 install yet, because some mods I use haven't updated yet.  


    Thanks for any help!  

  6. On 10/7/2019 at 1:02 PM, kyklop said:

    If this does not help, you will have to make a harder decision - and edit directly the file

    ...Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\SquadExpansion\Serenity\Resources\DeployedScience.cfg

    in the same manner:

            ScienceTimeDelay = 21600
            DataSendFailedTimeDelay = 3600 

    So wait:  are you saying all I had to do was change the DeployedScience.cfg file manually?  

    Why didn't you just say so!  lol   I LOVE hacking my KSP game files by hand.  You should see what my Squad folder looks like these days >:D

  7. Just to be clear:  the migrating was happening to me with the current Trajectories version, not with your fix.  




    Hey, I've got a question about your fix:  it came with two files, but my current installation doesn't have a Trajectories.dll file anywhere in the mod folder or sub-folders.  It just has TrajectoriesBootstrap.dll and a bunch of Trajectories.bin files. 


    Is the Trajectories.dll supposed to go in the Plugin sub-folder?

  8. 5 hours ago, whale_2 said:

    So I also experience the issue with GUI disappearing on pause and find it pretty annoying, especially in RSS where re-entries could be veeery long. I tried to look into the code to find out what's going on and could not figure out why the window is being destroyed. What I know for sure, that it is indeed being destroyed, so I put a code to re-create it when it has already gone, but should be shown. Not the best fix, but works for me.


    Tested is 1.6.1 with and without RSS, use at your own risk. This version ignores bootstrapping, so YMMV.

    Unofficial fix

    @Kobymaru, I've sent you a PR, but I really hope you have a better solution in mind. 

    Is it being destroyed, or is it being moved off screen?   I've noticed that the 'new' GUI seems to migrate around from where I placed it when it isn't open.  Seems to move more when it is not in its default, center-of-screen position.  

    I've switched back to the old GUI for now to see if that suffers the same effect. 

  9. This little planet pack is so perfect for me.   I love playing the early game where I do missions to the Mun and Minmus, and do a lot of surveys of Kerbin via aircraft.  But the leap to inter-planetary missions is large and feels like a whole other game.  Now i have some more things to do before I'm ready to strap on heavier thrusters and leave Kerbin's SOI!



  10. On 8/1/2019 at 2:42 AM, Neganix said:


    Just started using this mod. Very nice mod and I can't believe I've found this out only now! However I am having the same issue as @IamJimmy so whenever I pause the game with ESC (and if the trajectories GUI is visible), it causes the window to disappear and the toolbar button becomes unresponsive. So the whole thing becomes basically completely useless. There's no way to fix this (as far as I know) other than reverting to launch (also maybe by going back to Space Center..? I haven't tested this).

    Somehow ( I haven't figured out exactly how I did it yet ) I managed to get my window to reappear without having to reload the save or game.    So I know it is possible. 

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