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Everything posted by Newt

  1. I think my secret is just not stepping in front of trains and buses. That sort of thing. It seems to work pretty well, so far.... The user below me does not speak Klingon, Ithkuil, Esperanto, or any other constructed languages.
  2. Granted. But because I am not exactly sure what the wording in your request is meaning, everyone just talks incoherently to everyone else. I wish that I had a better camera for my telescope than I do.
  3. Regarding my initial question, I must be blind! Sorry. Anyway, I found this page which may have what you are asking for. It is a rather longer and more complicated than most of what we have been suggesting, so I shall not try to translate the process here. It appears that it will enable you to ge more up to date drivers using PPA. It also, however, appears to have some potential problems affecting the entire computer's usablilty, so probably you should take that into consideration if you try to follow it.
  4. I have never used Ubuntu, but it probably is going to be in the package repositories. If you open a terminal, try typing $apt search nvidia or perhaps $apt search nvidia driver. This should get you a large list of avaliable drivers, as for deciding which one you need, you need to consider both the card you have and the version of Ubuntu you have. When you find the correct one, type $sudo apt-get install [driver package name] and it will install. This page may be of help, if you have not already found it. The means I gave was a generic means for most Debian derived systems, not Ubuntu specifically. The '$' signs are, of course, part of the terminal and you do not need to enter them. --- If you say what version of Ubuntu you are running, and what card you want to get working, we should be able to determine which driver specifically is needed.
  5. Not when the brigde hits the train.
  6. I say 'YES', because I would like to go, but I do not think it is a major ambition for me. Were I offered a cheap flight as a tourist, I would consider it, but I would far preffer to go and actually do something worthwhile as an astronaut, than float around peering out the window.
  7. I do not drink it, or soda, or energy drinks. Not because they do not work, but because I have not tried them and do not want to make a habit of using them. When I 'need' to stay awake, I usually get up and walk or run around a bit, then go back to work.
  8. You can also do this with an entire operating system, boot from a USB (for example), load the OS into the RAM, and then you can be free to remove the disk.
  9. From what I understand, this is really pretty disconnected from actually naming the features. The IAU and the New Horizons Team (the latter of which is running this site), have not really been getting along; the IAU is pretty set on following underworld theme for Pluto (literature for Charon, if I am not mistaken), and the New Horizons people, are having been proposing a bunch of different things unrelatedly. Consequently, I am pretty skeptical that this is going to get very much on the actual nomenclature for the planet, it just seems rather strange. Alan Stern has been involved in a somewhat questionable site contrary to the IAU already, confounding Uwingu, which among other things sell names to Martian Craters, which the IAU heartily called a scam some time ago.
  10. Or only to that particular wavelength. If your enemy ship blasts you with an x-ray laser, only, your shields can be set up to block x-rays, only. Of course, as this currently stands, Such specificity might be impractical. As for the Boeing design, fascinating indeed. It does not seem so much like a deflector shield from Star Trek/Wars (as I have understood them), in that it essentially detects and responds to a shock wave (some of the exact means to do this listed are interesting.... firing lasers, shooting electric arcs) to reduce it, rather then acting as a sort of passively present barrier. I wonder what in and when and whether this shall be used anytime soon. It seems (I know little of Boeing's patent application policies, admittedly), that it may just be that some engineers thought it would be possible, did an analysis, patented it, and now will keep it available for future use when it becomes more practical and the company sees an interest. I hope they are making something.
  11. Granted. Of course, you do not need to, as everyone is nice and does what you want, anyway. I wish w3m would render images in a CLI, too.
  12. I tried it, but it was running slow on my computer (using the testdrive). It is also possible to run it from a virtual machine, using just the .iso file. As far as my opinions on it, is it just a Suse version with Gnome and some other packages? It seemed to work fine, although no advance button appeared at the time zone setting page in the setup. Other than that, I do not have too much to say. What are you planning to do with it?
  13. Cycles is CPU driven by default. Alas, at the moment, only Nvidia cards are supported from what I can tell. You can change the setting to use it in User Preferences/System. The menu is in the lower left. If you are doing animations, you should also be able to speed things along by caching the BVH setup (in the right hand render menu under performance). By changing the tile size, you should also be able to improve performance. For the latter there is a tool that should automatically do this: 'Auto Render Tile Size'. You can enable it in User Preferences/addons, but I am not sure of how much of an improvement it gives quite. As for overall efficiency of the engine, it seems to be improving, although still somewhat slow in many ways, although I am unaware of good, current benchmarks to compare with other software. There are many little tricks you can do to make it faster by tweaking settings but usually those come at the cost of realism. What exactly is it that you are trying to render? Or are you just experimenting?
  14. Newt


    Greetings! You can also use postimage.org without registration. The vehicles you have there are pretty neat, though. Are the SSTO's?
  15. Wait, No sig! Anyway, 9/10. All the posts about Chinese and other space programs draw my attention.
  16. A refrigerating fridge-fridge refrigerated for exploration, the refrigerator is a frigid refrigerator refriger8ion8or refrigerating in a refrigerated frigid refrigerated refrigerator. Refrigerating to refrigerators refrigerating refrigerators, the refrigerator is refrigerator than refrigerator, and should refrigeratedly be frigidly refrigerated fridge refrigerators. What has this come to? Just a bunch of coldness.
  17. How many samples you need depends what you are doing, that is, how complex of a scene you are doing, as well as what shaders you are using. I have often gotten by (on simple, single object planet renders with no atmosphere), with just 36-72 samples. Some materials take rather a lot to process. If you do subsurface-scattering (which no one here has shown use of as far as I know), it takes rather a lot longer, than simply diffuse and/or glossy shaders, even for the same object.
  18. I use it for all of those, sometimes. I have also done all of those without it.
  19. The new cratered planet looks good, although I feel that I share some of daniel's sentiment about the realism (though, the clip really seems to say relatively little about how in game physics work). Is that planet (in the recent post) mesh based craters, or bumpmaped, or an ability to change between them (like, if we landed on the surface, would there be visible deformations)? Assuming that it is not a procedural texture, I would be curious how you made it. As I said in a previous post here, I have done some work in Blender on making planets manually, but have not really gotten good looking randomness, not very easily, any way. Perhaps we could help eachother?
  20. The door opens, and several large figures, dressed only in black, approach Stanley.
  21. That is, if you could go 800km on a charge, and that is a big request, considering the current limitations. Of course, trains are great for long distance movement, if there exists infrastructure. I cannot help but believe that this is not the case. It takes infrastructure (like a garage, oftentimes), to make charging convenient, and it takes a large investment on a new and generally above average cost vehicle from the outset. I know one person who has an electric car, and they are about the richest person I know. They do not have an electric car for efficiency purposes, or I doubt that they do, they use a hulking 5kpl (12mpg) SUV to carry their family. And yet I know dozens of people who care about trying to limit fuel usage; these people are more likely bicyclists, users of hybrid cars, people who ride mass transit and travel (like I do most places) by foot, people who carpool, and who just try to avoid driving much, or do it carefully to be efficient. For now, electric cars are a niche market in which mostly the wealthy can take part.
  22. I could potentially ask some people who work on those things, but they are more on the sciencey end than the engineering one. For MER, this site has distilled some information from seemingly reputable, and linked, sources. For power, the slide show the data comes from is pre-mission, so it may have changed. Having some difficulty finding good things freely available for MSL, although this paper talks about the engineering cameras, citing the navcams at 2.15W power drain each. Do you have access to major journals where this sort of thing might be published, as through a University? If other resources are available to you, google is seldom the best means to search for this sort of technical information. I am more familiar with how to get science than engineering articles, but if you have access, I would be willing to look through some such sources, to see what I can find.
  23. I did my first orbital launch sas free. It was fun, but, challenging. I have continued to do it with small vehicles going, just about everywhere, from Jool to Laythe to Mun to Kerbol escape. Of course, SAS is integrated now, so I usually use it, but before the integration of the SAS module in controllers, I seldom used it on anything small and unmanned.
  24. There was a proposal I saw for launching 'balloons' made of kevlar (or the like) which would float around getting smashed by as much debris as possible. The design would capture the objects that hit it, and then, after it was full, fire an engine to deorbit. Anything, though, would either take a long time or a ton of resources. In a case where it is highly dangerous or impossible to get satellites to orbit, it seems probable that something will be done, if not for space exploration for military endeavors. Until there seems to be a danger, probably we are just going to avoid leaving trash. That is the best solution.
  25. Me kooms ye's veet!* This is pretty neat. I have had fun writing up my own languages and studiying constructed languages like Esperanto. This makes me think a bit of the very strange and akward language Toki Pona. If you wish to go this route, you need to define things lest you run into its problems of incredible ambiguity when things become complex. As far as some of the other things, what sort of goals are you going for? Just fewer irregulars, fun, or some other goal? You lack a lot of tenses (like progressives, for instance) that are common (but unneeded, Esperanto has them but hardly uses them, for instance). I shall be curious to hear more about how this progresses. *This is not mean to violate any rule about posting in code or other languages to exclude forum members. If the moderation team view it as doing so, I can change it.
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