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Everything posted by Jockel

  1. Hey i don't know if anyone posted this report earlier, but since 1.0 Rapiers and all Jet engines uses their fuel source equally of the whole craft even these things aren't attached with fuel lines and because of that KER doesnt give the right amount of DeltaV out. It "thinks" these fuel sources aren't consumable, but the Rapier and the other Jet engines can reach it. I just want to help to notice the error Thank you for listening PS: If the error was reported before i apologize
  2. Yeah time acceleration in the near of an asteroid teleports the asteroid a bit
  3. So I had a contract to put a class E asteroid into Jools Orbit I've arrived at the asteroid and docked my vessel to it and i had to find out that i have a DeltaV of 26 ,but i throttled up and the asteroid overheats immediately and exploded I thought that the engines were far enough away from the asteroid to take me forward, but i havent aspect that it would explode due to overheating Does anyone else had a situation like this?
  4. What about this Feature? I haven't seen this in any video or in a stream and nobody knows what i mean so i posted this picture. is it in the final release or not? because i would like to see it in the beta
  5. Yeah cause Lyrik is streaming KSP wit 20k viewers ... but it is great publicity for the game
  6. I hope the Part Highlighting, like announced, is in the update, because it wasn't able to see in the trailer
  7. I'm so happy to be in such a cool community and playing such a lovely game And this Hype is amazing
  8. what is the matter with this? i mean it updates 4 or 5 times a day? and it is experimentals only
  9. wuhu my first forum post I'm totally hyped The playthrough video is going to be realesed soon and i think squad releases the update in a week
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