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Everything posted by Duracelle

  1. It's about 1.2 GB without ATM. with ATM I'm using this, B9, interstellar, better atmospheres, NEAR, and a few smaller mods.
  2. Thanks! From you, and a few others, that's a big deal!
  3. yep, this is exactly what i posted in the original post. this is just an aggregate mod. finally puts parts of the puzzle together, nothing more. that said, if i can help, i will, though my abilities are VERY limited.
  4. Take a look at known issues just reset to VAB and launch again. It will resolve.
  5. let me take a look, that sounds very strange. it might be related to that known issue for a first launch. were you tossed into oblivion at the start of your first launch? if yes, try reverting to VAB i know you were far in, but it should fix any issue like that, and it's a one time, per opening of the game thing. irritating, but i don't know how to get rid of it. also, new version is up
  6. this is why, eventually, i want to move over to kopernicus. unfortunately, i want to make sure it's done(and working) before doing so, so that i as easy of a time as possible. one day. otherwise, i seem to have it sorted, at least for the kerbin stuff. people can cancel absurd late game contracts. for now. what really irks me is that Kerbin is labeled as Kerbin, as the game looks for Kerbin most of the time. it seems like JUST THIS ONE THING, it's looking for something else.
  7. damn, no go. sorry medsouz actually, yours, in concert with Agustus', along with dragging the kaiser data into the main PF folder, and then editing the .system to have the planets ordered correctly, seems to have done it. haven't run into any later stuff yet either... fingers crossed.
  8. woot medsouz! if you are right, you are my hero again. seriously.
  9. Yep. The little bit of porting I've done in kopernicus isn't working at all, so I'm powering on here. I'm trying the angle of editing the contract system
  10. Thought of that. Problem there is it will make kerbin contracts work just fine, BUT it will cause the same issue with Laythe later in the game. It will fix early game stuff, but break late game even worse. Also as Erin is a Laythe clone, I'm not sure how it will handle the conflict there. im looking for a way to either forbid the PF stuff from contracts altogether, or to reprioritise the order the game looks at the clones, so that it will see kerbin before CZF. Unfortunately it's not as simple as alphabetical order, lol!
  11. Yeah, the why is nailed down pretty well, it's the how that I'm stumped on. Not sure how to exclude the PF stuff from early difficulties, and tie it to late game tech. Running right now with an attempt to make it all 'forbidden' for now.
  12. Working on it, if I delete the planet the kerbin stuff works, but then other planets have issues too working on it
  13. good question. are they working on kerbin still and it's a naming issue? or are they requiring work on CZF30?
  14. huh. still a lot more time for me to try and port this stuff over. maybe a future version.
  15. Maybe not, but like I said, I'd like to port this to kopernicus eventually, but kopernicus isn't up to the standard I want. I chose the mods I know, and could manipulate, and that I got to work. You should release what you made when it's done, and do so separately. There's room for more than just my mod here i don't have the luxury of time to change direction.
  16. But it IS limited to a stock number if planets, as it edits the stock planets, this leaves the stock system intact and only adds new planets, about 3x as many. Your mod is cool, it's not what I was looking for.
  17. If it uses rss, I'm out. Rss is limited to the number of planets, not does it support multiple light sources for solar arrays, etc. This mod adds nearly 3x the stock planets, and has a better light system. Plus RSS planets aren't the highest quality, or in the ksp art style.
  18. Do the stars work for solar panels? These ones work for solar panels, produce their own light etc. I'm not familiar with the other mods. This one worked with my knowledge base, so it's what I used.
  19. First, works in career for me and others... Not sure what would make it incompatible. Second, PFCE is what one of the original creators suggested Third, all creators who are around(everyone but krag) have been cool with this, and one even helped update it for 0.90, so yeah, they're ok with it.
  20. Heads up, I'm not a programmer, any bugs inherent to the root mods are present here too. Hope it works satisfactorily!
  21. It is updated! This is the 0.90 release! Edit. Oh you mean interstellar! If you don't mind long burns and huge ships, you can use conventional rockets too! (Bring a refueling ship!) It's about 60 years to dolas!
  22. screw you guys i'm going home. lol this is hilarious
  23. yes ish. not the level that they are on other planets, but for example the habitable planet around Dolas has Grasslands etc. I haven't tested them extensively, so i don't want to say definitively.
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