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Everything posted by fallout2077

  1. If you mean "unshielded parts" as in jettisoned fuel tanks, then yes, they most certainly burn up. Everything connected to the pod, however, stays intact throughout reentry. The only mods that I can think would actually affect physics are FAR, DRE, and Real Heat (per your suggestion). I will have to try adjusting those settings that you referred to, starting with the simple matter of adjusting difficulty. If that's not good enough for me, then I will start tweaking with the other settings. Thank you once again for your assistance. And Ser, yes, I do have Real Heat installed. It was kind of a necessity, because I was experiencing extreme heating during ascent and descent (in fact, 99% of the time I couldn't make it into space as a result of the killer heating). And during descent, I would blow up by 40-50km from the surface. So, Starwaster's suggestion that I try out Real Heat was the solution to those problems, and reentry returned to the same standard experience that I've been accustomed to since I started using DRE.
  2. Does the ablative shielding really only begin to wear off when reentering the atmosphere at speeds exceeding 2.5km/s? I ask because, so far, I only deplete about 4 or 5 points away from the shielding on the Mk1 Command Pod when reentering from an 85km Kerbin orbit. Now, I hate to sound extremely irritating, but I either have too hard of a time with the mod (you remember my griping not so long ago), or too easy of a time (as in now). So, that is why I ask if the shielding really only begins to eat away when reentering from speeds that relate to, say, returning from the Mun. So, if I am coming across as somebody who just can't be pleased, then I apologize. I just want to know if there is a speed when reentry really begins being "deadly".
  3. I was googling plume colors yesterday afternoon, and I saw that even the composition of the rocket nozzle plays a part in the color of the plume. Take for example a nozzle made from copper, which ejects an initial blast of green when ignited. Now, I don't see any mod going into that much detail in relation to plumage (which I perfectly understand), but it is a pretty cool that rocket exhaust, if even for a couple seconds, can be green.
  4. Yea! I can finally see Real Plumage, and I must say that it looks and sounds amazing. Great job, Felger!
  5. Hah, no problem, my friend. If I learned anything from the internet, I've learned that sarcasm is one of the many forms of human communication that doesn't travel well in text. Thus, I socialize with a more... monochromatic tone, if you will.
  6. I hate to say it, but I was a frickin' moron and I didn't actually have smokescreen installed (I forget as I am used to keeping that in my HotRockets folder in my KSP Mods folders. I forgot all about it when I installed Real Plume). But, I took the CKAN route, and everything on that front in installed. I'm sorry for being an idiot and cluttering up your thread with (most likely) pointless whining.
  7. I see not how my first paragraph is redundant if not lead by the last statement; not seeing red is a far less serious deal than not seeing any FX at all, at least in my opinion. And the mod only requires SmokeScreen, ModuleManager, Real Plume, and one of the config packs to along with it, correct? It all seemed pretty easy to install to me (hence making CKAN rather needless and a bit overkill, at least in my mind). I'm just not a big fan of CKAN, and I only use it on a limited basis (unless a mod author specifically instructs the user to do so on the OP). If you want people to install via CKAN, and you become "extra grumpy" if they do not, then I kindly recommend that you should tell them that in the OP. I apologize if any of this came across as a bit... short-tempered, if you will, I just wanted you to understand where I was coming from.
  8. As far as I know, ATM keeps a cache of the textures that it downgraded in a cache folder inside the ATM directory. You need only remove ATM from your GameData folder to revert the changes. If I am wrong, somebody please correct me, but I do believe that is how you go about undoing the changes that ATM makes.
  9. Did you try browsing for it on CKAN? If you have tried, and you didn't find it, then it most likely isn't on there, or not compatible with 1.0.4 (according to CKAN, anyway. I don't believe there are any issues with it in 1.0.4).
  10. Just out of curiosity, which engines include red exhaust? I ask because so far I have yet to encounter an engine with red exhaust. I have tried the LV-T45, the AIES Vulcan, and KW Rocketry's Wildcat-V. All have the stock blue-white exhaust. I have all of the prerequisites installed into the GameData directory, all up-to-date. Oh, by the way, I'm also not seeing any of the Real Plume FX.
  11. I see that there is a new version of FAR. I'm hoping that this will be the solution I've been looking for. Real Heat seems to have fixed my ascent and descent issues. The pod still heats up pretty high near the end of my ascent burn, as well as the fuel tank (probably pretty realistic outcomes of rocket ascent). So, all in all, thanks, Starwaster for sharing Real Heat and solving the problems I was experiencing!
  12. Hey Starwaster, could I request a link for Real Heat? While googling it,I found two different versions of Real Heat. The first hasn't been updated since January of this year, but was from the official WIP thread. The other is a version updated today that was on a Realism Overhaul GitHub page. The first and older file is 2mb, whilst the second file is only 32kb. Thanks again.
  13. Since first experiencing the problem, I've only been using the Mk1 Command Pod. So, no additional heatshield aside from what DRE adds to the pod.
  14. Isn't that what Jacke and I were referring to, ObessessedWithKSP? I know that's what I've been using since I discovered it yesterday afternoon.
  15. I launch with a TWR of 1.5-1.6, performing a gradual turn starting at 500m, and dipping at 10 degree intervals ever 1000m until I hit 10km, where I continue to slowly turn until I hit about 20-25 degrees on the navball. By 10km, I am traveling at 350-400m/s. Plus, I don't need to use fairings (well, you can't use them in the early game) if the top of the craft contains a Mk1 Command Pod with a parachute, do I? Well, with DRE, I am able to leave Kerbin but I have to take a much steeper climb than I am used to (incline the craft about 50 degrees until I am in space, rather than the usual 20 or 10 degrees by the time I am out of the atmosphere).
  16. I just saw that, too, Jacke. I've been waiting for Real Plume to be available outside of Realism Overhaul, and now that it is, I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl. I can't wait to apply some realistic-looking launch flames (the red-orange look that HotRockets provides)!
  17. Reentry difficulty is set to 100%. And I'll try setting Pe to 20 and see what that does. I'll get back to you shortly. Umm... I'd hate to sound ignorant, but where do you go to set "Pe" values? Oh wait... do you mean Pe as in Periapsis? Because, if so, I actually need to be able to enter space in order to worry about reentry. And right now, launching a rocket into space is proving rather impossible. Well, I removed DRE to see if that improved anything, and it has. I no longer overheat during ascent, and I can reenter the atmosphere from orbit and survive. Although DRE was very much sorely needed as I cringed when I was able to make it back to the surface without a heat shield (I used the Mk1 Command Pod without a heat shield, since I forgot that it doesn't have one built in (or maybe it does but it doesn't display ablator in the pod's context menu)). So, to sum it all up, I might have been able to ascend into space and reenter just fine, but surviving without a heat shield made it all feel too easy.
  18. Actually, my reentry profile was identical to what I used earlier (85km apoapsis 30km periapsis, coming from Kerbin 85km orbit). And I deleted and replaced the physics.cfg file, but no dice; I still overheat at or around 30km. I think the only reason why I entered space around Kerbin earlier was I kept having to adjust my TWR and get the heck out of Kerbin as quickly as possible, launching at quite a steep ascent profile (my gravity turn was the usual gradual gravity turn up until after 10km, where I held my rocket fairly steady at the aforementioned steep-ish angle). So, I'm not sure what's up with my install, aside from a theory that FAR and DRE are interacting strangely.
  19. Alrighty, done and done. I've since reinstalled KSP and my mods, and not only am I experiencing drastic heating on ascent, but upon undergoing reentry, the entry effects and shielding deterioration begin at 65km! Needless to say, the heat shield burns away and I blow up shortly thereafter. I've never seen that before. But, I will try out what you directed, and see what happens. Thank you, Starwaster.
  20. Thank you very much for the informative link, Felger. If there's one thing that HotRockets fails at, it's an inability to explain the layout of its complex config files. I'll have to delve into that guide when I get the chance. Once again, thanks!
  21. Hey, Starwaster. I might be experiencing a similar issue that MinimumSky is seeing. I don't see any visual re-entry effects upon re-entering Kerbin's atmosphere. I came in from an apoapsis of ~85km with a periapsis of ~30km, with no reentry effects to be seen nor any heating. I have replaced the physics.cfg file in the root KSP directory with the one you linked to above, as well as deleting all of my Module Manager caches, though to no avail. Thus, I shall post my output log as well as my modulemanger.configcache, in the hopes that you will be able to tell me what is up. https://www.dropbox.com/s/dxtwgt6hon6w2sv/ModuleManager.ConfigCache?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/dxoxlqpozzlxsmg/output_log.txt?dl=0 P.S. Earlier I had been experiencing extreme heating during ascent (so much so that my rocket would blow up at or around 30km), so I deleted my modulemanager cache files as well as the physics.cfg file. Although, at that point, I had not been to your thread yet to see the link to the physics.cfg file that you alluded to. Since then, I have replaced the physics.cfg with the file that you linked to in the above post.
  22. I have been waiting forever for RealPlume to be available outside of Realism Overhaul, and now my dream has been realized! I can't wait to try this out in-game. Just out of curiosity, would I still require HotRockets to see red/orange engine exhaust, or does RealPlume cover that area?
  23. I have tried making a config for KW Rocketry engines (based of Akira_R's configs), though to no avail. I tried opening up the Squad config for HotRockets and using that as a jumping off point for a new KW config, and inputting Akira_R's values in place of the Squad engine values, but no matter what the KW engine looks and behaves as if it were using the stock effects (white/blue flames and the like). Anybody know how to go about actually making configs for this amazing pack? A word from the author of HotRockets would be great, but anybody who knows their way around HotRockets configs (the new config layout, anyway) would be greatly appreciated.
  24. Hello, Starwaster. I asked Frizzank about the shiny chrome materials from his FASA pack and he directed me to you. So, my question is, how did you make them? Was it as easy as setting up a material in Blender and eventually exporting it into KSP, or what? Thank you for your time, and until next time, have a great day!

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