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  1. So AVP seems to work mostly well in 1.0.2 (Linux, 64bit) for me, though some strange things happen. I'm posting it here in hope that someone knows some ways to fix it. First of all, all the planets are definitely too bright. Not sure what part of config is responsible, I'll tune it down when I find it, but if anyone knows what causes it, I'd be thankful for a tip. Secondly, KSP started to stutter - every 3 or 4 seconds there's a very short but incredibly annoying pause in game and music. And finally, it broke my space telescope . Weird visual artifacts like these appear when you zoom in on a planet/moon.
  2. So wait... if I drop something in KIS, how am I going to pick it up again?
  3. No high-G forces needed; this is what I get when trying to take off with a stock plane. That, and collision sounds constantly playing when flying. No, the brakes are not on .
  4. It was me and from what I understand, CrewRosterFreezeFix should prevent this from happening - my post was about what to do when it does and the game bricks.
  5. Ok, found the problem. If you fire a Kerbal in Astronaut Complex that has logged an achievement (say, completed an orbit, etc.) then after some time it may disappear from the list of potential recruits, at which point it is removed from save - and then the UI breaks. Solution: find the missing Kerbal manually in your persistent.sfs and either remove it's name from the achievement or add it to the available Kerbals list. There's also apparently a fix for this bug that can be applied beforehand (but after it happens, save editing seems to be the only rescue).
  6. Fighting the same thing now. Also, in the middle of the process something corrupted ModuleManager's config cache leading to game freezing during loading of stock parts. Solution for that secondary problem: delete ModuleManager.ConfigCache file in GameData.
  7. I'm smeared between LV2 and LV5 - Mun/Minmus transfers are trivial, but I haven't been to another planet; I've watched a lot of Scott Manley and others, I help rather than aks questions but I'm nowhere near building a SSTO, nor had I ever landed a plane without crashing. I don't play anything else, and yet I haven't maxed out the tech tree on neither 0.90 nor 0.25. Anyway, I like the list .
  8. Well, part of the reason there was a plan during Space Race was that there was a clear and somewhat stable political goal there - beating Soviets to anything was something everyone in the office could agree on. Now NASA has to work in a political hurricane, where things change every few years. I recall some NASA guys saying between the lines (in some article I can't find now, so forgive lack of citation) that they basically design everything around still having something useful surviving when some politician decides that this particular thing is not going to space today. The cause for not being able to stick to anything long-term is external (and, ultimately, somewhat the responsibility of the public - it's one of the reasons NASA is investing so much in PR & media coverage lately; apart from inspiring a new generation of scientists and engineers, a potential mission that captures hearts and minds of many people will make it more difficult for some politician to cancel it because he can get more jobs in his district this way). With changing winds and unsure budget, it's really hard to have anything else than a very rough sketch for the future with lots of space to pivot.
  9. Achievements mod glitches when installed together with Final Frontier and Toolbar. Here are the details and reproduction steps. The problem is apparently that the Toolbar included in Achievements package conflicts with Toolbar one'd otherwise install. Removing the Achievements one helps. Note that having both Toolbars and no FF, or FF and no "normally installed" Toolbar, everything works fine. Since the game also complains that the Toolbar from Achievements is installed in an incorrect place, I think it would be a good idea to repackage Achievements mod so that it has 000_Toolbar under GameData directory, and not under GameData/Achievements directory. This should solve this problem for new installations.
  10. //EDIT3 SOLVED! I'm tracking down a weird bug. I launched a simple vessel with jet engine from the launchpad, but I forgot the air intakes. I tried to recover it - I get the money for the parts, but the vessel (and pilot) is still marked as an active flight. I can keep recovering from KSC or tracking station, I'll be getting money each time, but I can't launch anything - when I try, the game first asks if to recover the vessel already present, and after I do that it glitches so that I see random stuff like KSC or flat Earth texture. Also, every time I try to recover there's an error popping up in the debug console: Has anyone seen something like that before? Replicated it both in career and sandbox; in sandbox I had debug console up entire time, and when recovering I got 9 NullPointerExceptions and one InvalidObjectException like above. Specs: Win32, 0.90, OpenGL. New mods I installed, all fresh installs of most current version from today: - EVE - RPM w/ DLL update from forum - KAS - MKS/OKS - PlanetShine - Achievements - FinalFrontier - StationScience - Karbonite & Karbonite+ - SCANsat - DistantObject - RCS Sounds - Texture Replacer Other mods I had before, when I didn't experience the bug, also freshly installed for 0.90 and updated: - Aviation Lights - Chatterer - Enhanced Navball - Kerbal Engineer - Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Procedural Fairings - FPS Viewer //EDIT At the moment I'm bisecting the mods to narrow down the problem. //EDIT2 Narrowed it down to what looks like a weird interaction between Toolbar, Achievements and Final Frontier. //EDIT3 Found the problem. Achievements ships its own copy of 000_Toolbar in its directory, which generates this glitch if both Final Frontier and normal 000_Toolbar are installed. Remove any of them, the bug disappears. The solution is, of course, to delete the superfluous 000_Toolbar from the GameData/Achievements directory. Steps to reproduce: - install Achievements, Final Frontier and 000_Toolbar - start a new game, enter VAB - build a vessel (I used Command Pod Mk1, an FL-T400 Fuel Tank, a jet engine, a small parachute and 3x landing struts) - launch it (I checked on OpenGL mode) - fire stages - recover vessel You should get the Mission Summary window, but: - the Final Frontier Mission Summary window will not show up - the vessel will still be on launchpad
  11. I second Kerbal Joint Reinforcement to prevent Kraken from disassembling my space stations.
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