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Everything posted by duk

  1. Fantastic crafts I especially love the science smasher a neat design!
  2. yeah but the rovers dont really have anything interesting inside them but a bunch of clipped pieces and cramped seats
  3. Hi all I decided to start a master thread for my rovers instead of making a new post for all of them. In KSP I love to build rovers but I dont know what else to do with them :/ so I am releasing them. The Weasel(small pressurized rover) The weasel is my first refined design of a small pressurized rover. I tried to cut down on part count so I used the mk1 structural fuselage for the hull. A great rover for any mission seats 6 kerbals plus science experiments. Download: https://kerbalx.com/Duk/weasel The Mouse The Mouse is my attempt to make is smaller but also make it functional it seats 3 Kerbals and has a side docking port to dock with other rovers like the NASA spr. I recommend bringing two of these because of their size. DISCLAIMER: it is prone to flipping so be careful! Download: https://kerbalx.com/Duk/Mouse-rover The Aquarius refinery rover The Aquarius fills a missing gap in my rovers for a mobile ISRU to move between base or just a handy rover this was my first small rover and I think it is very neat.the ISRU is a trailer that can be separated and re-attached. It is a 4-seat rover that is bigger than my others so It might take a bigger Launcher. Download: https://kerbalx.com/Duk/Aquarius-isru-rover The Little Buffalo Since my other 3 rovers look the same I decided to make the seats of the rover visible I think it looks quite nice. It is a 1 seat science rover. It has a rollcage on the back to protect the science equipment. Warning do not time warp with it, it is a bug with the game not with my design. Download: https://kerbalx.com/Duk/little-buffalo The Bobcat The bobcat is my continuation of using antennas as cockpits I think it turned out quite nicely it can hold 5 kerbals and is supposed to be a larger exploration rover than my others following my same style from the buffalo. Enjoy Download= https://kerbalx.com/Duk/bobcat NASA Small Pressurized Rover I tried to make the NASA small pressurized rover as small as possible without losing the basic shape of the SPR. I think it turned out alright. It seats 2-4 Kerbals and science experiments in the middle compartment Download:https://kerbalx.com/Duk/Nasa-SPR The Gopher The gopher is the smallest cutest rover I have ever made. Only 25 parts. I recommend this for those with the tiniest budget or lander ever. And it makes for a great disposable rover. It seats 1 kerbal Download:https://kerbalx.com/Duk/The-Gopher Also feel free to leave some requests or ideas!
  4. just take a look at this guys stephen baxter recreation
  5. After my last rover the weasel I decided I need to go smaller, yes smaller I present to you the mouse a four wheel drive 3 seat kerbal exploration rover fit for any journey across the kerbol system (warning not liable for donut related incidents) link= https://kerbalx.com/Duk/Mouse-rover
  6. Here is my version of the constellation mars lander I saw the constellation pack discussion thread and decided I would make my own version. Im not that good with rockets but I decided to release this early for people that can launch this to duna. I have my weasel rover with a habitation module that drops down. (remember to extend the ladder to get into the hab first) The rover drop decoupler doesn't look good but I dont know ho else to get it down. The lander has 412 parts. I also have the skeleton available if anyone wants that to make the mav lander. I am working on the mav but havent found a version I like yet. Enjoy! Link:https://kerbalx.com/Duk/CONSTELLATION-LANDER-crewed ( by the way dont forget to add chutes)
  7. good Idea I am doing that right now
  8. 4 can fit barely inside it with their helmets sticking out. I could probably fit 6 inside but I chose to put science equipment back there.
  9. I present to you the latest in compactness and the leading cause of claustrophobia on kerbin the weasel! The weasel is a six seat exploration and science rover. I took heavy inspiration from majorjims old constellation pack small pressurized rover. Download link = https://kerbalx.com/Duk/weasel
  10. alright the download is up on kerbalx https://kerbalx.com/Duk/dyna-soar-that-works https://kerbalx.com/Duk/dyna-soar-space-station
  11. Thanks I'll have a download up soon
  12. I built a dyna-soar and a dyna-soar station the launch vehicles for the dyna-soar was a pain and I just settled on a regular design but none the less the outcome was I think good. https://imgur.com/a/MR5tk
  13. Incredible I cant wait for this. You have made alot of peoples wishes come true!
  14. Wow Incredible will the planets be oriented like in rss or in the stock game
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