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Everything posted by NightOwl07

  1. Hi all, I'm just getting back to KSP after a long absence (since 1.5). I used to run a heavily modded game and I do understand that not all mods I have are technically updated to 1.10 compatibility but a fair number have been reported to be fine between V1.8 - 1.10. Crashes happen on scene changes always, whether it's from flight to VAB or other way around. It happens at random intervals too, sometimes I can play for a few hours without problem other times it will crash constantly. I've tried installing a few mods at a time to isolate the problem but I run too many and having no luck pinning it down so far. Hoping someone more familiar with reading logs could help. [spoiler=mods] Airplane Plus (AirplanePlus 26.5) AT Utils (AT-Utils v1.9.6) B9 Part Switch (B9PartSwitch v2.17.0) BetterTimeWarpContinued (BetterTimeWarpCont Blast Awesomeness Modifier (BAM) (BAMCont Breaking Ground (BreakingGround-DLC 1.5.1) Buoyancy Control (BuoyancyControl Chatterer (Chatterer 0.9.99) ClickThrough Blocker (ClickThroughBlocker 1: Community Category Kit (CommunityCategoryKit Community Resource Pack (CommunityResourcePack Community Tech Tree (CommunityTechTree 1:3.4.2) Configurable Containers (ConfigurableContainers 2.6.1) Contract Configurator (ContractConfigurator 1.30.5) Custom Barn Kit (CustomBarnKit Deployable Engines Plugin (DeployableEngines 1.2.2) Docking Cam (DockingCamKURS Dynamic Battery Storage (DynamicBatteryStorage 2: Easy Vessel Switch (EVS) (EasyVesselSwitch 2.1) Final Frontier (FinalFrontier 1.10.0-3485) Firespitter Core (FirespitterCore v7.15) Firespitter Resources config (FirespitterResourcesConfig v7.15) Fuel Tanks Plus (FuelTanksPlus 2.0.2) Heat Control (HeatControl 0.5.2) Kerbal Actuators (KerbalActuators v1.8.3) Kerbal Alarm Clock (KerbalAlarmClock v3.13.0.0) Kerbal Attachment System (KAS 1.7) Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux Kerbal Inventory System (KIS 1.26) Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Next (KerbalJointReinforcementNext v4.1.15) Lithobrake Exploration Technologies (LithobrakeExplorationTechnologies 0.4) L-Tech Scientific Industries Continued (LTechContinued 1:0.5.2) Making History (MakingHistory-DLC 1.10.1) Mark IV Spaceplane System (MarkIVSpaceplaneSystem 3.1.2) Mkerb Inc. Science Instruments (MkerbIncScienceInstruments 1.1) Modular Rocket Systems (ModularRocketSystem 1.13.2) Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.1.4) Near Future Aeronautics (NearFutureAeronautics 2.0.0) Near Future Electrical (NearFutureElectrical 1.1.3) Near Future Electrical - Decaying RTGs (NearFutureElectrical-DecayingRTGs 1.1.3) Near Future Electrical Core (NearFutureElectrical-Core 1.1.3) Near Future Exploration (NearFutureExploration 1.0.10) Near Future IVA Props (NearFutureProps 1:0.6.3) Near Future Launch Vehicles (NearFutureLaunchVehicles 2.0.3) Near Future Propulsion (NearFuturePropulsion 1.2.2) Near Future Solar (NearFutureSolar 1.2.3) Near Future Solar Core (NearFutureSolar-Core 1.2.3) Near Future Spacecraft (NearFutureSpacecraft 1.3.3) Near Future Spacecraft - LFO Engines (NearFutureSpacecraft-OrbitalLFOEngines 1.3.3) Real Plume (RealPlume 2:v13.3.2) Real Plume - Stock Configs (RealPlume-StockConfigs v4.0.2) RealChute Parachute Systems (RealChute v1.4.8) ReStock (ReStock 1.2.1) ReStock+ (ReStockPlus 1.2.1) SafeChute (SafeChute v2.1.20) SCANsat (SCANsat v20.4) scatterer (Scatterer 3:v0.0632) Scatterer Default Config (Scatterer-config 3:v0.0632) Scatterer Sunflare (Scatterer-sunflare 3:v0.0632) Simple Adjustable Fairings - KW Rocketry Pack (SimpleAdjustableFairings-KWRocketry v1.3.0) Simple Adjustable Fairings - Plugin (SimpleAdjustableFairings v1.11.0) SmokeScreen - Extended FX Plugin (SmokeScreen Snacks (Snacks v1.25.2) SpaceTux Library (SpaceTuxLibrary SpacetuxSA (SpacetuxSA StageRecovery (StageRecovery Station Science Continued (StationScienceContinued v2.6.0) ToadicusToolsContinued (ToadicusToolsContinued Toolbar (Toolbar 1: Toolbar Controller (ToolbarController 1: TriggerAu Flags (TriggerAu-Flags v2.10.0.0) UnKerballed Start (UnKerballedStart 1.2.0) Waypoint Manager (WaypointManager Zero MiniAVC (ZeroMiniAVC 1: [/spoiler] Log is attached here https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmoPuiIIjoyFhMFo-ayUtalae51H0Q?e=YP1U02 Thank you all
  2. Hello everyone, I've tried searching but haven't seen what I was looking for yet. Is there a mod that reduces explosions? For example on re-entry/exceeding heat tolerance have parts such as solar panels simply disintegrate rather than a violent explosion we have now? Having things go boom is fun for the first while but there's a certain beauty to have a large obsolete satellite re-enter and simply melt away.... Best, Daniel.
  3. Confirming that chute deployment works as intended in ejection and bailing out, and works appropriately depending on conscious vs unconsciousness. I like how it ended up being more realistic to life in the end. Ejection module is almost a must on jets, on prop planes bailing is a fair option but definitely has its risks.
  4. YES! This is exactly it! Just tested, the way I used to jump my kerbal often gets hit by a wing or an engine on his/her way out, chute does not work. If I take care to avoid being struck the chute works beautifully. I don't know if this can be done, but it might be interesting to prevent unconscious kerbals from deploying chutes with an on-screen warning message stating something to that effect.
  5. Tested on fresh install with no other mods. Ejector seat works as intended. Space+F now opens the chute, however parachute does slow descent if sequence is initiated with a manual EVA. Testing done with stock aircraft. Log file attached here. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0AjZ7cEYuHTT3NkcTJwclh6UEE
  6. Thanks! Space+F now deploys the chute but the kerbal still face plants. This was tested on a version of the game with only Asteroid Day installed. I'm going to do a fresh install of the game tonight, in case something was borked along the way.
  7. The three scenario I've tried: 1. Eject through ejection module - Kerbal automatically thrown free of aircraft, parachute automatically deploys and functions as intended, landing speed ~5m/s. Sequence happens quickly enough that I don't have time for testing manual inputs in between. 2. EVA -> jump with space -> deploy chute with context menu - parachute deploys visually but does not function, landing speed ~70m/s. 3. EVA -> jump and deploy with Space+F - Kerbal jumps off aircraft, however chute does not deploy visually no matter how many more times key combination is pressed. Landing speed ~70m/s
  8. Can confirm. Parachute works perfectly through the ejection module but not manual deployment through EVA.
  9. Thanks for checking it out. The way I did was (because I don't have ejection module reseached) to EVA then deploy the chute manually through context menu. The chute deploys but does not function. I will test the ejection module in sandbox later today.
  10. Yes, here is one https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0AjZ7cEYuHTakhoVGJWUVltd2M It doesn't seem to work with any of the planes/rockets I've built, this is the one I used most recently.
  11. Sorry! Link to the file is here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0AjZ7cEYuHTUVp6ZHNqNkdRYzQ
  12. Hi everyone, Bit of a bug report, I'm using the 1.10.1 version in 1.2.2 and the chute deploys as intended without slowing anything down, my Kerbals faceplant at terminal velocity. Log file attached. Thanks!
  13. Go into your steam library, right click on KSP, choose "properties". Under the "general" tab click "Launch Options" and type in either -force-d3d11 or -force-opengl d3d11 works well for me, but try both and see which one works for you with the least amount of glitching.
  14. Hello everyone, Not really a legend in my own mind more like..... aimless wanderer. I have a B.Sc (Hon) from the University of Toronto in pathology (2013) and I'm currently working towards an M.D. at the University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario), class of 2017 if all goes well. Had no idea what I wanted to do coming out of high school and was scratching my head over engineering or comp sci. In the end I went with the study of all things squishy mainly because of the pathology program offered a chance to study not only how things work but how living systems fail. It's been a wild ride ever since.
  15. Yeah KSP is currently 32 bit only and will crash at ~3.5-3.7 gb ram usage. Having said that I have never had a problem with memory leaks and if I launch with ~2.8gb I can usually play through without crashing at all. Try a stock install some time and then add the mods in one at a time? Good chance 1.1 will fix some issues (and very hopeful that it's x64 so no more RAM issues...)
  16. Sorry I don't know about multiple sentinels, the impression I got is that it doesn't matter how many you have. The only time I got that close ot the sun is an insane contract requiring me to put a satellite in low and highly inclined orbit around the sun. I did it with ion engines, it's tricky but Eve aerobraking or sling shot might be another option if you can set it up.
  17. Just to double check, is the satellite orbiting in the right direction? ^ Ninja'ed
  18. Looks like my forced Dx11 is the culprit here. Unfortunately it's just about the only way I can play KSP without hitting the RAM cap. If anyone knows of a way to get around this please let me know!
  19. Hi everyone, just a quick post to ask if anyone knows anything about Kerbal text being all misaligned and hard to read (Image attached here). I can't recall how it happened, but it is happening with every launch..... Thanks!
  20. Until x64 comes out and removes the 3.7gb RAM limit I seem to have had a lot of luck running KSP under forced Dx11. I used to be at ~3.5gb on launch and crash constantly, under DX11 i'm at ~1.9 and have no issues with glitches/crashes that I've noticed *fingers crossed*
  21. Glad it helped. Here's my file if anyone's interested. I do have some mods installed but basic premise is to use the same first tier categories as default, then sub categories are all my own (parts may not go into the same first tier as default though). CUSTOM_PARTLIST_CATEGORY { categoryName = Command icon = stockIcon_pods SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Crewed icon = RDicon_commandmodules PARTS { part = seatExternalCmd part = mk1pod part = landerCabinSmall part = Mark1-2Pod part = mk2LanderCabin part = cupola part = crewCabin part = mk3CrewCabin part = mk2CrewCabin part = Mark1Cockpit part = Mark2Cockpit part = mk2Cockpit.Standard part = mk2Cockpit.Inline part = mk3Cockpit.Shuttle part = KAXmedCockpit } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Probes icon = R&D_node_icon_unmannedtech PARTS { part = HECS2.ProbeCore part = SYprobe3m part = mk2DroneCore part = probeCoreHex part = probeCoreOcto part = probeCoreOcto2 part = probeCoreCube part = roverBody part = probeStackSmall part = probeStackLarge part = SYprobe5m part = probeCoreSphere } } } CUSTOM_PARTLIST_CATEGORY { categoryName = Fuel Tanks icon = R&D_node_icon_fuelsystems SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Adapter Tanks icon = RDicon_largeVolumeContainment PARTS { part = KWFuelAdapter2x1 part = KWFuelAdapter2x1S part = KWFuelAdapter3x1 part = KWFuelAdapter3x1S part = KWFuelAdapter3x2 part = KWFuelAdapter3x2S part = KWFuelAdapter5x2 part = KWFuelAdapter5x3 part = SYtank5m3mAdapter part = fuelLine part = adapterSize3-Mk3 part = adapterSize2-Mk2 part = adapterSize2-Size1 part = adapterSize2-Size1Slant part = adapterMk3-Size2 part = adapterMk3-Size2Slant part = noseConeAdapter } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Tank Body icon = stockIcon_fueltank PARTS { part = KW1mtankL0.5 part = KW1mtankPancake part = KW1mtankL1 part = KW1mtankL2 part = KW1mtankL4 part = KW2mtankL0.5 part = KW2mtankL1 part = KW2mtankPancake part = KW2mtankL2 part = KW2mtankL4 part = KW2mtankL4A part = KW3mtankL0.5 part = KW3mtankL1 part = KW3mtankL2 part = KW3mtankPancake part = KW3mtankL4 part = KW3mtankL4A part = KW2Sidetank part = KW3Sidetank part = KW5mtankL05 part = KW5mtankL1.5 part = KW5mtankL3.5 part = miniFuelTank part = toroidalFuelTank part = SYtank3mCone part = SYtank3mCone2 part = SYtank5mCone2 part = SYtank5mL01875 part = SYtank5mL0375 part = SYtank5mL0750 part = SYtank5mL1125 } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Monoprop icon = stockIcon_cmdctrl PARTS { part = RCSTank1-2 part = rcsTankMini part = RCSFuelTank part = KW1mRCSfuel part = KW2mRCSfuel part = KW3mRCSfuel part = rcsTankRadialLong part = radialRCSTank } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Advanced icon = stockIcon_propulsion PARTS { part = TPtank1mL00938-Nuke part = TPtank1mL01875-Nuke part = TPtank1mL03750-Nuke part = LargeTank part = nuclearfuel-25 part = nuclearfuel-125 part = nuclearfuel-0625 part = xenonTank part = xenonTankRadial part = xenonTankLarge part = TPtank2mL01875-Nuke part = TPtank2mL03750-Nuke part = TPtank2mL07500-Nuke part = SmallTank part = TPtank3mL03750-Nuke } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Aircraft icon = R&D_node_icon_aerospacetech PARTS { part = KAXmedJetFuel part = MK1Fuselage part = mk2.1m.Bicoupler part = mk2Fuselage part = mk2FuselageShortLiquid part = mk2FuselageShortMono part = mk2FuselageLongLFO part = mk2FuselageShortLFO part = mk2SpacePlaneAdapter part = mk2.1m.AdapterLong part = mk3FuselageLF.50 part = mk3FuselageLF.100 part = mk3FuselageLF.25 part = mk3FuselageMONO part = mk3FuselageLFO.50 part = mk3FuselageLFO.100 part = mk3FuselageLFO.25 part = adapterSize2-Mk2 part = adapterSize2-Size1 part = adapterSize2-Size1Slant part = TPcone1m1 part = TPcone1m2 part = adapterMk3-Size2 part = adapterMk3-Size2Slant part = adapterSize3-Mk3 part = adapterMk3-Mk2 part = noseConeAdapter } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Advanced Multifuel icon = stockIcon_fueltank PARTS { part = TPtank1mL05625 part = TPcone1m1 part = TPcone1m2 part = TPtank1mL00313 part = TPtank3mL05625 part = TPdome3m part = TPtank3mL00938 part = TPtank3mL11250 part = TPcone3m part = TPtank3mL15000 part = TPtank0mL00175 part = TPtank0mL00700 part = TPtank0mL01350 part = TPtankCube050 part = TPtankCube075 part = TPtankCube125 part = TPtankTri part = TPtank0mL01875 part = TPcone2m part = TPdome2m part = fuelTank3-2 part = TPtank2mL15000 part = TPtank2mL05625 part = TPtank2mL00469 part = TPtank2mL11250 part = TPtankR01 part = TPtankR02 part = TPtankR03 } } } CUSTOM_PARTLIST_CATEGORY { categoryName = Engines icon = stockIcon_engine SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = SRB icon = stockIcon_engine PARTS { part = solidBooster1-1 part = KWsrbGlobeI part = KWsrbGlobeV part = KWsrbGlobeVI part = KWsrbGlobeX part = KWsrbGlobeX2 part = KWsrbGlobeX5 part = KW2mengineSPS part = KWsrbUllageLarge part = omsEngine part = solidBooster part = solidBooster.sm part = MassiveBooster part = sepMotor1 part = SYSRB.0625L5 part = SYSRB.0625L6R part = SYSRB.0625L9 part = SYSRBradial01 part = SYejectatron part = SYSRB.1875S part = SYSRB.1875L part = SYSRB.1875X part = SYSRB.25S part = SYSRB.25L part = SYSRB.25X23 part = KWsrbUllage } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Liquid Fuel icon = R&D_node_icon_advrocketry PARTS { part = smallRadialEngine part = liquidEngineMini part = bahaSRadialEngine part = Size3AdvancedEngine part = KW1mengineMaverick1D part = KW2mengineMaverickV part = KW3mengineTitanT1 part = KW1mengineVestaVR1 part = KW2mengineVestaVR9D part = KW1mengineWildCatV part = KW3mengineWildcarXR part = Size2LFB part = microEngine part = radialEngineMini part = liquidEngine3 part = liquidEngine part = liquidEngine2 part = bdMiniJet part = radialLiquidEngine1-2 part = engineLargeSkipper part = liquidEngine2-2 part = liquidEngine1-2 part = Size3EngineCluster part = SYengine1mK1 part = SYengine2mM1 part = SYengine5mM5 part = SYengine5mM9 part = SYengine2mR1 part = SYengine5mR5 part = SYengine5mR7 part = bahaTrrEngine part = bahaRetractEngine } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Advanced icon = R&D_node_icon_nuclearpropulsion PARTS { part = critterCrawler part = ionEngine part = nuclearEngine } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Aircraft icon = R&D_node_icon_hypersonicflight PARTS { part = KAXsportprop part = RAPIER part = KAXradialprop part = KAXelectricprop part = JetEngine part = KAXjumpJet part = turboFanEngine part = KAXkueyEngine part = KW3mengineGriffonXX part = KW2mengineGriffonG8D part = KAXturboprop part = toroidalAerospike part = bd125vectorjet part = KAXkueyTailRotor } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Compressor icon = R&D_node_icon_heavyaerodynamics PARTS { part = CircularIntake part = nacelleBody part = radialEngineBody part = MK1IntakeFuselage part = ramAirIntake part = shockConeIntake part = IntakeRadialLong part = airScoop } } } CUSTOM_PARTLIST_CATEGORY { categoryName = Control icon = stockIcon_cmdctrl SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = SAS icon = R&D_node_icon_advflightcontrol PARTS { part = advSasModule part = asasmodule1-2 part = avionicsNoseCone part = KWSASmodule2mHalf part = KWSASmodule3mHalf part = KWSASmodule5mHalf part = sasModule part = SYsasR3m part = SYsasR5m } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = RCS icon = RDicon_propulsion-precision PARTS { part = KWrcsPod part = KWrcsQuad part = KWrcsQuad45 part = linearRcs part = RetRCSBlockC part = RetRCSBlock part = RCSBlock part = SYoms1 part = SYoms2 part = SYrcs1 part = vernierEngine } } } CUSTOM_PARTLIST_CATEGORY { categoryName = Structural icon = stockIcon_structural SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Stack icon = R&D_node_icon_automation PARTS { part = KWFlatadapter2x1 part = KWFlatadapter3x1 part = KWFlatadapter3x2 part = strutCube part = adapterSmallMiniTall part = adapterSmallMiniShort part = Size3to2Adapter part = structuralPanel1 part = structuralPanel2 part = structuralIBeam2 part = structuralIBeam3 part = structuralIBeam1 part = trussAdapter part = trussPiece1x part = trussPiece3x part = strutOcto part = largeAdapter part = largeAdapter2 part = stationHub part = SYplate2m1mX0 part = SYplate2m1mX1 part = SYadapter3-2-1 part = SYplate3m1mX5 part = SYplate3m1mX7 part = SYplate3m2mX1 part = SYadapter4-2-1 part = SYplate5m2mX2 part = SYplate5m3mX1 part = SYadapter4-3 part = SYplate5m2m1mX8 part = SYadapter5x4 part = structuralMiniNode part = stackTriCoupler part = stackBiCoupler part = adapterLargeSmallBi part = stackQuadCoupler part = adapterLargeSmallTri part = adapterLargeSmallQuad } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Decouplers icon = R&D_node_icon_advconstruction PARTS { part = KW1mDecouplerShroud part = KW1mDecoupler part = KW2mDecouplerShroud part = KW2mDecoupler part = KWadapter2x1 part = KW3mDecouplerShroud part = KW3mDecoupler part = KWadapter3x2 part = KW5mDecouplerShroud part = KW5mStageDecoupler part = KW5x3AdapterShroud part = radialDecoupler1-2 part = KW3mPetalAdapter part = decoupler1-2 part = structuralPylon part = SYdecouplerRadial1 part = SYdecouplerRadial2 part = SYdecoupler5m part = SYseparator3m part = SYseparator5m part = stackDecoupler part = stackSeparator part = stackSeparatorMini part = stackDecouplerMini part = size3Decoupler part = stackSeparatorBig part = radialDecoupler part = radialDecoupler2 } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Aircraft icon = R&D_node_icon_aerospacetech PARTS { part = KAXmedFuselage part = KAXmedTail part = Mk1FuselageStructural part = airplaneTail part = airplaneTailB part = MK1IntakeFuselage } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Radial icon = R&D_node_icon_generalconstruction PARTS { part = stackPoint1 part = strutConnector part = strutConnectorHeavy part = strutConnectorMedium part = smallHardpoint part = SYclamp1 part = launchClamp1 } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Storage icon = stockIcon_subassemblies PARTS { part = mk2CargoBayS part = mk2CargoBayL part = mk3CargoBayL part = mk3CargoBayS part = mk3CargoBayM part = ServiceBay.125 part = ServiceBay.250 part = SYbay3m2m part = KIS.Container2 part = KIS.Container3 part = KIS.Container1 part = KIS.ContainerMount1 } } } CUSTOM_PARTLIST_CATEGORY { categoryName = Aerodynamic icon = stockIcon_aerodynamics SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Wings icon = R&D_node_icon_aerodynamicsystems PARTS { part = AdvancedCanard part = winglet part = basicFin part = wingShuttleDelta part = wingShuttleStrake part = deltaWing part = R8winglet part = wingShuttleRudder part = winglet3 part = airlinerMainWing part = airlinerTailFin part = KWFinGC part = KWFin part = delta.small part = CanardController part = structuralWing part = structuralWing2 part = structuralWing3 part = structuralWing4 part = sweptWing1 part = sweptWing2 part = sweptWing part = tailfin part = wingConnector part = wingConnector2 part = wingConnector3 part = wingConnector4 part = wingConnector5 part = wingStrake part = B9.Aero.Wing.Procedural.TypeA } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Fairings icon = R&D_node_icon_advaerodynamics PARTS { part = KW1mNoseCone part = KW1mFairingPF part = KW1mFairingPFE part = KW2mSRBNoseCone part = KW2mNoseCone part = KW2mFairingPF part = KW2mFairingPFE part = KW3mNoseCone part = KW3mFairingPF part = KW3mFairingPFE part = KW5mNoseCone part = KW5mFairingPF part = KW5mFairingPFE part = pointyNoseConeA part = pointyNoseConeB part = fairingSize1 part = fairingSize2 part = fairingSize3 part = noseCone part = rocketNoseCone part = standardNoseCone part = SYfairingBase5mP } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Reentry icon = fuels_oxidizer PARTS { part = airbrake1 part = HeatShield1 part = HeatShield2 part = HeatShield3 part = SYheatShield5m } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Parachutes icon = R&D_node_icon_survivability PARTS { part = radialDrogue part = parachuteSingle part = parachuteLarge part = parachuteDrogue part = parachuteRadial part = RC.cone part = RC.cone.double part = RC.radial part = RC.stack } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Control Surfaces icon = R&D_node_icon_stability PARTS { part = R8winglet part = wingShuttleElevon1 part = wingShuttleElevon2 part = wingShuttleRudder part = winglet3 part = StandardCtrlSrf part = elevon2 part = elevon3 part = smallCtrlSrf part = elevon5 part = airlinerCtrlSrf part = airlinerTailFin part = KWFinGC part = KWFin part = CanardController part = tailfin part = B9.Aero.Wing.Procedural.TypeC part = B9.Aero.Wing.Procedural.TypeB } } } CUSTOM_PARTLIST_CATEGORY { categoryName = Utilities icon = stockIcon_utility SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Docking Ports icon = R&D_node_icon_specializedconstruction PARTS { part = KW3mDockingRing part = dockingPort2 part = dockingPort3 part = dockingPortLarge part = dockingPort1 part = dockingPortLateral part = mk2DockingPort part = SYdocking3m part = SYdocking5m } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Batteries icon = R&D_node_icon_advelectrics PARTS { part = battery-375 part = battery-25 part = battery-0625 part = battery-125 part = battery-rad-125 part = capacitor-rad-0625 part = capacitor-rad-0625-2 part = capacitor-0625 part = capacitor-125 part = capacitor-25 part = KWRadBattLargeL part = KWRadBattLargeS part = KWRadBattSmallL part = KWRadBattSmallS part = batteryPack part = batteryBank part = batteryBankMini part = ksp.r.largeBatteryPack part = batteryBankLarge } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Generators icon = R&D_node_icon_experimentalelectrics PARTS { part = FuelCell part = FuelCellArray part = largeSolarPanel part = solarpanel-deploying-1x4-1 part = solarpanel-deploying-2x3-1 part = solarpanel-deploying-1x4-2 part = solarpanel-deploying-2x1-2 part = solarpanel-deploying-1x3-1 part = solarpanel-deploying-2x1-1 part = reactor-0625 part = reactor-25 part = reactor-375 part = reactor-125 part = reactor-25-2 part = solarpanel-curved-25-1 part = solarpanel-curved-375-1 part = solarpanel-blanket-2 part = solarpanel-blanket-1 part = solarPanels4 part = solarPanels3 part = solarPanels5 part = LgRadialSolarPanel part = rtg-0625 part = rtg part = solarpanel-static-truss-2 part = solarpanel-static-truss-1 part = solarpanel-curved-deploying-25-1 part = solarPanels2 part = solarPanels1 part = solarpanel-deploying-1x5-2 part = solarpanel-deploying-1x5-1 part = solarpanel-deploying-circular-1 } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Thermal icon = R&D_node_icon_experimentalrocketry PARTS { part = radPanelLg part = radPanelSm part = foldingRadLarge part = foldingRadMed part = foldingRadSmall part = heatInsulator-125-1 part = heatInsulator-25-1 part = heatInsulator-375-1 part = BD.Adj.LG.Side part = heatExchanger-125-1 part = heatExchanger-25-1 part = radiator-universal-1 part = radiator-universal-3 part = radiator-universal-2 part = heatPipe part = radiator-surface-125-1 part = radiator-surface-25-1 part = radiator-surface-375-1 part = radiator-fixed-2 } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Wheels icon = R&D_node_icon_fieldscience PARTS { part = roverWheel1 part = roverWheel2 part = roverWheel3 part = wheelMed } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Landing icon = R&D_node_icon_advlanding PARTS { part = KAXheavyGear part = miniLandingLeg part = landingLeg1 part = landingLeg1-2 part = GearMedium part = GearLarge part = SYlandingLeg1 part = SYlandingLeg2 part = GearFixed part = GearFree part = SmallGearBay part = BD.Adj.LG.Large part = BD.Adj.LG.Medium } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Mining icon = R&D_node_icon_highaltitudepropulsion PARTS { part = RadialDrill part = ISRU part = nuclear-recycler-25 } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Attachment Systems icon = R&D_node_icon_advmetalworks PARTS { part = KAS.CPort1 part = KAS.Strut1 part = KAS.Hook.Anchor part = KAS.Hook.GrapplingHook part = KAS.Hook.Harpoon part = KAS.Winch1 part = KAS.Winch2 part = KIS.electricScrewdriver part = KIS.evapropellant part = KIS.bomb1 part = kis.concreteBase1 part = KAS.Pylon1 part = KIS.guide part = KIS.wrench } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Misc icon = R&D_node_icon_sciencetech PARTS { part = GrapplingDevice part = bdSpotlightTurret part = spotLight1 part = spotLight2 part = LaunchEscapeSystem part = ladder1 part = telescopicLadder part = telescopicLadderBay } } } CUSTOM_PARTLIST_CATEGORY { categoryName = Science icon = stockIcon_science SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Station Science icon = R&D_node_icon_start PARTS { part = StnSciKibJr part = StnSciExperiment5 part = StnSciExperiment4 part = StnSciExperiment6 part = StnSciExperiment1 part = StnSciExperiment2 part = StnSciExperiment3 part = StnSciKib part = Large.Crewed.Lab part = StnSciSpectro part = StnSciLab part = StnSciZoo part = StnSciCyclo } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Science Instruments icon = RDicon_telescope PARTS { part = sensorThermometer part = sensorGravimeter part = dmXRay part = sensorAccelerometer part = sensorBarometer part = dmDAN part = dmRoverMat part = dmRoverGoo part = rpwsAnt part = EngineerChip part = dmmagBoom part = Engineer7500 part = GooExperiment part = dmbioDrill part = dmASERT part = dmGoreSat part = dmsurfacelaser part = dmSolarCollector part = sensorAtmosphere part = dmscope part = dmSoilMoisture part = science.module part = InfraredTelescope } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Communications icon = R&D_node_icon_advunmanned PARTS { part = longAntenna part = mediumDishAntenna part = HighGainAntenna part = commDish } } SUBCATEGORY { categoryName = Scanner icon = stockIcon_techlevel PARTS { part = SCANsat.Scanner part = dmImagingPlatform part = dmAnomScanner part = SurfaceScanner part = SCANsat.Scanner2 part = SCANsat.Scanner32 part = OrbitalScanner part = SurveyScanner part = SCANsat.Scanner24 } } }
  22. Have you tried the option of creating custom tabs? The system they have in game allows subcategories under each major category so you can group parts however you like (one part can go into multiple categories as well). It takes a while to set up because parts needed to be added one-by-one but once done it's amazing.
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