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Everything posted by NightOwl07

  1. My best and worst mission was the same one. I had sent Valentina to the Mun but having screwed up my descent I was dangerously short of fuel and had no chance of getting back into orbit again let alone perform a rendezvous with my command module. She became the first Kerbal to leave Kerbin orbit, first to land on another body, first to plant a flag, and first to get stranded. Not willing to simply revert, I launched a rescue mission. The payload consisted of a service module with probe core, batteries, solar panels, reaction wheel, and three docking ports. In flight I would move two medium sized 1.25m tanks (launched with the core) and docked them along side the core in a sort of skycrane configuration with 4 down-facing 22-77 "Twitch" engines. The probe core also has a docking port on the bottom, used to dock with the port at the top of my lander. I managed to deorbit about 3km from Valentina's landing site and spent probably 5 minutes gently floating the rescue ship over the lander's docking port and FINALLY managed a connection. After fuel transfer is complete Valentina was able to complete the rest of her mission without incident and safely return to Kerbin.
  2. Hello everyone, I'm having two (possibly separate problems) with the 1.0.2 build. The first one being much more frequent crashes than I had in 0.90 despite running fewer mods. I'm aware of the 32bit RAM limit and some memory leak issues and use ATM but if someone could kindly check my logs to make sure it's not due to another issue I'd really appreciate it. The second issue is that the log shows rendering device as my Intel HD 4000 chipset. My laptop also has a GT630M for gaming purposes but it seems like even though I have NVIDIA driver settings set to force KSP to run with the graphics card it is still using the integrated chipset, would anyone know anything about that? Here are the stats/specs: KSP: 1.0.2 Windows 32 bit Mods installed: Active Texture Management, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Kerbal Engineering, Chatterer, Final Frontier, Kerbal Inventory Systems, Real Chute, Scansat, Stage Recovery, DMagic Orbital Science, KAX, Infernal Robotics, NovaPunch2, SpaceY Heavy Lifters, Station Science Crashes can't be reliably reproduced, does not appear to be associated with any mod specifically. RAM usage at crash typically ~3.4-3.6 gb but it seems like it doesn't like to crash when i have task manager open, only when I'm not checking.... Log file here: http://www./view/n26mngnnrtphx68/output_log.txt Thanks in advance guys! NightOwl
  3. Hi guys, I noticed a bug recently where I cannot exceed ~40m/s speed at launch while having RealChute. I have a set of stock MK2 radial chutes on the sides and it appears to cause excessive drag. If I remove the chutes my rocket flies just fine, if I keep the chutes but remove RealChute my rocket also flies fine. Has anyone else noticed this?
  4. Here is kind of how I see the stock game vs mods. Stock game should be full featured and functional on its own, mods are for customization. Here's what I mean. Squad, like any other game company, has every right to add features to make their game more complete and fulfill their vision of how the game should be. Whether the features were there in pre-planning or were inspired by something they saw is not relevant. Game companies however are limited by the diversity of their player base, they have to balance the population that want to see Kerbal as a hardcore sim vs those who would rather lob things and watch them blow up with simplified physics, and everything in between (I for example, can't live without FAR, fairings, engine mods, station science, etc, but don't really care too much about 100% accurate reentry heat). The game made is necessarily a sort of compromise product that is 80% good for everyone but perfect for no one. Alternatively, every aspect of the game would have multiple sliders governing its behaviour, not only is it impractical it's probably prone to unexpected behaviour since it will be nearly impossible to test all setting combinations. This is where mods fit in. They don't need to form core parts of gameplay to stay relevant. They should be there to enhance aspects of the game for those who want it while the stock game handles the rest in a compromised but acceptable form. Having features integral to the core game can also help to reduce bloat and help with performance by making the code easier to streamline and play nice with each other. I currently have 30+ mods that I need to update with each new version (and breaks my save game if any are incompatible). I will continue to use things like FAR and SCANsat for those aspects of the game I really enjoy, and I'm more than happy to see stock improve those areas that I wouldn't otherwise get a mod for. Just my two cents.
  5. Haha I do that too. I often try to use the smallest rocket/fastest mission time I can which can involve fulfilling contract criteria from multiple contracts out of sequence. I've resorted to working out the mission plan on actual note pads to keep everything straight. Makes me feel like an actual mission planner
  6. Was using the short one (A I think it was). Any known mod conflicts? I've got quite a few going but all are very popular mods....
  7. If you get close enough to the container mount and right click on it there should be an option that says "store".
  8. Hi guys, I'm having the same problem. It looks like instead of the object being on the Kerbal's back it spawns in space. The object is not in orbit but stationary at the altitude where you initiated the grab. If you go into tracking it'll show as debris and can be "recovered" even though it's no where near Kerbin's surface... Any ideas? P.S. storage of objects during EVA is fine. Detaching an external object then mounting it somewhere else is also fine, it's just the "picking up" from a container part that's got gremlins.
  9. You can fly at ~1km altitude, drop payload, and circle within range until the probe lands. That way you don't have to worry about chute deployment much and it can just open at the standard 500m.
  10. Yes! JUST made it by a day or so. Clearly not procrastinating hard enough. Need to practice that art more.
  11. Hi all. Been a long time lurker on the boards and thought I should finally join the community. Started playing a while back in 0.17 and really got hooked. Not much beats lobbing rockets into orbit by the seat of your pants in relieving stress from school/work! Cheers and happy (late) new year!
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