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Everything posted by RCgothic

  1. B1049 also going up again for the 7th time this weekend!
  2. So on the previous test-fire there was pad debris, it wasn't taken seriously enough, and it bit SN8 on the ass at the next firing. Also: That marginal cost is maybe 3 orders of magnitude better than SLS...
  3. The turbopump is on the other side of the engine, it's not in that photo.
  4. Plumbing under the Methane turbopump has suffered critical existence failure.
  5. Are we certain it was molten metal and not just fluid on fire?
  6. Either that or it went so wrong that repairs are necessary...
  7. Starliner OFT-2 slips to Q1 2021 at earliest.
  8. Which means the worm is expended and the booster doesn't have a worm on it when it gets reused for non-NASA missions. Sad but probably necessary to mollify some critics.
  9. Second SH1 tank section has been stacked in the high bay. Rapid progress!
  10. Orion is too heavy for LEO missions. So it can do 7 crew to LEO? So can Dragon2 and Starliner, for much *much* less money. Dragon2 can also co-manifest cargo in the trunk. For a Lunar architecture, Orion's service module should have been upgraded and SLS should have been straight to Block 1B, which would have had enough TLI throw to support that. SLS should also have been much cheaper and be able to fly much more often.
  11. Lol, it's all about the flight proven boosters now!
  12. Large SRBs shouldn't be on a crewed launcher, RS25sare a disgraceful waste on an expendable launcher, I've always found the orange foam hideous, And SLS is both grossly expensive and grossly unoptimised for the task of sending a capsule and lander to the lunar surface.
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