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    Curious George

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  1. GameData/Settings.cfg Under advanced settings changing 'scanAltitude = 1' to 'scanAltitude = 10' has got me back to stock altitudes
  2. Well, no real luck. ScanSat still wants to run WAY below stated elevations. Ex. Radar at 1-75 instead of 5-500 km. The only difference is the RMB 'more info' pane now shows the elevation it will actually work at in game, as opposed to the manufacturer's settings.
  3. Is anyone else having issues with ScanSat in SSRSS? When I'm at the suggested altitudes, I get the error message that I'm too high. The altitudes seem to have been scaled down like the planets from RSS to SSRSS, without first being at RSS size. The previous builds (prior to all the 1.2 updating) played nice together for me. Sorry if this has been covered, it's late and multiple clean installs of everything hasn't fixed anything. All the config files I've looked at show the manufacturer's suggested altitudes, not the ones its seeing as "correct" in game. Thanks for all the great work! SSRSS is what has kept me interested in KSP for so long!
  4. Maybe the idea is to more accurately recreate Sputnik. Had no control once it left the rocket. The only features *afaik* were to adjust the internal temperature, and the change the radio signal based on that temperature. https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=ifCUVLKtCo_foASx1oDYAg&url=http://www.russianspaceweb.com/sputnik_design.html&ved=0CBsQFjAA&usg=AFQjCNGsAu4zxBpnpNzzE3H1sjCm_DOGCQ&sig2=9cTF4k60OaubRQsp7kcE1w
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