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Everything posted by zzguy

  1. Are you using commands for the projectiles similar of those in the dev command whack-a-Kerbal?
  2. Banned for sending a rover to Duna.
  3. What is the crew capacity of the command pod/tower?
  4. Granted, but you have no supply of oxygen. I wish I was paid $100 an hour for doing nothing.
  5. Banned for using a lowercase at the start of your sentence.
  6. Banned for joining one month after august 2012!!
  7. Granted but your dog has had an accident on your couch. I wish I could play KSP on the highest settings and NOT lag.
  8. Banned for being the #206 post on this thread.
  9. Banned for banning me for banning for no good reason. There's my reason.
  10. zzguy

    Guess what

    Me too! Like a boss!
  11. Granted but there is no longer any math, history, or literature in existence. I wish for a 4.0 Grade point average.
  12. Granted, but the government captured you and will perform painful experiments on you. I was the tooth fairy was real.
  13. Banned for having one of the most delicious foods in the world in your name.
  14. Granted but you have to watch me eat it in front of you. I wish I was 1 inch taller.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6TlwFrzHyo
  16. Banned for having a space in between "Milo" and "Kurtiss".
  17. Granted, but there are no longer any humans on earth, we all moved to mars. I wish we found life outside planet earth.
  18. Banned for telling pie what to do.
  19. Granted. but you now have no fuel. I wish only good things will happen to me.
  20. I just finished watching Prometheus on blue ray. Movie was pretty good, not very scary though.
  21. Whenever I launch, and I see Jeb on bored, I immediately know it's going to be a good flight.
  22. Oh wow, this looks amazing. Definitely trying this out!
  23. Banned because your number of posts says 7 and I'm quite sure you've posted more than that.
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