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Everything posted by zzguy

  1. Granted, but you will be the only person who does not get to have it when it comes out. (That's awesome though, I hope he finishes it) I wish I was supreme ruler of the world.
  2. Granted but the earth will be struck by an asteroid. I wish there was no gravity on earth.
  3. Banned for being racist against z's.
  4. On my old computer it used to do that every time I played WOW.
  5. Banned for changing your location from Kerbol? to Kerbol
  6. Banned for your location having a question mark at the end of it.
  7. Banned for reading Milo Kurtiss's comment.
  8. Banned for not exterminating the dalek population.
  9. Banned for not reading hard enough.
  10. Apollo 18 wasn't "that" scary to me, it was a good movie though. Alien would probably be my choice. I never saw Prometheus, I heard it was really good though.
  11. If this ever gets finished, it will be amazing. I hope we get an update soon on how it's coming along.
  12. Granted, but it is trained to assassinate it's owner. I wish for the answers for my next test.
  13. Banned for encouraging people to be a dalek.
  14. Playing -KSP -Fallout 2 (I love the original fallouts) -Universe Sandbox
  15. Awesome, I saw the same thing not to long ago when I crash landed on Duna.
  16. Banned for allowing a flower to posses a firearms.
  17. Banned for not complaining enough about banning.
  18. Basically, yeah. Can't wait to see how this turns out.
  19. I'm missing the front canopy. I see it in the parts folder but it doesn't appear anywhere in game.
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