I feel very strange about this, because I started playing at 24.2 and I have learned how to do a Hoffman transfer, gravity assist using the Mün, calculating d-V's for various destinations, integrating a lot of mods to my core play and am starting to get very creative with my designs. But I have never actually planted a flag on another planet. It was one of the first things I tried when I got the game, unsuccessfully, so I said to myself: learn the basics first. So I learned: read every tutorial, obsessed about getting everything right, practicing transfer nodes... Finally, I decided to plan a Jool-5 and started building an enormous ship in orbit. THen .25 came out: «ok, let's try career first». Played some career, ok, «let's try the Jool-5 again». The ship got so large I started lagging (some mod's didn't help, I have since adjusted my install so the game runs perfectly), so I decided to try a Duna journey instead. Builded a much more agreeable ship in orbit, and just when it was missing the life support modules â€â€because it just doesn't feel right to send a bunch of kerbals cramped in a capsule, I feel I have to add a lot of space and life supportâ€â€, 0.90 came out and I was thinking «well, it's not worth it if the kerbals are not going to gain any XP». So I know how to do it, and feel confident I can. I just havent done it, and feel stupid about that.