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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. New post with some copy/pasted text left as RTF, instead of using the 'plain text' option. This text is in Spanish. Or is it? Este texto está en español. ¿O sí?
  2. Here's a post with some links in it. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/guidelines/ test
  3. Here's some text. And I'm going to quote another user. Choosing a user with the most yellow avatar I can find. And I'll quote someone else too. Sorry if you get pinged @The Aziz, please disregard.. test
  4. Here's some more plain old text.
  5. Just some plain old text. Two paragraphs of plain old text. Next some text copied and pasted, and left as RTF instead of changing to plain text. Here's some more plain old text. The above text is not plain old text, it is actually copy/pasted text left in RTF. This text is in Spanish. Or is it? Este texto está en español. ¿O sí?
  6. Testing posting. Testing editing.
  7. I hate candy corn, gummi bears, and Snickers. Nasty stuff. What snacks do Kerbals eat? Are Kerbals cannibals?
  8. I had this too! My steering was backwards as well so I reversed the steering and it was better..
  9. That's not the most intuitive way to do it, but I think I can see why they did it. I guess they need to explain it a little more clearly..
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