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Everything posted by Astroman29

  1. I was exploring that large canyon on Dres: Then, I wanted to go to the top, for the views. But, since I didn't want to waste the lander's fuel, I used the EVA suit's RCS. I time warped, so I could walk around the canyon. That didn't turn out well for poor Hansy Kerman...
  2. I took this pic a while ago: I called it ''A distant observer''.
  3. I don't see why not. You can spawn ships, altough they seem to have infinite fuel. But you can still put them in orbit and stuff, just like in KSP and Orbiter.
  4. SpaceEngine has a lot of planets that are not procedurally generated, I think. I mean confirmed exoplanets, but I'm not sure tough.
  5. And I tought I was exaggerating saying ''light years away'' Should've checked what E means before posting. EDIT: 2709 E is like 298000 light years away. That's almost 3 times the diameter of the Milky way, so, depending on the size of the kerbal galaxy, the poor crew could have been teleported to intergalactic space.
  6. I know right, to see Kerbol as just another faraway star makes one Kerbal wonder about his place in the Universe.
  7. After a few decades-long trip, sure.
  8. Well, I somehow managed to fix this using a quicksave. Interesting fact: not only the ship dissapeared from Kerbin orbit, but near it there were literally all the asteroids in the system. I could see them in map view, far away from Kerbol.
  9. I just landed a probe on Moho for the first time (yay!) and did some science. Then, I returned to the space center, I researched something and then went to another ship in orbit. The screen turned black, except the HUD. After a few seconds, it looked like this: http://faildesk.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Favorite-XP-Feature.jpg I went back to space center and this was happening there too. So I restarted KSP and everything seemed normal. But it wasn't. Said ship wasn't in Kerbin orbit anymore. It wasn't in Kerbol orbit anymore.
  10. I'm kinda new to forums. But you learn new stuff everyday, after all.
  11. I didn't really like it, honestly. I especially hated the part when [spoilerS] that Titus guy asked Jupiter if she would have liked to see some of his worlds, and she said: ,, I only want to go home''. I mean, how could somebody in his right mind reject this kind of offer? Also, Sean Bean did not die XD
  12. I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but when will this be updated to 0.90?
  13. I usually name satellites like this :orbiting body + orbiter 1 or 2 or whatever. Space stations have always been KSS ( Kerbal Space Station). I only made one in LKO, tough. Probes get awesome names like Traveller 1. And interplanetary manned ships are named like this: IPX ( InterPlanetary eXplorer) + random name e.g. IPX Pioneer.
  14. I think he meant that the he can't see the city light from orbit, because they're not bright enough. I'm not sure , tough.
  15. Well, Astronomer's Visual Pack surely makes the game way more immersive. Also, KAS.
  16. Actually he was right, there is 0.9 (which is ancient), and then there's 0.90. See here: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Version_history
  17. The Ksp and SpaceEngine communities are the best I've met in a while, honestly.
  18. Well, when they entered it in the movie it was a lot more awesome...
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