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Everything posted by CrisK

  1. A new station is under construction in my career mode game. The Kliper's docking to bring tourists to the station.
  2. You will be happy to know that FAR actually makes it far easier to reach orbit compared to the stock atmosphere. The Proton's upper stage can reach Minmus and return without any trouble. Edit: Tantares LV should actually work in FAR's new model without a config file. Make sure that you have the latest build. It also solves the parachute problems (in FAR) thanks to stupid_chris/RealChutes.
  3. I have not written FAR configs yet, sorry. I should have them up soon.
  4. Hm. It's easy to config the pods so that the heat darkening effect doesn't happen. That could be one solution. I prefer to have the ablator built in. We/Beale could also make the pods more heat-resistant, or disperse heat faster.
  5. I can't believe that I didn't think of this, but please delete the PartDatabase.cfg file in your KSP folder. PartDatabase.cfg is a cache that KSP creates of all parts. It will have cached (saved) the old Kliper config, and it will ignore the changes in the new config. Edit: Also, re-create any sub-assemblies that you have that contain the Lynx. KSP will cache the old config file in the subassemblies files.
  6. Thank you for your feedback. I will create a few craft files with the Kliper and post them this evening. I have not experienced these problems, but I believe you. These problems will be far easier to diagnose and fix after Beale has time to re-do the model. The real trouble is that the Kliper is currently a pod and a wing all in one. As a result, it flies/falls a little strangely. Edit: FAR users, Ferram very kindly offered me a bit of advice via PM. Thank you, Ferram.
  7. Hi tjsnh, Thank you for the feedback. Can you list your other mods? Are they not moving at all? Me too. You are not doing anything wrong. The Kliper is not designed to take off horizontally: it is a reentry vehicle. It's only meant to glide downwards, and it will not have enough lift (under normal circumstances) to take off like a plane. The other problem is that the flaps are too small to do much good. Beale and I have already exchanged messages about a possible new design for the wings/flaps. Hopefully when he is less busy we will see larger, inline flaps so that the control surfaces have more effect.
  8. The Kliper now lands in stock and FAR, but it needs drogue chutes in FAR. Still, it's amazingly reliable. I think that it's now the best station passenger vehicle. Here is a link to the updated config files. Note that these files will change significantly when Beale updates the Kliper. If anyone runs into problems then please post feedback. For a guaranteed, extra-safe reentry use the TK return parachute or the PP+ docking parachute on the back and 2 drogue chutes on the wings or the rear of the body. The main chute shouldn't be necessary, but this is KSP. PSA: the flaps are necessary if you want to survive reentry with FAR.
  9. Haha! The CoM needed to be moved a bit forward so that the craft didn't flip or spin during reentry. It does fly like a lawn dart (and probably should), but I need to figure out how to add more lift and a bit of drag in FAR. I have asked Ferram for advice.
  10. 2km/s is far too fast for a parachute. Ideally you should wait until you're under 400m/s. If you're moving that fast, you're not performing a proper reentry. 38km is incredibly high up for a parachute. Parachutes should be used at 10km at the highest, and ideally you would wait until you're at 3km.
  11. Good news and bad news for FAR users. Good news: All of the Tantares LV rockets currently work with the new FAR thanks to Ferram's voxel-model based design. Also, it will take me very little time to create a config file for all of the Tantares LV rockets, and the Tantares pods/capsules. (Thanks Ferram!) I might even have time to create it this afternoon. The bad news: it is very difficult to configure the Kliper so that it flies (or falls gently) in FAR. I may have to tweak the flaps to add heat resistance, heat dispersion, etc. As they are, the flaps cannot withstand reentry. My first attempt at configuring the Kliper for FAR: They survived, but that's not what I'd call a safe landing. Another update: I've tweaked the Kliper's stock config so that it better handles reentry. I'll upload the new version to Dropbox when I upload the FAR config file.
  12. Yeeeees. Yeeeeeees. The new FAR is out. I will create an updated FAR config file for Tantares' crafts sometime soon. They all may need to be done, so it will take a while.
  13. Here's the Kliper config for stock aero based on @DerpyFirework's modifications. I will modify it a bit in the future. Edit: I just missed the runway on my first attempt at a flight + return. Still, 6 kerbals to orbit and back. No landing gear required!
  14. Thank you. This is a really weird config file. Before I modify it too much, is the intent to give the Lynx/Kliper lifting body properties by adding drag? I think that there are simpler ways to do this. Edit: I have the Kliper working in stock aero, and with stock heat. I will try to improve the performance a bit.
  15. Can you post a link to the Kliper's download page? I can check over your config. It's the least I can do until nuFAR is released.
  16. Hi Beale & everyone, I've been away for a while. I promised to get the Kliper working in FAR, but then 1.0 came out. I think that it'd be best to wait until nuFAR is released before I create a config file for it.
  17. I wouldn't call myself a "FAR guru", but I should be able to make a config this evening that'll at least get it flying.
  18. If you use FAR then you can set each control surface to respond in a way that makes sense. i.e. you can set a control surface to act as a flap, spoiler, elevon, etc. You can indicate the direction and amount that the control surface will move. You may also specify whether a control surface responds to pitch, roll, or yaw commands (e.g. a flap should not move when you're changing your yaw).
  19. We know that you are not loafing around. Work hard so that you can earn that dough. We'll all root for you; it's the yeast we can do.
  20. Beale, I could create a quick FAR config for the Kliper. I recommend that you create two pairs of holes/notches in the wings that is roughly the same size/shape as the stock elevon control surfaces. One pair of notches should be on the horizontal part of the wings, and a second pair of notches should be on the vertical portion. Using this method, people can add elevons (or procedural or B9 wings) and FAR settings would be taken care of in terms of pitch, roll, and yaw.
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