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Everything posted by Spide

  1. Its been a while since i used the subassembly function. But I made a lifting staged and saved as a subassembly. Root part is the decoupler. Then i add the subassembly to my upper stage and then the trouble begins. The subassembly clicks on fine and my craft looks done. But for some reason everything relating to altering the craft locks up. I cannot grap parts off the craft anymore, i cannot add more, i cannot click the action's menu, i cannot swap to crew menu. I cannot toggle snap or change symmetry anymore. Basically it looks like i cannot do I can click different parts categories but cannot "pick up" the parts, and I can use the menu to start new, load, launch etc. and I can change staging. Is this a know bug, or did something change since I last used subassemblies? Years ago.
  2. Hey everyone. I would like to start a game where park and reuse as many crafts as possible. For this I would really like to have fuel trucks go around and refuel my parked crafts. I can ofcause launch a new fuel truck for each new refuel, but I though of something much more fun. What if I could refuel the refuel truck. If the "building fuel tanks" at KSC actually served as a limitless fuel source i could hook my fuel tank to this (maybe using KAS) and then drive to the crafts and refuel them. Ive been searching without finding anything for a mod that would make the fuel tanks have practical purpose. Does anybody have any suggestions or ideas how to do this.
  3. Det ser ud som om det er længe siden der er sket noget for os vikinger. Jeg er i gang med en ny serie hvor man lærer at spille KSP. Mine videoer er på dansk. I kan finde den første video i serien her:
  4. This is my humble station as it is right now. Living quaters, Science lab and control center plus a rover with refuling station. Currently staffed by 5 Kerbals, with Commander Duneki in charge. :-)
  5. I will get on to that at first oppotune time
  6. Greetings all. Relatively new Kerbal puching in. Been playing the game since very late 0.25, and I absolutely love it. Have yet to reach any astral body beyond Kerbin's sphere of influence, but consider myself an experienced Mün and Minmus explorer. I count my greatest achivement my growing Mün base, including several facilities, labs and a rover. This community seems great, and I look forward to being an active part of it.
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