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Everything posted by joesco726

  1. Wow, this mod looks great, seems far more stable than a non-Kopernicus one that made the rounds some months ago. I'm excited to see even more of the visual glitches fixed in the future. I'm still having a bit of a problem with solar panels; in LKO, I'm getting direct sunlight but no apparent energy flow or waste heat (using KSPI-E), something I suspect is due to the black hole being interpreted as Kerbol for electricity generation purposes. I think this was brought up earlier in the thread. Any known fixes for this issue, either from this or the Kopernicus discussion?
  2. Weird... other than the occasional launch bug, I've got a strange one where my solar panels don't seem to vary in energy production, at least over interplanetary distances. (I'm running Interstellar, which should make the differences even more pronounced.) Maybe somehow the panels' power curve became relative to the black hole rather than Kerbol... but that's all I've got. Can't seem to find a config file for this, either. Any thoughts?
  3. I'd really like some help with this solar panel issue. The power curve seems to not be registering somehow. I can't seem to find a .cfg in the WarpPlugin folder that modifies this power curve. How does Interstellar do it?
  4. Got an odd one here: my solar panels' power appears to be constant with distance; that is, my probe flying by Moho with 2 2x3 panels has an output of only 2 EC/sec, and one well beyond Duna with 2 Gigantors still has an output of 36. I'm running a fairly heavily modded install, but the only mod which should change solar panels is the latest version of this mod. What do you need to help fix this?
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