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Everything posted by GreatGreengGoo

  1. I have been running into the same problem. Spent the last two weeks compiling mods, resolving conflicts within the mods, making sure I am at an accetable ram usage both while loading the game up and while doing something complicated like launching a vessel with 300 parts. My RAM never went over 2.5 gigs in heavy situations. So I decided, ok cool.... I can start playing for real now...After about an hour of play I alt tab after a few launches of super tiny early game vessels and my ram is at 3.4 gigs! Where did the extra 1 gig come from!?
  2. Wow thank you! So downloading right now. Going to give it a try. Seems right up my alley.
  3. It was more of a question of a challenge. Still new to all of this. Spent most of my time modding the game and not actually playing it And yes definitely without the broken Outsourcing R&D or any Administration Science. Pure science reports only.
  4. 32 bit Opengl Heavy modded (All up to date) Using community tech tree and tech tree manager I looked around the forum and I couldn't find anything on this. So far it has not hindered my gameplay but I was just curious as to what this is exactly. It repeats about 5 times and only in the hanger bay. I dont like unknown conflicts like this and strive to destroy them.
  5. Is it possible to complete the tech tree with setting contract science rewards to 0? Only doing science reports? Im running Orbital Science. Any one know of any other career/balanced friendly mods that will help with this challenge?
  6. I also just discovered that while cloud texture mods are super pretty, they lag the game TREMENDOUSLY. I removed clouds and I saved a whopping 400mb of RAM usage and my frame rate literally doubled. So Unless you have to have clouds I suggest not using them unless your running 64 bit or have a super computer. Im running The entire USI pack (Some of the best mods you will see) Karbonite (With +) The entire Near Future pack (Another pack of the best) Spacy Lifters (I love Necrobones Stuff) Modular Rocket Systems (More Necrobones stuff) Chatter Orbital Science EVE FAR FuseBox Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) Kerbal Foundries (Finally a good wheel mod. Been looking forever for one) Cross Feed Contracts Window Community Resource Pack Kerbal Alternate Resource Panel Community Tech Tree Enhanced Nav Ball Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Infernal Robotics MechJeb Docking Alignment Science Alert Ship Manifest ScanSAT Kerbal Alarm Clock Planet Shine Procedural Fairings Stock Alike Station Parts TAC Life Support TAC Fuel Balancer Tweak Scale Universal Storage Stage Recovery Texture Replacer (With Endraxials Textures) And some minor dependant plugins stuff like Toolbar, KSP AVC, Regolith, Firespitter, ATC, ect. I must say the modding community here is EPIC. So far little to no clashes between mods. Its amazing. All this running at 1.7 gigs. I can now switch to full textures (Which brings me to 2.1 gigs) and increase my graphics just by removing clouds. Not to say its not a beautiful mod. It really is.
  7. Thank you, I like to make compilation threads like this to make things as easy as possible for the average user to maximize their experience.
  8. I spent the last two weeks trying to find a balance between heavy mods, ram usage and visual aesthetics. I spent hours scouring the internet for every possible way to improve performance, save ram usage and figuring out random opengl issues. Here is my experience, maybe it might help some one with similar problems who are like me and not super tech savy and doesn't want to read through a 30 page thread. Also keep in mind I am no programmer or really have any idea what I am talking about . So by all means correct me. My Rig CPU: Intel i5-2500k Quad Core 3.30GHz RAM: 16 gigs DDR3 GPU: AMD Radeon 6670 HD Windows 7 64 bit OS 1) If you can handle bugs, career mode being broke right now, and not being able to easily tell what mods can run on 64 bit and which ones wont... by all means use 64 bit. I found my performance to be top notch 40-60fps max everything in graphics and not worrying about ram cap was wonderful. 2) If you are going to stick with 32 bit and run a heavy modded game, you need to know a few things. For the love of all that is holy use Active Texture Management If you approach 3.5 gigs your game WILL crash. Keep an eye on your ram usage both at start up and while doing something complicated like building a ship as it will change. Give your self breathing room with your RAM usage If your building a simple ship in your hanger and your RAM usage is over 2.7 gig your living dangerously. If your Ram usage is over 2.7 gigs start using opengl. There are many things to understand when using opengl but its worth it. 3) Opengl. Here is a link on the basics. Ive found that "-force-opengl %command%" works better for my system. I dont know if it has to do with my GPU being AMD or what, but it works. Try different variants for you. Disable any external opengl settings from other sources like Catalyst Control Center. I kept crashing having that on. AMD graphics cards seem to have performance issues with opengl as I have noticed with mine. Make sure to set your game in windowed mode. A long white screen at start up is normal. Just wait. In opengl things will feel a bit slow at first but its worth it for how much RAM you will save. ALT + Enter full screens your game. Do this after loading so you don't give your computer an aneurism. (This took me a while to figure out) If your FPS is stuck at 30, and you cant figure out why. Go to in game options find V-Sync and set it to Every V-Blank NOT Every second V-Blank. Bam! Back to 60 FPS. If your screen is flickering or artifacting after loading alt tab and alt tab back in. Fixes it for me at least. You might not be able to run your graphics settings as high as you might like, so lower those if your FPS took a hit. Opengl for me bogged down my system but it saves so much ram. Make sure to turn off Anti Aliasing and shadows. You might be getting around 10 FPS in the Space Hanger in OpenGL. I got rid of this by removing the Kerbal Crews roaming around. Completely fixed this problem. You can find this in the options menu. Also go into your settings.cfg file, located in your main KSP directory and set "SIMULATE_IN_BACKGROUND = False" 4) Set your Texture Quality to Half Res. It is slightly noticeable but its a huge RAM save. Quarter texture looks horrible and it saves even less. Try to balance Half Textures. 5) For even more of a FPS boost go here. Its a terrain rendering settings.cfg guide to raise your FPS by quite a lot. 6) This is more of a career balance, but Outsource R&D is over powered as heck. Go here for a temp fix while still being balanced. But if you like getting 6000 science in one mission by all means don't change it. I hope this helped at least some people. Its all the basic stuff I learned while poking around dozens of threads.
  9. What is your Texture resolution set as? Full Res? Half Res? Eighth Res? Ive noticed at half res the sky box is not that noticeably blurry but anything past half the sky box gets very blurry. Edit: Nevermind just saw your settings. I just woke up. Im groggy.
  10. Thank you so much for directing me to that mod. Insta download. Redoing campaign on hard...the right way. Earn that science. Do those dangerous EVA's. FOR SCIENCE!
  11. One thing, I personally, would love to see is requirements for unlocking late game tech. More than just spend X amount of science points. For example to unlock the next node in space construction (or whatever you use to make stations parts) you actually have to go up and build a space station with X requirements and then the node becomes unlocked. Things like that. This concept could be applied to pretty much all of the science trees. I hate the "Oh I have 5000 science points after this mission, because of the administration building strategy. Time to unlock 15 nodes"
  12. I'm really surprised no one has found a real fix for this yet, I guess I could start a new career game with all my buildings maxed but it feels...cheap. I guess we are waiting for SQUAD to fix the problem then.
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