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Everything posted by GreatGreengGoo

  1. Been needing to do this for a while. I would like my name changed to GreatGreengGoo as it is my online name everywhere now. I know this is a one time thing. Thank you again.
  2. I don't want to be one of those "Why wont it work, make it work!" guys. I know you have taken on a ton of depreciated mods and I am eternally thankful for the many you took on that I still use today. Science Alert is on my top 5 if not my number 1 mod for quality of life mods. I tried to use others but they either miss some experiments (maybe I'm doing something wrong) or just don't work the way I expect them too. Any way I just wanted to ask if 1.7 Science Alert is working as expected and its something wrong with me or is it in the works being fixed? Or maybe your waiting for the anticipated 1.8(?) texture revamp update? I can see the icon working, it stops warp on finding an experiment but the UI is no where to be found. Again thank you for your hard work.
  3. Love this mod with OPT parts. Those two mods have replaced B9 for me. Cant wait for this to be fully updated. No rush though. Just wanted to say I love this mod.
  4. For so long I have been struggling with the do I want to play the game smooth at 40-60fps or do I want the game to look beautiful with sunset and sunrises. This pack has made that struggle obsolete. Thank you. For those having installation problems. I just downloaded EVE without the configs. Dragged and dropped. Downloaded this and dragged and dropped. Worked fine for me.
  5. I tried to do a thread search but to no avail. Can any one help me with the extra's in the SSTU Master folder? The custom Shaders and Plugin folder? I think I understand the "Optional Patches" and where to put those but not much of the others. Also the SSTU Tools. Are those for modders only?
  6. "Some" of the parts work with 1.3 but you would have to relatively gut the mod.
  7. Wooooot! Linixgurugamer your the man or girl. Doesn't matter your awesome. Thanks for the time and effort you put into your mods. I pretty much run almost all the mods you have made
  8. Nertea take your time. We have 1.2.2 still. Your one of the best modders out there. We appreciate the work you do, no rush man. Enjoy what you do and know we enjoy it too
  9. This is by far the most beautiful lander. Updating to 1.3 now. I know its for 1.2.2 but still want to try see if it works. I love it that much.
  10. I guess Im just a sucker for silly Kerbal names. Like "Small Foot" "Big Food" "Glows in the Dark 5000" things like that
  11. Awesome work. Glad to see engines getting some attention. One of the only, if not the only issue, I have with SSTU is the engines. Its so hard to remember them. None of them really stand out. Even a simple name change would probably help immensely.
  12. This is a very underrated mod. Very niche but necessary category that has been relatively unfilled. Long term Mk2/Mk3 Life support for Space Planes. Much needed in my opinion.
  13. Cant say I have those problems. I have gotten the response issue thing but that was before I even installed SSTU. I have a feeling it has something to do with KIS. As for the hanging on the SC-C-CM-IVA. I dont get that.
  14. I am no expert on this mod pack but I agree slightly. The engines are pretty powerful. Especially those modular solid boosters. Those things are nuts. They are expensive though.
  15. Yea the SSTU thread mentioned that. Thanks though. I was incredibly grateful. Still think it could use a bit more tweaking in terms of multipliers but thats just me. Just nice to have some bonus for using those massive parts. For any who use both those mods they are right here https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/tree/master/GameData/SSTU/ModIntegration/USI-LS
  16. Oh Jeez....gonna take some time here lol. Thank you
  17. Honestly I would love to learn. I use so many mods that I would love to make patches for them and give them to the authors if they so choose to add them in to distribute.
  18. SSTU its a wonderful low part count modular mod that adds many different categories of parts but only a few for each type because they are modular. Specifically their HABs I want to use with MKS. MKS recognizes their size but gives them 0 multipliers. Even a 1 multiplier would be nice. I dont know what I am talking about at all when I say this but what if USI Life Support mod put at least a 0.5 or 1 multiplier for any pod or container that can have a kerbal inside to improve compatibility for mods not recognized. WITH OUT HITCHHICKERS WITH HITCHHICKER As you can see the numbers are crazy different
  19. Thanks for the reply Also realized one of the problems I was using was station parts from other mods. The USI Life Support does recognize them for basic habitation but does not give the parts any multipliers. Like its funny. I have this GIANT station and it has a decent 1 year of HAB. I slap 1. Just 1 Hitchhickers on it and it triples its HAB. From a part thats only probably 2% of the size of the entire station lol....*sigh* I have to many mods. They dont play together.
  20. Quick question. What is the upper limit of Habitation? Years? Decades? Im now reaching the point where I am actually putting space station parts in space. Starting slapping tons of parts together to get an idea of the upper Hab limit. Half a dozen hitchhickers, inflatable habs. Filling them with cupolas and viewing ports but still only getting roughly a year of Habitation for like 4 Kerbals. Like the station I made was huge (in terms of living space) was wondering if I was doing something wrong.
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