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Everything posted by Armarnis

  1. maybe i should not have called it a problem of github, as its more on my side of things, but as i said, the problem only occurs when i download something from there. i will lay low a few days and try again, maybe its just some routing issue from their servers to me/my region magic occurs if you only will it enough into being! just checked if my ckan is still working or not, i found it apparently done downloading, so i tried to go on with my RP1 install and woosh, 10mb/s download speed. now i can be a happy green dude going into space
  2. same here, yesterday i decided to get back into KSP, download of ckan was glacial slow (~5 kib/s), also all mod downloads from github. this seems to be a problem of github as i have fullspeed (100mbit) everywhere else. problem persists to today, so looks like no KSP for me as ckan fails the downloads after some time / DAYS of dl time for a few mods are counterproductive to my playingneeds RIGHT NOW haha) but maybe any of the lovely chaps around has an idea what could cause the slow DL speed of github?
  3. hello, i have a big problem with these plane contracts. i build a very basic one which can be seen here http://imgur.com/a/o9rGv but once i am on the rollway, the plane starts to "drift" to the left or the right when i take up speed (well in fact as soon as i pick up speed). is it related to my plane design, am i missing something here or is it the wheels? so far i wasnt much into rovers or planes at all, but i've read several times now that wheels made big problems?! i also tried tuning these traction settings on the wheels but to no avail (maybe i just didnt try hard enough though). any help would be greatly appreciated
  4. hi there, i have a problem that some parts (octagonal struts, batteries, wedge holders from universal storage) explode as soon as i go from the vab to the landing pad with my shiny new rocket :S i use some mods: boxsat contract configurator various contract packs dmagic orbital science FAR KAS KIS Infernal Robotics procedural fairings remote tech scan sat stage recovery universal storage i wonder if there is any explicit reason to this cause it happens no matter if the part is directly exposed, behind a fairing or anything else, i havent even launched my rocket... in some thread i found a workaround by editing the part and adding the line thermalMassModifier = 5000 to it (the 5000 is made up by me cause i dont enjoy rockets exploding because of 1 connecting part so i thought "higher the better"). has someone an idea or knows why the parts go boom?
  5. could you explain how you made the textures smaller for me please and give names of needed tools (if any are neccessary), that would be really cool
  6. hey there, really cool that you updated the box to 1.0.2, i really like the small boxy thing ^^ but i REALLY miss the quad frame, is there any chance we will see it again? because now all we can do is stack them up higher but not in the width if you get what i mean :S any way, thanks =)
  7. would it be possible to add an attachmentpoint to the bottom of the new engines? i dont use any craft that use a corgobay or something like that so i usually put the sat on top of my command pod and detach it with a decoupler but this always leads to have the engine on top causing to have all indicatores turned around in the wrong way and stuff.... which is very kerbal but not very handy so maybe, you could consider this? thanks ^^ also, would help a big deal as the subassembly window always buggers me when an engine is on the "underside" i couldnt save it because it has no attachment point
  8. hey, i encounter an returning problem, from time to time the KER buttons just turns black and refuses to respond in any way, is that a known problem or is there a workaround?
  9. thanks, i will try this out! hmmm, already got it working, instead of being around 3gb of ram usage i have now only 1.4gb, lets see if it stays stable. would be soo cool <3 funny sideeffect of this: i finally learned how to deactivate that windows attach at the top of the screen so the titlebar is always visible. but no more, finally!
  10. is there a easy way to turn the color if the parts a bit darker? its somewhat too bright if you look right from the top of it in the vab
  11. most useful post, thank you for that its a great idea, my ksp loads up to 3 gig (and that is not even with all the mods i want to try out!) so i have pretty much around half an hour at max before i have to kick up another instance, but i never thought about starting it twice hope one time they get this sorted out, or better said unity engine gets it sorted -.-
  12. forget what was posted here, big stupidness on my side
  13. without having read the other posts, the images look like kerbol left its galaxy 10 million years ago and is now in the void between galaxies. looks not bad but not good either, but a good point to expand i guess. anyways, thanks for your time and dedication
  14. is there any problem known if i add this mod to a already running game? have put a station into orbit which took me two damn days because im a noob at docking and if i want to raise its orbit now, it wobbles to death so i wanted to give a few extra placed struts a shot?! thanks
  15. i have a new problem with RT, i placed a satellite with 2 comms DTS-M1 antennaes and a radar altimetry scanner from the scansat mod in orbit, the satellite is connected to mission control and now i wanted to transmit my scandata to earn some science, but it tells me i have no transmission system aboard.. i tried again with a communotron 16 and it worked, but i cant see a difference in the statistics beside that the comms DTS-M1 has a greater range, is there any way how i can see which antennaes can transmit scientific data and which not? sorry if that is a really dumb question but wernher von kerman keeps buggin me that he wants to have these data :S
  16. yep i have one right above mission control, another one in polar orbit and one in an equatorial orbit but both are dead while not in view of mission control :S will give it a new shot with omnis! how do you manage to keep in contact with sats around other planets? i mean, if i use that round dish antennae that is very early available (dont have it's name around), it has only a 45 degree angle, wouldn't i leave its field of view possibly, loosing all connection? well, i guess i will find out sooner or later, really enjoying this
  17. Hi there people, today i finally managed to setup my first three comsats, but it looks like i am missing something, because my sats dont connect from one to the other?! i have 3 comms dts-m1 on each, 1 i point at mission control and another one i point to my keosynchronous main satellite, but it keeps saying no connection beneath the time warp panel -.- do i have to put up a connection on both sides, so each is radio'ing to its opposite? kinda confuses me and jeb is already going to crash his lifter down to kerbin because he is so frustrated :< (and, because i forgot to load the vessel up with snacks)
  18. ahh god damn, thanks a lot mate, how very frustrating another noobish questions, does this mean that inclination describes how a object rotates? 0 degrees like a "right" turn, 180 left around, so 90 would be "above, but right way" and 270 "below, left way"?
  19. Hi there, i have to place a new nice and shiny satellite into an equatorial orbit around kerbin. apoapsis 7,079,811m periapsis 6,436,795m inclination 180 degrees longitude of ascending node: undefined argument of periapsis: undefined so i went there, i managed to get my crafts apoapsis to 7,065,415m and my periapsis to 6,424,596m but the indicator to "reach the designated equatorial orbit around kerbin within marginal deviation" did not become complete... after a while i realized in mapscreen the target orbit was rotating against kerbins rotation, so i wonder did i fail because my satellite wasnt on the right turn or was it still not within "marginal deviation"? is there any roundabout percentage of deviation that is allowed?
  20. hey, thanks for the infos about the gimbals, after locking them in place and playing a bit around with the thrust of the mainbooster i was able to put it up into space and test it there, many thanks to you guys!
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