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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. No I was saying as per original post I've installed parallax and dependencies , then answered question that I did so through CKAN, I thought maybe textures got corrupted and downloaded parallax from github with same visual result so I asked here if its working since log was throwing errors and I wasn't sure what features current version has and how its supposed to look. What I didn't do though was re-download dependencies leaving those installed by CKAN from cache and listed as up to date. After clearing CKAN cache today and letting it download dependencies again mod is working with no issues. Great mod Gameslinx, thanks!
  2. Hello, been trying to get back to KSP and did fresh install, with nothing but parallax and dependencies installed log gets filled with parallax errors and there's no visual displacement, is this off or working as intended? Log.txt
  3. No, I've meant that I had lab orbiting Minmus fully loaded with data and researching. As for the rates I tried to play with them for a bit, but completely messed up something at the end and got like 0.5 science per day in last tries =). In my opinion to make science return balanced we have to cut down science per data to quite low numbers to compensate for quick processing speed or increase the processing time. For example with your basic rates fully loaded MPL will produce 1000+ science in around 2-3 weeks which is kinda OP it just makes science trips from Kerbal and back worthless. In stock high amount of return x5 balanced with very long processing speed so you can choose eather to fly from Kerbin to planet on science mission return back with it and get instant amount of science or fill MPL with data and wait for gradual return. For my taste 2 science per data with 4-7 weeks processing time is still faster than stock one and leaves time for different missions while lab is working. With rates to high you will be just gathering science from station to station all the time and refilling them with new data. As for Scientist star rates I was wondering why .4266 and not just .4? Anyway those are just my thoughts since I've felt your rates made the game feel easy and you can lay back and get your science heh.
  4. Firstly I like the idea of this mod, but when I've installed it with active MPL research, its science rate is 130 per day with kerbal 3 star scientist and low data consuption is it supposed to be that way? O_o
  5. Had BB active also, but not sure how it can cause this spawning bug so I did not think of removing it to try out.
  6. It seems to have some issues with 0.90, it spawned 1600+ asteroids in my company gameplay when I didn't even have 3rd level of tracking station rendering game unplayable at around 5 fps. Im not completely sure why it happened, I had launched contract sat and placed it into designated orbit but realised direction of movement should be opposite. So I have burnt retrograde untill orbit flipped and thats when fps dropped, but I thought if was cuz of firefox flash plugin which tends to eat a lot of my processing power from time to time. Turned out asteroids were a cultprit after I landed all vessels and zoomed out in tracking station.
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