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Everything posted by moronwrocket

  1. I know that some mods actively disable themselves if they detect a x64 installation, is there a list anywhere of which mods that do this? Can't live without my KER, KAC, and PreceiseNode.
  2. Can this information get added to an ISRU page on the wiki? Be great to see math for the major bodies.
  3. One other thing I've found with 4vs3 is that with 4, that leg pointing uphill will hit the slope first much earlier than a 3 legged design, knocking you off course, or requiring MECO sooner than a 3 legged design. The extra speed tends to cause frantic panic as I try to stop tipping over. Here's a thought - how about putting on 4 legs, but retracting the upslope leg during descent? Should give the best of all worlds (Except for the extra leg mass). Find some 20* slopes to test please!
  4. Here's one I built for the Mun in 0.90. I guess it follows the "build it tall and fall over" philosophy. If a few tires break, you can use engineers to replace them. This model has some side-mounted rockets to liftoff for long-range exploration. Some "Mun Patrol" glamour shots are included as well. For Duna, with the new parachute physics that keep them open/attached until you stop vs the old style of disappearing when you touched down, I think you could setup a drop that landed already tilted somewhat (offset parachutes, or lots of SAS), and use the chutes to drop slow enough that you don't break wheels/URD. But I haven't visited Duna myself yet, so YKMD (Your Kerbals May Die). I suggest installing Kerbal Construction Time or Hyperedit to test your Duna descent before sending your system there.
  5. I, for one, will post to this thread exactly every 1.9995 months to make sure it stays alive.
  6. I recommend putting a down-wards pointing light on your lander, if you don't want to use a mod to give you altitude above ground. It helps indicate when you are a few hundred meters up, and helps visualize horizontal velocity.
  7. Use 2-way symmetry to apply deployable solar panels. Put two OX-STATS right above them.
  8. I think it is because your tanks are way too long on a single rocket. As they drain, they drain from the top, and so the heavy back end can resist the effects of drag better than the empty, light front end. So the rocket flips. Try adding a middle stage to your boosters?
  9. Another reason for using L2 instead of LEO is that for a infrared telescope, Earth is actually "hot". Placing JWST at L2 means we can block the Sun and Earth heating with 1 heatshield. http://www.nasa.gov/topics/universe/features/webb-l2.html For a planet like Mercury, the surface is so hot that orbiters need to be careful about the reflected/re-radiated heat, and use elongated orbits to minimize time near periapsis. http://messenger.jhuapl.edu/spacecraft/thermal.html
  10. For #2, there is also [x] Science!: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/119562-1-0-2-x-Science!-KSP-Science-report-and-checklist?p=1907551
  11. Just send up a Mun lander: Pick up kerbal 1, land, liftoff, pick up kerbal 2, journey home. Been doing this for my rescue contracts - send a pilot from KSC if they need the XP, vacuum up one or two in LKO, get whoever is in Mun/Minmus orbit, head home.
  12. Yeah, it took me a while to understand why this is true. Here's the moron explanation: Think of a stick with a heavy weight near one end. Now, if you wanted to balance that stick + weight in your hand, which was is easier, with the weight low, or with the weight high? With the weight high, because small imperfections in your location translate to smaller, slower movements of the weight - it's on the end of a long lever arm, so it "rotates" down slower, than if it was close to your hand on a short lever arm. Those slower movements allow more time for your changes to happen before flipping. Actually try it if you can - it really helps to give a sense of what's going on. Second, imagine a flying rocket as a simple tube filled with fluid. Now, if it is fully filled and moving straight up, but tilted at an angle - the two halves have the same drag force (to first order), and because they both have the same mass/inertia they both experience the same deceleration - there isn't a net torque making the rocket turn. Now, if it is half filled and moving straight up, but tilted at an angle - the two halves still have the same drag, but the front half has much less inertia and so decelerates much faster, causing torque, flipping your rocket. Simple way to physically see this is to take a paper towel roll and weight one end of it, and toss it around - the heavy end naturally wants to end up in front. What took a long time for me to understand was this has 0 to do with gravity - same effect would occur in weightlessness. I find the "dart" analogy a little misleading, because people attribute too much to the fins - they help accelerate the process, but aren't necessary for it to happen - look at Nerf darts, perfect example! I think part of the reason this is unnatural is that most of our encounters with stability involve 2, 3, or more points of contact in a static situation, where lower == more stable. With an aerodynamic situation and a single point of contact, higher == more stable.
  13. Have you tried reducing the amount of fuel in the Sepratron? I think you can, just like an SRB.
  14. The new machine is on its way! Can't wait to do 2560x1440 full screen!
  15. I don't think it counts as a contract failure if you cancel the contract - you just have to give back the up-front money, as I understand it. The penalties are for when the contract goes really fubar, or you miss the time window.
  16. Accept the rescue contract, go to the astronaut center, and check the victim's profession (and stupidity, if you care about those things), and cancel the contract if they're not up to snuff. Easy as letting someone die a lingering death in space.
  17. I ran several missions at the same time in 0.9. Topped out around 8-12, but got to the point that timings in KAC were starting to run up against one another. Some pretty tense moments waiting for a burn/landing to complete so I could jump to another ship. I was running multiple XP missions to Mun/Minmus/Sol, along with building my Minmus OKS/MKS base, and the occasional satellite contract. Right before 1.0 came out my saves were around 15 MB. In 1.0, I am going to try and limit myself to 4 highly-active missions at a time, with some additional interplanetary cruise missions. So far I've got 2 probes to Duna, 1 science lab to Minmus, and another Kerbin tour bus getting ready to launch. Kerbal Construction Time helps to spread out the missions, although I just noticed I have 6 rockets waiting in my build queue now.
  18. Max GPU length is 380, the MSI is 280, so there should be plenty of clearance there. The 159mm/160mm did concern me, but a search found several other people using the same configuration didn't have problems. I have to fit it into an under-desk alcove, and I'd prefer something smaller than my current full size case. Plus I can raise it up that way and keep it further from the ground. Yeah, the i5/i7 choice is still up in the air. I also have a secondary 1280x1024 monitor attached that I use for webbrowsing etc while gaming, plus I do run virtual machines occasionally, and maybe a Guild Wars 2 or Minecraft in the background during long burns. I definitely want fast stock speed, OC'ing just doesn't appeal to me any more.
  19. I've received approval from Mission Control to update my system as a b-day present. Here's what I currently have spec'd out: Monitor(already have) 2560x1440 [TABLE=width: 528] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8, align: center]1[/TD] [TD=width: 63, bgcolor: #e8e8e8][/TD] [TD=width: 250, bgcolor: #e8e8e8]Corsair Obsidian Series 350D CC-9011029-WW Black Aluminum / Steel MicroATX Case with Window Item #: N82E16811139021 Return Policy: Standard Return Policy[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8][/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8, align: right]$109.99[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8, align: center]1[/TD] [TD=width: 63, bgcolor: #e8e8e8][/TD] [TD=width: 250, bgcolor: #e8e8e8]GIGABYTE GA-Z97MX-Gaming 5 LGA 1150 Intel Z97 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 Micro ATX Intel Motherboard Item #: N82E16813128716 Return Policy: Standard Return Policy[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8]-$20.00 Instant $10.00 Mail-in Rebate Card[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8, align: right]$134.99 $114.99[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8, align: center]1[/TD] [TD=width: 63, bgcolor: #e8e8e8][/TD] [TD=width: 250, bgcolor: #e8e8e8]MSI GTX 970 GAMING 4G GeForce GTX 970 4GB 256-Bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 x16 HDCP Ready SLI Support G-SYNC Support Video Card Item #: N82E16814127832 Return Policy: VGA Replacement Only Return Policy[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8]$10.00 Mail-in Rebate Card[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8, align: right]$349.99[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8, align: center]1[/TD] [TD=width: 63, bgcolor: #e8e8e8][/TD] [TD=width: 250, bgcolor: #e8e8e8]SeaSonic G Series SSR-550RM 550W ATX12V / EPS12V SLI Ready CrossFire Ready 80 PLUS GOLD Certified Modular Active PFC Power Supply New 4th Gen CPU Certified Haswell Ready Item #: N82E16817151119 Return Policy: Standard Return Policy[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8]-$5.00 Instant[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8, align: right]$89.99 $84.99[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8, align: center]1[/TD] [TD=width: 63, bgcolor: #e8e8e8][/TD] [TD=width: 250, bgcolor: #e8e8e8]Intel Core i7-4790K Devil’s Canyon Quad-Core 4.0GHz LGA 1150 BX80646I74790K Desktop Processor Intel HD Graphics 4600 Item #: N82E16819117369 Return Policy: CPU Replacement Only Return Policy[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8]-$10.00 Instant[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8, align: right]$349.99 $339.99[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8, align: center]1[/TD] [TD=width: 63, bgcolor: #e8e8e8][/TD] [TD=width: 250, bgcolor: #e8e8e8]Crucial Ballistix Sport 16GB (2 x 8GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Desktop Memory Model BLS2KIT8G3D1609DS1S00 Item #: N82E16820148545 Return Policy: Memory Standard Return Policy[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8][/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8, align: right]$108.99[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8, align: center]1[/TD] [TD=width: 63, bgcolor: #e8e8e8][/TD] [TD=width: 250, bgcolor: #e8e8e8]Crucial BX100 CT500BX100SSD1 2.5" 500GB SATA 6Gbps (SATA III) Micron 16nm MLC NAND Internal Solid State Drive (SSD) Item #: N82E16820148946 Return Policy: Limited Replacement Only Return Policy[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8]-$30.00 Instant[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8, align: right]$219.99 $189.99[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8, align: center]1[/TD] [TD=width: 63, bgcolor: #e8e8e8][/TD] [TD=width: 250, bgcolor: #e8e8e8]ASUS DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS Black SATA 24X DVD Burner - Bulk - OEM Item #: N82E16827135204 Return Policy: Standard Return Policy[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8][/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8, align: right]$19.99[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8, align: center]1[/TD] [TD=width: 63, bgcolor: #e8e8e8][/TD] [TD=width: 250, bgcolor: #e8e8e8]Microsoft Windows 8.1 64-bit Item #: N82E16832416776 Return Policy: FINAL SALES RETURN POLICY[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8][/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8, align: right]$99.99[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8, align: center]1[/TD] [TD=width: 63, bgcolor: #e8e8e8][/TD] [TD=width: 250, bgcolor: #e8e8e8]Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO - CPU Cooler with 120 mm PWM Fan Item #: N82E16835103099 Return Policy: Standard Return Policy[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8][/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #e8e8e8, align: right]$34.99 [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] I went with a microATX system for size, and my cooler/GPU choices were skewed a little towards a quieter/lower power consumption system. My current system is 5 years old, with an AMD Phenom II x4 970 and ATI 6870, so this should be a nice jump for me. I'm hoping to go full screen KSP (2560x1440) at close to full FPS for <200 part builds. My .90 game with a 400 part Minmus base + mining nodes was sub 3 fps, which was mood-killing. Going to pull the trigger tonight, let me know thoughts etc!
  20. Sounds like a great idea. I'd love my solar panels to deploy as part of a staging group for when my 2nd stage is dropped. Would it be possible to repack chutes and add it back into the staging queue? Or would it need pre-baked multiple "deploy chute" staging groups?
  21. There are some additional really awesome animations and discussion here http://www.unmannedspaceflight.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=7981&view=findpost&p=220271 Hopefully when they get around to updating the planetoids surfaces they can make Dres a little more like this - Interesting!
  22. Come visit scenic Dres! Visit our rift canyons! Marvel at our ice a few meters below the surface! Check out our double white spot crater! Is it ice, or salt, or vanilla ice cream! You'll have to taste it for yourself! Dres: Not a dull planet at all!
  23. Any kerbal can open solar panels. I got burned by a Mobile Science Lab attached to a Probe Core. I didn't have enough solar panels on it, and so when power went out, I could not shut off the MSL or lights. I EVA'd out, but could not shut off the lights externally, or disable the MSL. Had to cheat some EC into the vessel and burn for re-entry so Wehrner could redesign it.
  24. Turning the lights off while on EVA is what I tried to do at first, but I was unable to - I thought that was possible with .90, but maybe I am mis-remembering. I did try in a sandbox - engineers aren't able to turn lights on or off externally either, and scientists and engineers can both open solar panels externally. I knew the mobile lab didn't count as a pod, hence the OKTO on it, but I was surprised that I wasn't able to turn off the lab itself when low on power. Even when I EVA'd my two scientists, the lab would not shut down - that's probably a bug. I tested some things in a sandbox: * Without scientists you can activate research, and even though you are not researching, you are still losing the 5 EC/s. Seems like a bug to me. * While on Kerbin's surface at night @ zero EC, I could not activate/deactivate anything. I could enable/disable EC flow from batteries at least. * While on Kerbin's surface in the day time @ zero EC I could activate/deactivate items with 3 OX-STATs, but only if I started with some EC - after a long night @ zero EC I could not activate/deactivate items. Probably a weird rounding error? * When I varied up and down high timewarps, the EC on-board would vary up and down, up to +40, while it should be all negative. I'm playing with KCT on Career normal, so redesigning it with deployable panels (or docking ports) wasn't available at the time this was complete and ready for launch. It has parachutes all around so I will cheat a little power, enough to deorbit, and relaunch with a new design. Definitely something that could be added to the Engineer's Report: "Producers minus consumers of power is negative, add MOAR POWER!" or somesuch, along with listing the power requirements for the Mobile Lab in the VAB card. @ZooNamedGames - Thanks for the offer, but since this is at Kerbin and I have plenty of ./, I'll deorbit and relaunch with a v2. @Sirrobert - A good tip, and one that I'd gotten out of the habit of due to my 0.90 game with Remote Tech. I'll keep an eye out to disable probe's on-board battery moving forwards. Mmmmmkay, here's a weird exploit one can do: Disable one battery, select that battery plus a couple that are not disabled (these will show a few hundreths of an EC), and transfer EC to the disabled battery. Was able to recharge my pod that way.
  25. Hello, Running into a problem with my first Science Lab. I just threw on some OX-STATs and a couple of lights, and it appears that once the EC hits zero, you can't do any commands. Enable *or* disable. And so the lights and Science Lab stay on, sucking all EC, and preventing me from shutting them off. This continues even if I EVA my scientists - the lab continues to try processing data, and my EC level does not increase. I have an OKTO installed. If I edit my quicksave to throw some extra EC into my batteries, I can control the vessel normally. When the lights and Lab are both off, I am very power positive. I thought in previous versions if you were power starved, consumers were disabled until you were power positive again. Is this new behavior? I am currently not running any mods such as Remote Tech that might cause similar behavior: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program>ckan list KSP found at C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program KSP Version: 1.0.2 Installed Modules: - ContractConfigurator 1.0.4 - ContractConfigurator-AnomalySurveyor 1.1.2 - ContractsWindowPlus 5.1 - CrewManifest 0.6.0 - DockingPortAlignmentIndicator 6.2 - KerbalAlarmClock v3.3.1.1 - KerbalConstructionTime 1.1.6 - KerbalEngineerRedux - LandingHeight 1.4 - LightsOut 0.1.3 - ModuleManager 2.6.3 - PreciseNode 1.1.3 - RCSLandAid 2.4 - StockBugFixModules v1.0.2b - Toolbar 1.7.9 - TransferWindowPlanner v1.3.0.1 - WaypointManager 2.3.2 Legend: -: Up to date. X: Incompatible. ^: Upgradable. ?: Unknown C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program> It's a real bummer that my science lab Mk 1 won't be able to function. I'll have to refly it with more panels. Can we have EC consumption information added to the VAB window? - - - Updated - - - Here is an album showing the problem.
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