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Everything posted by sao123

  1. I've been a software developer team manager for about 5 years and a developer for the 8 before that, mostly in data drive web applications. I can tell you they will gain very few, if any opportunities with the extra time. the disruption to the organization of the team, and the departure of some key members, is going to for sure make it take longer to get what you would have previously got under the prior team, you have less people doing the same amount of work. Furthermore even if they hire new replacements immediately, it is going to take a lot of time for those new developers to get up to speed and become an effective part of the team. Its more than just knowing how to program. You have to understand the requirements, understand the architecture, understand the development processes of this specific team, get comfortable in a role and begin to be productive. Most new hires usually take 8-12 months on the job before they are truly productive in the middle of a large project. That doesnt take into account any changes that are being made to the requirements or design of the game as part of this reorganization. Even though we are talking about replacing lost people instead of adding additional people, most of the principals and corollaries of the "Mythical Man Month" still apply. Anyone interested in the topic should check out some brief youtube videos on the concept. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xsd7rJMmZHg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fp2GWaahvio
  2. There are no ethics in business, only contracts and profits. I mean that... if there were no profits to be had, there would be no KSP 2, ever. Employees work for pay. Companies sell for profits. Capitalism is not toxic, though it may be vicious and cutthroat. There are those companies who will survive, and those who will not. There are no "feelings" in business, only pure cold logic and contract law. It takes the highest levels of emotional maturity to truly seperate "feelings" from "business". If KSP2 is fun, i''ll buy it. If its not fun, I wont. Period.
  3. if you consider DLC to be a full on content expansion like KSP 1 had 1 or 2 of, thats fine. No Micro Transactions.
  4. I cannot get from the mission failed screen to the screen that Nestor posted earlier in this thread. Hit close, then escape, just brings back failure. I dont want to restart the whole mission, and I dont want to save and quit. Trying to get to the revert button but cant.
  5. Escape brings me back to the failure screen. I dont get the menu. i am stuck at close, restart and save and quit. close, then escape, brings back failure. I am stuck on the last screen in my picture.
  6. i DID successfully complete the first launch. This crash is on K-7b, K-7 was completed.
  7. This solution does not work for me... at least for the second aprt of the first mission. I completed the mission of get to 5000M and land on the runway. i have failed the get to 48000M mission by crashing. Unable to right click and get the build this mission because its grayed out. for some reason the splashdown mission is out of order... (it doesnt ask to splashdown until i am already in the air for the 48000M mission.)
  8. Also having this problem... VAB is locked, I cannot return to make modifications to my rocket... PLZ FIX.
  9. the biggest challenge is both are packaged with their own copy of smokescreen... having multiple copies is a large potential cause for crashes... If they were pacakged together with one copy of smokescreen, less chance for error.
  10. It would be great if both hot rockets and cool rockets which are both based on smokescreen could be packaged together.
  11. Yes... If you go back to my original post 2 pages ago... That was the whole reason for my post. Running the x64. Have been since .24 without issue. No crashes. Ever. Installed this into x64 .90... The option mods at steps 1-3 work fine. The ones at step 4 don't, and its not an out of memory problem.
  12. You mean the lightning? Yes they work, but they are not the reason why the other effects didn't work. I tested them independently 1 at a time to see which ones worked and which ones didn't work. My computer is definitely not slow or memory limited. I'm running an intel I7-3770K with 32GB Ram and a GTX 780,Ti I can and have run the 8K textures before without problem using the X64 client. There is definitely a bug/incompatibility in most of the step 4 optional mods.
  13. has anyone successfully got this whole pack to run in KSP .90 x64 (starting at stock)? I can get steps 1-3 and the game works. but if I install any of the step 4 textures (except the Auroras & Lightning) the game wont load. Atmospheric scattering, Lense Flare, Sandstorms & dust, Snow, Surface Glow, and Eve/Jool Clouds all seem to not work in .90 x64. When I load any of these, the game crashes while the immediately after the loading bar prior to the main menu.
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