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Everything posted by Ziw

  1. Current release (0.20) of Infernal Robotics - IS the result of a rework. This thread is here for discussing further development.
  2. Just wait till Monday/Tuesday. kOS update will bring proper IR integration via API (https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/wiki/Using-the-IR-API) I'm already making a set of kOS scripts to control walker robot without SAS (via counterabalancing). Here's the snippet of code as an example: function Balance { parameter fPID, sPID, servoList. local sideAngleVector to vxcl(ship:facing:starvector, ship:up:vector). set sideAngle to vang(ship:up:vector, sideAngleVector). if (vdot(vxcl(ship:up:vector,sideAngleVector), ship:facing:starvector) < 0) { set sideAngle to -sideAngle. } set sideOffset to pid_seek(sPID, 0, sideAngle). set foreAngleVector to vxcl(ship:facing:topvector, ship:up:vector). set foreAngle to vang(ship:up:vector, foreAngleVector). if (vdot(vxcl(ship:up:vector,foreAngleVector), ship:facing:topvector) < 0) { set foreAngle to -foreAngle. } set foreOffset to pid_seek(fPID, 0, foreAngle). print "foreAngle: " + foreAngle. print "foreOffset: " + foreOffset. for s in servoList { if(s:name = "R Shoulder Rot" or s:name = "L Shoulder Rot") { s:moveto(-15 + foreOffset, 4). } if(s:name = "R Shoulder Hinge") { s:moveto(clamp(-sideOffset, -60, 0), 4). } if(s:name = "L Shoulder Hinge") { s:moveto(clamp(sideOffset, -60, 0), 4). } if(s:name = "Counterweight") { s:moveto(clamp(sideOffset*2, -90, 90), 6). } } }
  3. Why not just use the 45 degree preset if you have 4 wheels at radial symmetry?
  4. It is a known issue too, but as you said it is more of a UI problem. For unrestricted rotatrons the internal range is from -180 to 180, BUT presets do loop around, e.g. if there are no rotation limits and you have presets set like [-120, -60, 0, 60, 120, 180] then pressing NextPreset when you are at 180 should bring you to -120. As for moving things in editor - don't be afraid, during whole month of testing we haven't encountered any creeping issues apart from off-axis parts, and that was fixed too.
  5. Yes. Dont forget to check that RT light is green in kOS panel.
  6. Aha, I thought this was fixed. For some reason Engage limits does not persist from editor. This will be fixed now for sure.
  7. Rotatrons do not have limits engaged by default, you have to turn them on via right click menu, and I believe that is what causing the issue you are having. I'll check the 180 pivotron tomorrow, it should not be different from any other part.
  8. As Zodius said, the workflow is the following: 1) Build a craft 2) Launch it 3) Set up your sequences, they are only automatically saved on that particular Vessel. a) they will persist through craft switching they will persist through docking c) they will persist with quicksaves When you revert to VAB - you basically load a save where they don't exist yet. We'll try to explore the possibility of enabling basic sequence editing in Editor, but it will be after IR and Sequencer are updated to 1.0.
  9. What kind of save/load? the one you can reuse on another craft? Because if it's just this craft - the sequences are auto-saved if you have a probe core on the craft.
  10. Hmm, I dont not see anything wrong there apart from some exceptions from Snacks/AGX/KAC that should not affect performance. Can you try installing previous pre-release from IR dev thread (in my signature) and see if there is any difference in performance (maybe on a separate copy of KSP to avoid any problems on main install)?
  11. Problem is that in VAB/SPH there is no Vessel, but only a Construct, which is basically a collection of parts with no internal logic running, no physics and etc, but we'll explore this possibility. But even if we get past that limitation - creating sequences would be quite hard in VAB/SPH due to the way KSP works - IR servos only move at default speed in editor, ActionGroups are not firing and etc - so it would be nearly impossible to test your sequences properly.
  12. Can you post our logs here? We haven't had any performance complaints yet from anyone trying out pre-release, so it's worth investigating.
  13. It is simple - the link in the first post leads to the latest official version of IR from Addon Releases forum. So there will be only 2 threads for IR now - one in Releases (for questions and general discussion) and one in Development (to discuss new features). Old threads will be locked (or are locked already). See my signature for all IR related links.
  14. We noticed that *.version is outdated and points to the wrong repository 10 minutes after release We're working on fixing that, pretty sure it will be fixed in 1.0 compatibility update.
  15. You want this to fine tune position in editor? But you can now type in the position via keyboard input, have you seen the release video? Or I am missing some other use case for it?
  16. In case you missed it we have released the final version of IR 0.20 and the Sequencer we teased some time ago. Check all links in my signature.
  17. Also check out another release from MagicSmokeIndustries - Sequencer (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/116076)
  18. Development Release of the first official add-on to Infernal Robotics This mod will NOT work without the latest version of Infernal Robotics. ModuleManager is required as well and not included in the download. What it does? This add-on serves as an example on how to use IR's new API. With this mod you can create and play sequences of servo movement commands and special commands, like GoTo, Toggle ActionGroup, Delay and Wait. Other examples of what is possible with Sequencer: This mod would not have been possible without invaluable help from @ZodiusInfuser & @erendrake Download: https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/IR-Sequencer/releases/tag/1.0.3 Source: https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/IR-Sequencer License: GNU GPL version 3, 29 July 2007.
  19. It is because non-complex parameters (numbers, strings and such) are passed by value. Only complex parameters (like Vessel, List and such) are passed by reference.
  20. BTW we are ready for a release, just waiting for sirkut to have some time to upload it and make a forum post. I hope he can do it today.
  21. Can confirm that for some reason the Engage Limit does not persist from editor to flight. I've logged an issue, but it will have to wait a little bit to be fixed.
  22. My calculation code is a bit different, but it was created before velocityat was added I can create almost perfect circular orbits with it. I think problem with your code are due to velocityat being calculated while ship is still in atmosphere, which gives wrong velocity. declare parameter alt. // create maneuver node at apoapsis which sets the orbit to alt. set vom to velocity:orbit:mag. // actual velocity set r to body:radius + ship:altitude. // actual distance to body set ra to body:radius + ship:obt:apoapsis. // radius in apoapsis set va to sqrt( vom^2 + 2*body:mu*(1/ra - 1/r) ). // velocity in apoapsis set a to ship:obt:semimajoraxis. // semi major axis present orbit // future orbit properties set r2 to body:radius + ship:obt:apoapsis. // distance after burn at apoapsis set a2 to (alt + 2*body:radius + ship:obt:apoapsis)/2. // semi major axis target orbit set v2 to sqrt( vom^2 + (body:mu * (2/r2 - 2/r + 1/a - 1/a2 ) ) ). // setup node set deltav to v2 - va. set nd to node(time:seconds + eta:apoapsis, 0, 0, deltav). add nd.
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