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Everything posted by Ziw

  1. Does it happen with Legacy parts or Zodius's reworked parts?
  2. I think we just never tried that. You raise a good point about kOS parts - I too think that thay should also act as probe-cores just without any reaction wheels.
  3. No Kerbal or no Pilot (but scientist). If it's the former then unless you also have a probe core on your craft it is not supposed to fly, no?
  4. Do you have enough reaction wheels on the craft to steer it? as far as I remember Stayputnik does not have any reaction controls or has very little.
  5. Can you please post your craft file so I can fiddle with it?
  6. Hi, those are my scripts, not KK4TEE Exenode is a script that executes a maneuver node, you can even find it in examples on KOS website (there is a typo there, but it's easy to fix). Also, I suggest learning from slightly simpler scripts, but I'll try to help you anyway. The scripts in the video you linked were written for KOS 0.16.2 and KSP 0.90, and quite a lot was changed since then, for example the ascend script is very different now. I suggest you take a glance at KSLIB library of scripts found here (https://github.com/KSP-KOS/KSLib) for more up-to-date code examples. Since that video I've rewritten the code slightly to take advantage of new KOS features and if you want I can show you the parts that are of interest to you. - - - Updated - - - Not yet, but I've seen some work being done on that front, so I expect it to be added at some point.
  7. BTW in case you missed that there is a pre-release version of IR Sequencer that introduces VAB/SPH creation/editing of sequences. It requires the pre-release version of IR but both are more-or less stable, we're just waiting for 1.0.3 version of KSP to recompile and release them. You can find both links in the Sequencer thread (link in my signature).
  8. KIS attached parts are not working properly yet. Please wait for the update of IR that will fix that interaction.
  9. Check out this pre-release version of Sequencer that allows creating and editing sequences in the VAB/SPH https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/IR-Sequencer/releases/tag/0.4-pre Please note that it REQUIRES the pre-release version if IR, found here: https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/tag/0.21.3-rc
  10. Can any of you try to describe steps necessary to get the icon to duplicate and include your log as well, I'll try to give it another pass.
  11. Presets are sorted automatically from lowest to highest and this will not change anytime soon. If you need more control over your robotic parts please check IR Sequencer (link in my signature) or employ other methods (like KOS). - - - Updated - - - I don't play much KSP as of late, but in all my tests I could not reproduce the error. I've had some logs sent to me on this issue, but they were full of exceptions from other mods which makes them really hard to analyze. I have one ultimate solution in mind, but it is a lot of code rewrite and I'd rather avoid doing it unless really necessary. - - - Updated - - - It's a Sequencer icon that is buggy on your screenshot. I'll look into it.
  12. It was supposed to be solved quite some time ago, please check that you have a latest version (0.21.2).
  13. The question was about mouse tracking as far as I remember. But I am not ready to answer it anyway
  14. Please try IR model rework, it has proper hinges. Our current ones are a bit bugged, but we no longer have the model sources so it is hard to fix it.
  15. That is a bit out of the scope of this mod, but we've given the API, so anyone can try and write such a mod. - - - Updated - - - Sorry, but this comes as a surprise. are you sure you are i the righ thread?
  16. Unfortunately it is not possible in KSP. But as you stated you can leave your rover script running and do 4x timewarp. And the answer to your follow-up question is Yes, the computer will reset. It might change in the future, but it is quite hard to implement and even harder to debug.
  17. Hey, It's best to ask here: [1.0] kOS Scriptable Autopilot System v0.17.2 2015/4/28 As for your questions: 1) Ships not in physics range cannot run scripts 2) Timewarping works fine as long as you stay focused on the ship running scripts and you can control the rate of the warp via script as well 3) Running out of power resets your computer so it will not continue running from the same line, but will start from clean when you get your power up, unless you have a devilishly clever boot script.
  18. The error mesage is correct - there are no events Move +, you should call DOACTION(), but you should use new API for IR stuff - but the docs seem to be outdated. Try this page: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KSP-KOS/KOS/develop/doc/source/addons/IR.rst
  19. And does docking washer appear untextured in editor?
  20. It would be a UI nightmare to have all those textfields in the commands section. The existing solution is not so elegant, but it works. I have some ideas, but we'll have to wait until Unity 5 and overhauled UI system implemented by Squad.
  21. Does this only apply to docking washer? Can you post your log?
  22. To edit commands you can set a pointer by clicking on command number and add a new command below and remove old command via delete button parts position is read upon adding new parts, but I can make it re-read them more often
  23. Legacy parts use dds, reworked parts use texture sharing that is not compatible with ATM, but provides even more memory savings even without dds
  24. Not yet. And this is only be possible within physics range - - - Updated - - - It requires some overhaul in RT API, so not yet. - - - Updated - - - For now only in the loop by remebering previous roll and dividing difference in roll by deltaT passed since last ibservation
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