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Everything posted by Ziw

  1. I suggest you watch the video in the OP with the new UI features, it will answer a lot of your questions. This behaviour has been changed as far as I understand what you mean, but you can try to replicate something like this with Action Groups or Sequencer Addon (see my signature). Set Acceleration to 100 or 1000 (or any other big number). You can type in values in the Advanced Settings (cog shaped icon). You should really use Reworked parts, they are so much better, and there is a beta release for 1.0.5
  2. Hinge is a known issue, but unfortunately hard to fix as we lack the original model files. Please give Zoduis's Model Rework a try - he has a very nice collection of IR parts.
  3. You can type in values for min/max if you go into advanced settings (cog shaped icon) for the chosen servo in the UI. Please watch the video for further instructions.
  4. It has been reported, but usually is related to tweakscale if I'm not mistaken.
  5. Sorry about your experience. I've never had any problems with blizzy's toolbar, although I find it a bit inconvenient that IR uses blizzy's if its available and does not let you choose whether or not you actually want to use it. When 1.1 hits we'll add a small configuration window where you'll be able to change that and some other options.
  6. Re: struts. We have a working version of Active Struts, but there are some non-coding issues we need to clear first (license stuff).
  7. IR uses Unity method (Transform) to move the parts attached to IR parts, so yes and no. 8)
  8. Legacy hinges are bugged unfortunately. Please try using Zodius rework parts.
  9. Only with kOS or something like that via stabilizing the central part
  10. I'll look into the code, this snapping is really odd.
  11. Unfortunately Legacy parts are a bit wonky. Could you try using Zodius excellent Reworked parts? They don't have the exact model for VTOL rotor, but you can construct one yourself using a combination of parts (rotatron + mount part of your choice).
  12. No, it's not a known bug with tweakscale, in fact I haven't had any problems with it for quite some time, just the behavior you described is very reminiscent of an old IR-TS interaction bug that was fixed in 0.21.3 If you can reproduce the bug - can you please post the craft here alongside with the reproduction steps
  13. first and foremost - did you scale the robotic parts with tweakscale? Second - does it apply only to translating parts (telescopic piston or extendatron) or rotating parts as well?
  14. Your mechs are amazing, Zodius linked me your youtube some time ago BTW if you have some ideas/requests regarding Sequencer - please post in the thread (see my signature). I do need some feedback.
  15. Please look for solutions in the main post of Rework Thread, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65365
  16. This is very odd. Could you please send the log and in the meantime try the Zodius Reworked part - Extendatron
  17. Thank you, will look around more but for now I've ended up with this crude code: private void FixedUpdate() { //because OnVesselDestroy and OnVesselGoOnRails seem to only work for active vessel I had to build this stupid workaround if(HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { if(FlightGlobals.Vessels.Count(v => v.loaded) != loadedVesselCounter) { RebuildServoGroups (); loadedVesselCounter = FlightGlobals.Vessels.Count(v => v.loaded); } } }
  18. To Allumhuran, I might be able to remove the ActiveVessel limitation from IR UI and API, it appears to be easier than expected, but updating kOS API might take a bit longer due to longer dev cycle, though I might give you access to preview builds once I have this sorted on IR side.
  19. Need some help. I want to do something when any Vessel (not the ActiveVessel) is unloaded from physics range, but unfortunately neither GameEvents.onVesselDestroy nor GameEvents.onVesselGoOnRails seem to fire in this case, although I can see "xxxVesselNamexxx Unloaded" in the logs. Is it the intended behaviour or am I missing something? I really don't want to check whether the loaded vessel count changed in every FixedUpdate, but this might be my solution.
  20. Perry, did you try a smaller subassembly - just the ring, washer and 1-2 parts on top of it, did it work?
  21. You might want to try multiple KOS cores, each controlling only a limited amount of servos. There were some improvements in multi-core operation with the introduction of CORE object (http://ksp-kos.github.io/KOS_DOC/structures/core.html)
  22. Changes in speed should only be applied after a new Move command. Limits are checked every FixedUpdate (physics tick) and movement (Transform) is done there as well. Using negative speed is a bit hacky, as it is not the intended behaviour, as you are not supposed to be able to set it below zero in the UI and you are using UI based functions (if you are not using the API). By the way, did you set the acceleration high enough that it would not affect your keyframe animation? Is the inability to control unfocused crafts is the only thing that keeps you from using the API?
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