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Everything posted by Ziw

  1. Sequencer news: I've made some commands editable (Servo, Delay, GoTo), unfortunately screen space and lack of drop-down selector in UI prevents me from making ActionGroup commands editable, so you'll have to re-create them. Also I've added AGX support, but it requires latest dev version of AGX. If someone wants to try it out please use the following files on your own risk, please back up your ships just in case, as some internal stuff has changed a bit: 1) Dev build of Sequencer, https://slack-files.com/T041411BE-F0HB7C116-56dbf8ef35 2) Dev build of AGX ( @Diazo , let me know if you want me to take down this link), https://slack-files.com/T041411BE-F0HB1DHA8-4795a22997 3) Dev build of IR dll, overwrite this dll to GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Plugins, https://slack-files.com/T041411BE-F0HB6Q54J-5a5329d3f4
  2. I've detached an engine from my ship in Flight and reattached it to another place, had to have 2 kerbals nearby to do it though (due to mass).
  3. Just to report on that, I'm using Transparent Pods from here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/75897-v090v25transparent-pods-v122-for-ksp-v090/ and the performance hit is substantial, especially if you run Scatterer/EVE. My FPS drops from 85+ to 42-45fps for 50-60 part ship in Kerbin orbit when I turn the Transparent Pod option on and it gets worse if you time-warp. I'm on very beefy PC with OCd GTX 980Ti + 4.5Ghz i5930 6-core
  4. Just retested with 0.2182 - Frame drops are still there, but not so massive as in 0.218 (maybe because there is less z-fighting) and they occur all the time while warping, not only while ramping up warp speed. In terms of numbers framerates as reported by Performance tab in debug window go from from 45-ish to 33.3 (limited by physics) so it is a noticeable difference, but it was even worse in 0.2180 EDIT: Nevermind, I've found the culprit. I was using the Transparent Pod option of RPM, and it was causing that massive lag when warping. Once I turned it off, there is no difference in performance when warping vs no warping.
  5. Well, I cannot test right now, but maybe it was the problem while "changing" warp speed indeed. But it was so unexpected and massive, so I started dialing it back down to 1x. On 1x all was buttery smooth again. I'll test with 0.2182 later today and report.
  6. Had to roll back from V0.218 to previous version - time warping in low kerbin orbit (80km) for some reason gave me HUGE FPS drop and couple seconds after NVidia drivers crashed and recovered. I thought it was due to some other stuff, but I tried again, and although there were no more driver crashes, I still experienced a massive FPS drops as soon as I started timewarping with Kerbin visible in low orbit. Reverting back to 0.216 solved this problem (at least made it less prominent) and got rid of ugly z-fighting. BUT: I'm using 64-bit workaround and DX9 on i5930 + gtx980ti so I have no right to complain, just giving you some heads-up.
  7. Good suggestion and it is quite easy to implement. I'll add the button that fills the values from the current servo state to the text-boxes. EDIT: Nevermind, this functionality already exist - just double-click the servo name to fill in its current position. Kudos to Zodius for reminding me that I already did it.
  8. You can assign custom keyboard shortcuts to sequences now if you have 0.5 Action groups are hard, because there is no UI for that now and I don't want to add any new UI in Sequencer until 1.1 hits.
  9. OR, new part will most likely incorporate probe core, kOS processor and Sequencer storage in one part.
  10. Sequences (at least for now) unlike kOS scripts are unique to a vessel they have been created on, so it is nearly impossible. Even making them editable in VAB was a bit hacky. For example if you have 2 identical .craft files loaded within physics range Sequencer would most likely malfunction, due to part ID clashes. Actually with recent IR API implementation in kOS it is quite easy to write scripts for IR as long as you have all the servos properly tagged.
  11. Important announcement! I know that IR is a mature mod with not much things to be added, but if you have any suggestions of what features you want to see in IR please post them below. So far I have the following list: 1) Make Servo Groups order persistent (so you can reorder the groups how you like and this order will be saved). 2) Add keyboard shortcuts to individual servos, not only ServoGroups 3) Add an option to mute servo sounds 4) Electric charge consumption overhaul
  12. Important announcement! I need your input on what features you want to see in Sequencer. So far I have the following list: 1) Add Action Groups Extended support 2) Create own Sequencer part to store sequences (instead of using Probes) 3) Make sequence commands editable. 4) Make Sub Sequences possible (e.g. run a Sequence as a part of another sequence). 5) Add the acceleration modifier to commands (depends on the IR API changes, so might take some time). Anything else?
  13. Well something is wrong with your Module Manager configs, because I dont see a Module SequencerStorage on a probe core. Some other mod is overwriting the config for the probe cores it seems or Sequencer's MM patch is never applied properly. Just in case try deleting module manager's cache, maybe this will help.
  14. Could you please make a screenshot while hovering a probe core in the editor left panel with More Info opened (I need to see whether the Module Sequencer Storage is present).
  15. Hmm, do you have one of the stock probe cores on your Rover? Because I don't see any major issues in the log.
  16. Hmm, could you please post your log? Can you also try the previous version of Sequencer and check whether it works for you?
  17. There is a pre-release in the model rework forum thread, but I dont have the link right now. It works pretty well and has most of the parts in it
  18. This mod was taken down by its author, who gave limited permission to use it only as a part of Infernal Robotics Model Rework. See corresponding thread for an updated release.
  19. This is on the list of things to do. Currently busy IRL, but I hope to get my hands on it in January.
  20. Does it happen with 0.4 as well? Can you also check for errors in Debug panel in flight (alt-f12)?
  21. Is this feature in the latest build? I'm willing to give it a test. BTW I measured the performance hit of EVE on my system and it is negligible. Kerbal Engineer on the other hand hits performance really hard (like 10fps), I don't know why.
  22. What do you mean by everytime? Every time you switch to a craft or ...?
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