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Everything posted by Ziw

  1. I'll give you a hint set v2 to VECDRAWARGS(V(0,0,0), upvector, RGB(1,0,0), "upvector", 10, True). the rest you can find in the manual.
  2. Yes!!! Please! I believe Zodius already started looking into it too.
  3. I have this bug all the time, but for me it is more of annoyance as it does not cover anything important.
  4. It is a very nice idea, I've been thinking about it for a while. I am trying to write more-or-less universal script to operate a robotic crane arm for a shuttle, and having the ability to record and playback (at least) basic movements involving sevral servos would be of much help. Now you can read the current Rotation from Rotatron for example and implement basic movements via some kind of loops, but I haven't tried recording desired parameters and playing them back yet.
  5. A lot of people have issues with tweakscale (including me personally) so they try to avoid using it. You can still use IR without tweakscale, but you either have to edit the CFG files yourself or stick to 1 size of the IR parts.
  6. I think gantry is prone to too many issues. In my crane project I ended up constructing my own gantry out of 3 extendatrons (from Model Rework) - not very elegant solution, but it worked.
  7. Can you share some of your preliminary clouds configs for overhaul? You know, for SCIENCE...
  8. Gantry is tricky to attach properly, for your application better use Extendatron (see ZodiusInfuser Model Rework).
  9. So you're telling me I can access numbers in IR servo group editor (the one you open by clicking IR icon)? Anyway, i figured out that I dont actually need that much rotation speed for my project, just some better programming.
  10. I made my silly project work! I'll post video here later, it is so much fun 8) I just love KSP in general and IR and KOS in particular.
  11. It changes the position of attachment nodes for sure, but I havent tested the surface attachment with fairing bases. You can try for yourself, this mod (for me at least) is the most stable and usable part mod I use for 300+ hours played.
  12. I had this done before, but still had some issues, which were really hard to trace, but which went away almost completely when I got rid of tweakscale, so I prefer to stay away from tweakscale for now. The reason I ask is that I use Procedural Fairings and you can switch base sizes there without use of tweakscale and I hoped it could be done for IR too rather painlessly.
  13. Steven, I support your design decision with KOS approach to KSPFields, that is why I started the discussion here first and not in KOS topic (though I put more details in KOS topic). It seems I'd have to shelf this project until I come up with a solution. - - - Updated - - - But I cannot find a way to access the speed control in servo groups via KOS, or am I missing something?
  14. I second this. I really enjoy IR, but I had to get rid of tweakscale completely and now I can only build huge robotic parts.
  15. I need some help from IR+KOS guru For a silly project of mine (see picture) I wrote a code that is supposed to stabilize the lander can, but for some reason I cannot set the rotation speed of Rotatrons higher than 5+something using KOS set stab1 to SHIP:PARTSTAGGED("Stab")[0]:GETMODULE("MUMECHTOGGLE").set stab2 to SHIP:PARTSTAGGED("Stab")[1]:GETMODULE("MUMECHTOGGLE"). clearscreen. print stab1:allfields. print stab1:allevents. print stab1:allactions. //calculate radial speed give surface speed lock wheelR to alt:radar. // coarse speed of 1.0 meand 20 degrees in sec or at least it seems so from part.cfg lock angularvelocityCoeff to 180 / (Constant():PI * wheelR) / 20 . lock upvector to up:vector. lock facingvector to SHIP:FACING:vector. until false { set error to vxcl(upvector,facingvector). set errorangle to vdot(ship:facing:upvector,error). set v1 to VECDRAWARGS(V(0,0,0), error, RGB(0,1,0), "error", min(abs(error:mag*10),10), True). set v2 to VECDRAWARGS(V(0,0,0), upvector, RGB(1,0,0), "upvector", 10, True). set v3 to VECDRAWARGS(V(0,0,0), facingvector, RGB(0,0,1), "facingvector", 10, True). set v4 to VECDRAWARGS(V(0,0,0), ship:facing:upvector, RGB(1,1,1), "starvector", 10, True). stab1:SETFIELD("coarse speed", max(1, ship:surfacespeed*angularvelocityCoeff)). stab2:SETFIELD("coarse speed", max(1, ship:surfacespeed*angularvelocityCoeff)). print "Surface speed, " + round(ship:surfacespeed,4) at(0,28). print "Angular vel coeff, " + round(angularvelocityCoeff,4) at(0,27). print "Coarse speed, " + round(stab1:getfield("coarse speed"),4) at(0,29). print "Fine speed, " + round(stab1:getfield("fine speed"),4) at(30,29). if (abs(errorangle) > 0.05) { if errorangle > 0 { print "Positive, " + errorangle at(0,30). stab1:doaction("move +",True). stab1:doaction("move -",False). stab2:doaction("move +",True). stab2:doaction("move -",False). } else { print "Negative, " + errorangle at(0,30). stab1:doaction("move +",False). stab1:doaction("move -",True). stab2:doaction("move +",False). stab2:doaction("move -",True). } } else { if ship:surfacespeed < 0.1 //stop rotating when ship is steady. { stab1:doaction("move +",False). stab1:doaction("move -",False). stab2:doaction("move +",False). stab2:doaction("move -",False). } //else keep rotating the same direction } wait 0.005. set v1 to 0. set v2 to 0. set v3 to 0. set v4 to 0. if ag1 { toggle ag1. break. } }
  16. For a project of mine I am trying to dynamically change rotatron's rotation speed in KOS script, but it seems I cannot set it higher than 5 (the default max value in VAB). Are there any workarounds or this number is embedded deep in the code?
  17. Without RT2 option turned on your probes controlled by KOS cannot steer or fire engines without connection.
  18. When I built my crane to haul MKS modules (18-23 tonnes each) i had to use 2 booms in a U shaped structure. Unfortunately I don't have a craft file readily available, but it was sturdy enough to operate on Kerbin, but still stable enough to operate on Mun without flipping under load. Haven't tested on Minmus though.
  19. Hi, I use this snippet of code for staging (it was posted here on one of those 252 pages) set stagemaxthrust to ship:maxthrust. when status <> "PRELAUNCH" and (ship:maxthrust<stagemaxthrust or ship:maxthrust<1) then { print "Stage!". stage. set stagemaxthrust to ship:maxthrust. preserve. }
  20. To Authors: When do you plan to release an update? Since version 1.6.0 of RemoteTech the RT2 integration with KOS is broken (works fine with version 1.5.2 of RT2 though). Can you release a quick fix, or we have to wait for a major update Steven was writing about?
  21. I had to install older version of RT (1.5.2), the newest one (1.6) broke the integration with KOS (at least for me).
  22. Yes, now it works. Thanks a lot! Now I can continue on with my modded career mode 8) - - - Updated - - - Cool! So each core runs a sub-process for corresponding leg or what?
  23. Tried it on my laptop install, same result, maybe there are some caches I need to clean after changing part.cfg file?
  24. i tried it just an hour ago, but for some reason it didnt work. Maybe there are some more hidden checks in the code? Or maybe I did something wrong, I'll try tomorrow one more time on a different install.
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