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Everything posted by Scathalh

  1. Hi inigma, the filedropper link are broken: Here are the new links: http://kerbalx.com/Scathalh/STS-7--Spin-Off http://kerbalx.com/Scathalh/STS-7E-Spin-Off
  2. Hello inigma, i did my best Just with a quick test. See album: I've reached over 15k with the boosters. No more time to test, but i guess it works. Edit: The delta/V is at last stage 3925 m/s (see KerbalEngineer mod for VAB statistic) Edit 2: And thank you again for your epic spaceshuttle design... Edit 3:It works for me. File: http://www.filedropper.com/-spaceshuttle3- Notice: Hit "w" if the payload is not enough to hold heading. Otherwise change fuel level of the external pods. Edit 4: Or put some fuel in the lower booster. Just for better handling in the lower athmosphere.
  3. Hello inigma, i've tried to change a little bit your epic shuttle design. I've merged some ideas from your design, the K-7 design and some ideas from me. Here is the result: You can try it: http://www.filedropper.com/-spaceshuttle2- Cheers... Notice: You can use tweakscale for scaling of the mainsail engine or use the mammoth.
  4. inigma, you can use my station too: http://kerbalx.com/Scathalh/Kerbin-Space-Station Feel free, if you need some parts...
  5. Probe lander (only for atmospheres): Crew transfer vehicle (it is stock. used tweakscale for only one part... esthetic look): Download: http://kerbalx.com/Scathalh/Orbital-Transfer-System
  6. My "ISS" (Relaunch): Download: http://kerbalx.com/Scathalh/Kerbin-Space-Station Mun Station:
  7. Done... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/126586-STS-6-SpaceShutlle-%28inigma%29-Why-does-the-reaction-wheel-explodes?p=2038969#post2038969
  8. Hello, here is the craft-File: http://kerbalx.com/inigma/STS-6-Space-Shuttle Why does the reaction wheel explodes, when the shuttle is on the launch pad and the bays are closed? When i start with opened bays, the shuttle works perfectly. See more details: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/108219-STS-6-E-Space-Shuttle-%28Stock-NASA-Replica%29-New-STS-Astrovan-II-6-21-15?p=2038860&viewfull=1#post2038860
  9. Damn?! Yesterday: 2 of 2 starts are ok (after update). Now: It explodes again and again and again. Edit: Ok, the start works... Only when the shuttle bays are open (during the start!). Edit 2: When i close the bays and wait a few seconds, then it explodes again. Checked with a simple test construction: When i put 2 reaction wheels on one big booster > the vessel explodes When i put 2 reaction wheels on a fuselage with a big booster > no structural problems
  10. Wahhhh no it is my fault. Sorry. I've read the IR changelog (rearanged tech tree). i've lost some tech in my savegame... Damn. It works.
  11. Argh too. It does not work for me. Installed mods: KSP: 1.0.2 (Win32) - Unity: 4.6.4f1 - OS: Windows 8.1 (6.3.9600) 64bit Contract Configurator - 1.2.1 Contract Pack: Kerbal Space Station - 1.4.2 DMagic Orbital Science - 1.0.3 RasterPropMonitor - 0.19.4 Kerbal Engineer Redux - KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.1.5 Infernal Robots - 0.21.2 Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.2 TextureReplacer - 2.4.4 TweakScale - 2.1 The service module is located in the right folder. I've copied the craft file into the VAB. The craft appears, but some parts missing. When i load the craft, i see that the designed kanadarm is removed. Downloaded from KerbalX and Mediafire.
  12. No problem inigma. Thank you for your update. I want to try your shuttle with the offered recover missions. And i guess the service module would be funny to use. Stages are checked
  13. Hm... i can not use the sts service module. All required mods are installed: - KAS 0.5.1 - KIS 1.1.4 - Infernfal robotics 0.21.2 The sub is not listed in the menu
  14. By the way... Not my work, but a good idea: http://kerbalx.com/Flakbadger/STS-Expedition-Cataclysm-20 Stock rocks!
  15. You should rewrite this for planetary outposts or as an extra contract pack. Thank you again for your continius work
  16. Nice, kerbal is too quiet. The mod makes the game more realistic.
  17. This is what i need. And please note, you should develop a delay for existant savegames. I killed 23 kerbals in 5 seconds
  18. it is the buran arm. see here http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/220273-robotic-arms-pack
  19. The Kerlab and the Kir: The rear panels of the kerlab fixed up by KIS (was a nice eva) The struts at the kir too (whooobble whoooble ...)
  20. Time to fire "Kubble II" in space... Mod: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/226554-cacteye-2-orbital-telescope
  21. Take a look at the stock rover with skycrane. Take a look in the threads here. Use RoveMate, put cubic strut in front / back. Position the wheels on the struts. Try and error :-) It's the game...
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