Trying to talk to KRPC with ProtoBuf.jl in Julia, and was about to decode a GetStatus request, but when I tried to take on a GetServices request (which is much longer the the length that can be described with UInt8), I'm wasn't sure how to handle the VarInt encoding of the header. I also gave PyCall.jl to call the krpc interface, and it mostly works, but Streams seem to be a problem because of what seems to be how semantics of generators don't seem to automatically translate to Julia's generators (the values don't update). Would there be interest helping develop Julia RPC client as I am very new to Protocol buffers? There seems to be ProtoBuf.jl functionality that supports this (if you can implement your controller as a subtype of ProtoRpcController), and Julia has good support for metaprogramming that would seem useful for generating an interface, and I hope to use it to make a web interface like that of Telemachus.