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Everything posted by Tossy64

  1. I have an issue where, at times, after some contract offer declines, I will get the Scansat "Biome Scan of Kerbin" contract offered for about 1/3 second, then it quickly disappears. I have already been offered and completed the Mun and Minmus Biome Scan contracts. I have not yet put a Biome scanner in Kerbin orbit. How can I troubleshoot this issue? The Alt-F12 debug log nor Contract screen offered any insight. * CC, Scansat, MM up to date per CKAN
  2. Fair enough, thanks. "Approximately" what sort of reputation would be too low to be at risk of not getting contracts? And if I hack my reputation to a high rep, would it start excluding some contracts I might want to get?
  3. Playing through my career and the only Remote Tech contract I've gotten is the "Point a dish out from Kerbin" to one of the moons. I've completed this contract, but this is well after I have set up my own 4-satellite omni Kerbin network. Why didn't I get a contract to ask me to do such a network? As far as I can tell I should have. Is something broken?
  4. Wow, congrats on the release. Amazing mod. The mod support (with custom parts) is the icing on the cake. This is good timing for me getting back into KSP and discovering this mod. Looking forward to the updated parts galleries and documentation as well.
  5. I'll just reaffirm your finding here for the benefit of anyone who reads this: I had the same problem as you when USI-LS was installed by CKAN. Comparing my GameData folder with the USI-LS download, it appears that everything was properly present in the UmbraSpaceIndustries folder, but the 000_USITools folder was completely absent. I "need" the version updating convenience of CKAN, so as a compromise all I did was add the 000_USITools manually. So far this appears to work fine. Now I've realized "USI Tools" is in CKAN so I've installed that with CKAN instead. So far so good. Although it took me a long time to troubleshoot why I was always getting indefinite hab and home values. Turns out it's because by default NoHomeEffect = 0 and NoHomeEffectVets = 0 which turns the feature off. Also by default HabMultiplier = 5, although the cfg said default should be 1, so that's fixed now.
  6. So will you update the first post description, if the orange suit exemption is no longer a thing? Is there a better "manual" for how this works, because the first post doesn't mention this habitability concept either.
  7. I just found some VAB music in this Lensbaby product video. So strange to hear it outside KSP. Immediately had to hit up Google to see if this was a unique discovery... Source http://lensbaby.com/usa/soft-focus.php, Click "Soft Focus Optic Video"
  8. I have the included RSS module installed but horizon atmosphere on Kerbin is still white. Is everyone else getting this issue because of RSS not compatible with 1.0.x? Or did I do something wrong?
  9. Crunchynut, I just did the exact same thing. So you're not alone. Of course, I was on my last dregs of fuel, so I couldn't even crash it back to Kerbin. Augh! BTW, 5thHorseman, I used your Fundamentals series to help me build and properly fly and orbit my craft for this contract. Thanks. Next time I'll point south
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