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Everything posted by ColourOfFire

  1. Never used one... Never saw the fun in using one. Launch 12494239503857 can get a bit boring, but it never got me bored enough to install mechjeb.
  2. Have you tried making it lighter by just shedding some parts? It looks crazy heavy and big to be honest, less fuel or maybe less wings might be very possible.
  3. It doesn't look as shiny as some games do, but I don't think that's the point of the game or games in general. Project Zomboid is one of the most immersive games I've played recently, scary as hell, but it has graphics that are hardly better than most of the early 90's stuff. If the gameplay is good, the graphics don't matter that much.
  4. It's best to drive rovers in docking mode so they don't pitch over. If you find your rover flipping forwards when braking, disable the brakes on the front wheels. Also, take into account that the m/s value makes things that are quite fast seem really slow. 15 m/s is over 50 km/h. Solid obstacles are not pleasant to collide with at that speed. Also, they are rovers, not cars.
  5. I've got a huge bug with either RT or Mission Controller. I'm doing a 'point comsat at inner planets' contract, everything is working fine, timer for the shakeout test is running, but everytime I now hover over the active contracts while controlling a ship (both in map mode and normal) KSP freezes. Doesn't matter if it's the sattelite launched for the contract or something else. For now I just completed the contract through the debug menu as I don't want to risk a crash every time I go near the contract thingie... I can send the debug if you want, seems some NaN kills the game: [LOG 14:16:14.518] dT is NaN! tA: 3.36210007965565, E: 0, M: 0, T: NaN
  6. So basically your point is FAR is not good because you can't divebomb yourself at the runway at a ridiculous speed and be okay? I sincerely do not understand your perceived problem with FAR. Have you actually played with FAR for more than half an hour? It makes the interaction between the airstream and your vehicle function at least a bit like it should. Not more, not less. If you don't like it much, don't use it. But don't go saying "it's sooooo hard" just because you can't do things that are ridiculous to begin with. And the entire Interstellar Quest uses FAR and I think most of his other non-tutorial videos do.
  7. Looks nice! I sent this overbuilt apollo style rocket to perform several contracts on 8 different locations on Minmus. Wasn't as overbuilt as I expected, needed RCS to get the lander back into a full orbit. Made a little short of a million funds in one launch though. Now I have the funds to do some of the silly stuff I want to do myself.
  8. FAR is absolutely not hard. I have no idea where the whole FAR is hard comes from. I thought it was absolute bliss when I installed it and stuff that made sense to me actually worked instead of having to noclip wings all over the place to get something to lift off. Yes, if you build some crazy contraption, smash it into the atmosphere from a 300km orbit and try to bank hard, it will definately lose parts. If you build a spaceplane that make just a bit of sense and go for a bit of a shallow approach it's not difficult. I agree with some of your suggestions, but still, FAR is not hard as is. A video of some insane idea that doesn't work the first few tries isn't proof that the aerodynamics are wrong. Actually, most of the problems in this video have very little to do with FAR.
  9. They are absolutely not necessary to keep game developers in business, especially not if you fund your development through early access. There's no reason for the development team to keep working on KSP as long as EVE and WoW are being maintained, it's an entirely different sort of game. Just price the base game right, update it till it's stable and feature complete and move on. Companies used to actually finish games before release, I'm really not into the whole craze of half assed products, loads of patches and tons of DLC. I stopped buying games from developers like Creative Assembly and Paradox because of this. I hate reading a tutorial or how-to only to find out I need this and that DLC to actually use a lot of the the stuff mentioned. I know KSP won't go that road, but still, finish your product, slap a good price on it and move on. Besides, don't forget Squad isn't even a game developer, just because KSP got huge doesn't mean they'll do more games.
  10. This. It's slightly tolerable when done right (as in a lot of new but non game essential features), but pulling jokes like CA does with Rome II deserves a direct bankruptcy.
  11. Paid DLC would bring me pretty close to an uninstall. Though I don't believe Squad posess the level of dickishness needed to pull a DLC attack. For all the other stuff there's mods.
  12. Sent a crew to the Mun to repair a rover with a damaged wheel. Apparently I should've somehow known you need level 3 engineers to fix wheels... Used the excess fuell to fly to another biome to at least bring home some science and take some press pictures. At least a 'plant a flag' contract funded the mission, I'm just slightly annoyed that I'm still stuck with the 'take a temperature scan at position blabla on the mun' that the rover was supposed to do. I'm probably going to have to upgrade my admin centre now to keep things going, I'm still rolling with the 2 contract limit.
  13. I use a lot of solid rocket orbiters in early career, it really seems to help to add some fins in the upper stage and put the trust limiter down to a TWR of around 1.75 at liftoff and have the last solid booster stage kick you into orbit at full trust. Also, some fins on the last solid rocket motor made things hell of a lot more stable. With liquid fueled engines I usually only use full thrust at take off and lower the throttle to about 50% pretty quickly to keep my acceleration under control, I aim to be between 200 m/s and 250m/s at 10.000 meters, after that I slowly open up the throttle. Sudden acceleration makes rockets uncontrollable, which to me makes a lot of sense if you look at it from a physics point of view. The grind is a bit boring, but I think that's mostly because since you've been there, done it all in the earlier versions and with probably loads of new career starts in every new version it feels very grindy. I honestly think this is more because of the game being in early access than 'bad design'. As a new player this would be experienced a lot different. For a new player there's a lot more excitement about unlocking parts you've never had before etc. If you've been playing a lot longer it's just more of the same boring get to orbit stuff. In my latest career game I gave myself a 500 science and 100.000 credit head start as I didn't feel like going over all of the early stuff again. And as I understand, there's still a lot of balancing in the works.
  14. What is the TWR on your rockets? I notice most of my rockets start flipping out if they accelerate too fast within the atmosphere. If I keep the TWR and acceleration under control I hardly notice any problems.
  15. I thought I was going insane trying to build SSTO's in stock, installed FAR and most of my designs went to space with fuel to spare. Rockets get a bit more finicky though, I was never a fan of pancake designs, but you do have to be a bit more sensible with FAR. I thought FAR made a lot more sense, but then again, insane rocketry was never my thing.
  16. I used infite fuel for the first time today... To land on the mun... For some reason the dV stats kerbal engineer gave me were not near what they actually were when the rocket was on its way and my lazy ass decided to trust the numbers instead of thinking back to the 10000234032 mun missions I did before that seemed to carry a lot more fuel. I feel dirty now.
  17. My first rocket was a bunch of solid rocket boosters, I had no idea how to play the game, first few attempts at leaving Kerbin ended in building stuff bigger and bigger, hit escape velocity and started thinking there should be another way...
  18. Not that quickly. I'm currently running: -Boxsat -Chatterer -Contract Configurator -Remotetech -Deadly Reentry -Kerbal Engineer -FAR -K2 Command Pod -KW Rocketry -Mission Controller -Near Future (Electric, Propulsion, Solar) -Procedural Fairings -Stage Recovery -SXT -Vens Stock Revamp I didn't bother with Active Texture Mangement. It runs very smooth, hasn't crashed one so far. If you use B9 you might be in instant trouble just because of the massive amount of parts, but it's not like you have to be crazy careful and use ATM all the time. - - - Updated - - - If you're going to review more games you really really should never make leaps like that again. Just because a thing works a certain way in game A says nothing about game B and can put people off pretty easy. If you're not sure, google it or don't write about it.
  19. It's not at all more difficult. All the mods I've tried and use have a .zip download with a gamedata folder, just put the contents of that in your KSP gamedata folder and that's it. Games with mods that need to be installed from .exe can be a pain, lots of messing about with Wine etc. but installing mods on KSP is a breeze. - - - Updated - - - I actually felt getting CKAN to work was a lot harder than just downloading .zips and putting them in the right place...
  20. Being on a mac doesn't hold you from playing with mods. I play KSP on a 2011 MBP with 4g RAM. It works fine, just stay away from multiple massive part packs.
  21. I run KSP on an early 2011 macbook which borderline meets minimum requirements, it runs a bit hot and I had some issues with an install with 20 or so mods on it (I suspect those were mainly caused by mods messing with each other), but vanilla never crashed on me. Slow frame-rate because of huge part counts, but never a crash to desktop. I used to play on 10.6.8, recently upgraded to Yosemite, it runs even better now as long as I don't go too crazy on the part packs. I think you should look at mods as the culprit.
  22. Built a nice space station, got Bob out to attach some struts to make the docking section a bit more solid. Bob does a great job, flies back to the ladder, I press F to grab it, Bob shoots of right through some solar panels causing a debris domino to tear off some more panels. Bob is launched away into infinity and the station is left powerless on the dark side of the planet. Life support fails, 2 escape with the still docked tug and make it to the surface, the rest dies. Good going Bob.
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