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Everything posted by ColourOfFire

  1. Wait, you mod a game to pieces, that won't work properly and then you blame the game? I'm confused here. There's a lot of things that could be better in KSP, some of them will be fixed, some of them won't. It's never going to be a super realistic sim, it was never intented to be, you get a fun game where you can mess about in space. And you might rub less people the wrong way if you would state your opinions different. As in not proclaiming to be the tree of knowledge that 'knows how it all should work' and things like that.
  2. I had it on a couple of ships that consisted mainly of modded parts. Never encountered it in stock. For me it happened only with B9 and Interstellar combo's, I now play without both and so far so good *knock on wood*.
  3. When you blindly obey your maneuver node and are totally lost without it.
  4. I play KSP on my 2011 Macbook Pro with about 15 mods. No issues whatsoever, just the occasional crash when switching buildings a lot and fast. First on OSX 10.6.8 (couldn't be bothered to upgrade), I recently upgraded to 10.10 as compatibility issues with other software were getting problematic, no issues to report yet. Haven't played much since the upgrade though.
  5. So what would the function of all this computing be? Why would you want it? Just adding a bunch of numbers to each other doesn't seem like a huge improvement to me.
  6. Go to the persistent save file, look for the roster, that has all your kerbals in it. Change the state from dead to available if you want him back at HQ. To retain his skills you have to change some other numbers as well I believe, the number of performed flights IIRC, if you look through his stats in the save file it's pretty hard to miss. For putting him back in the lander you need to go to the lander command part in the save file and insert his name at 'crew = ' and set the status of the kerbal to 'assigned' instead of available.
  7. If you don't want the bother of funds, why not just play science mode or play custom difficulty giving yourself a bunch of funds to start with?
  8. Sorry, the company EA is so far out of my mind that I didn't even think of the possible confusion.
  9. I know, but I believe a lot of the reviews it gets aren't because it's EA, but because it is already a damn enjoyable game. If you look at 'professional reviewers' opinions quite some of them are already saying the game would be fine as-is. You have to take into account that the general public isn't going to do the stuff most of the fanatics here on the forum are doing. Of course the bugs are going to be an important thing to watch though.
  10. And yet people keep saying it will get murdered in the reviews when 1.0 arrives... I don't get that at all.
  11. I would like the poll to enable multiple answers. I don't think it's simply one or the other. Sometimes I play it more for flying around, exploring and visiting planets. Other times I enjoy mucking around in the VAB making the perfect launcher.
  12. I only had this in one save/install with a ton of mods in 0.25. Never had it in stock or with my current modded install. Never had a corrupted save file either. Sometimes all the talk about bugs and krakens make me feel like I have some sort of magical super stable install of KSP or something
  13. I am not a software dev, but I do work with coding and writing basic software a lot. As I don't make games I've never worked with Unity though. Probably Unity will do their best to make the transistion as smooth as possible, but the fact that it's released as a 5.0 and not a 4.whatever is a very clear sign that it's not just a simple upgrade. If it turns out to be so, all the better, but I'm not going to get my hopes up just because the company that sells the engine says there should be an easy transition. I've heard that one before...
  14. I hope they don't. Since it's been released today there is no way of telling if it's going to mean months of work are going down the drain or if it's going to be an improvement within a reasonable period of time. An engine is not something you simply add in, it's basically the thing on which a whole game is built. Even if just carrying the project over is turns out to be quite straight forward it doesn't mean all the functionality will be used properly and it might even present a huge amount of new bugs, incompatibilities and other problems. With the stock game being as stable as it is now there's no reason to push back the release date, and finally shedding the early access stamp that puts a lot of people off, for potentially months. I hope they just take their time, see if it works, how it works, and if it's a real improvement release a new version later. I would hate a bug filled problemfest 1.0 release that will damage the game and the community. I think Squad deserves a great deal of credit for announcing they'll even try, in most cases changing engine this far on the development timeline would be an absolute no-go unless there were crippling problems. It does show their absolute commitment to make KSP as awesome as it can be and that they believe in this game like almost no other dev does.
  15. It will improve performance. Vanilla stability is IMHO already fine. Even modded I hardly experience any problems anymore.
  16. This seems more of a issue with the pod than the probe though I never tried to do a crew report with no crew, but doesn't it give the insufficient crew message a science lab gives? If not, it honestly should... I think a probe should just be a tool to control unmanned ships, you can attach science equipment to get science. I would like some more (and varied) science parts though. Some sort of camera to make a probe give something of a report would be very cool.
  17. Don't get overly enthousiastic. It was announced (multiple times) that they would first wait for it to be reported stable and bugfree, then it'll probably take time to properly make the transition. An engine change is very unlikely to be a ctrl+c ctrl+v operation... It would be an enormous risk to put the 1.0 release on a brand new engine. And Squad never said they WOULD put KSP on the Unity 5 engine, they said they would absolutely explore the possibility.
  18. I never really see that as a problem... A probe can't describe its experiences and impressions. Makes total sense. Unlike a numeric value being worth more being handed over by an astronaut than transmitted through a signal... - - - Updated - - - Why? A kerbal can look out of the window and tell you what it sees. A gyroscope, some electronics and a bunch of wiring designed to steer a ship can not. Unless you attach scientific equipment to it. Which you can. That situation seems completely sensible to me... I see no reason for a probe to be able to do more other than making career mode easier...
  19. Don't see anything wrong with it too be honest. It's not like you ever get Kerbal with swearwords for names.
  20. Yeah one of the big problems I have with the current 3D printing hype is that (with the exception of some high-tech applications) the result is hardly more spectacular than what could be gained using other techniques. That and the fact that we're supposed to think something is awesome just because OMG IT'S 3D PRINTED.
  21. I just put three in Kerbistationary orbit in an equilateral triangle. Altitude is 2868km and a bit, never had any problems with them getting out of alignment or whatever. I always give my comsats a docking port so I can attach modules with bigger dishes for interplanetary missions later.
  22. No idea what the version was. It was mid 2013 if I recall correctly. I can't for the life of me remember why I bought it. At first I didn't really get hooked, then after I quit my job and had a little more time I fell completely in love with it.
  23. With sepatrons I find the best setup is the decouplers high up, bottom of the booster just below the core, sepatrons just above the decoupler and burning a bit upward so the boosters slowly fall away from the core instead of being shot all over the place. This setup never gave me any problems.
  24. Sepatrons. I'm a sucker for Korolev crosses
  25. I recently played HW2 again, I would love a proper HW3, I'm not really digging the 'remastered' thing. It sure looks pretty, but the old games already look very pretty, especially considering their age.
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