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Everything posted by Toastedbuns

  1. Audiomachine in general is great to listen to when doing rendezvous and such
  2. I had an extremely high apoapsis so I just did several high atmosphere burns at abt. 40K altitude to lower it, and eventually I landed in the ocean.
  3. As a plus if you run out of Battery Acid Blitzers you can mine Minmus for some Mint Rum!
  4. This is my SCANSat for Biomes and the like over Kerbin. I've got it on a really eccentric orbit so it has maximum coverage. It's very minimalist.
  5. We suffer from the same problems. I am also too used to the snuggling embrace of the Mun and Minmus! But together we can break free, brother. ONWARDS! and welcome to the forums, by the way.
  6. As far as I'm aware Vall has no atmosphere, and for the other two I have no idea and the wiki is down for everyone The highest peak on Vall shouldn't be any taller than 6-7K if I could take a guess however.
  7. Great idea, really helps in making controlled landings on Kerbin or, well, controlled anythings using atmospheres!
  8. With Ferram, how would one go about NOT burning to a crisp upon re-entry with Deadly Reentry? I kept blowing up after my Munar mission
  9. Welcome fellow Canadian! May we eat Beaver Tails and slurp on the finest Timmies mochas together whilst riding on mooses!
  10. Self explanatory, my save file before I launch it says I have three active flights despite none appearing in the tracking station. What do? I am playing on science mode, and this KSP program is unmodded.
  11. I have a TV and live with parents because I'm not yet old enough to move out
  12. Quick question amiss this heated aerodynamics discussion here from a new FAR user. Restarted my career mode just to play it and one problem immediately arises. My rockets keep turning upon launch. I just want to see if I'm right for future designs, but is it because my CoL is higher than my CoM? Everything else is as imperfectly perfectly symmetrical as things can get. Seal of approval, there.
  13. I take out my welled up childhood anger on my friends in a hearty game of airsoft or paintball! Prefer the latter over the former just because I secretly enjoy the pain. Makes me feel alive, or dying. Whichever primal instinct being shot calls upon.
  14. I too love committing mass genocide on Kerbal-kind and wasting millions in favour of fun! Do me one and crash into the Mun whydontcha!
  15. I like to think at one point or the other I have been on both ends of the spectrum. Quite recently my command craft for a Munar landing mission had 10000 DV just so I could get my lander into position, break off, and go home. On the other hand, the lander had JUST enough delta V to destabilize the orbit, slow down to avoid crashing, and land with a little less than forty fuel remaining. I'd say it depends on the situation to me.
  16. For future reference, 70 is probably the lowest stable orbit you're ever gonna get, any lower and drag slowly works it way on your orbit until you eventually crash or you correct it to above 70 thousand. If your periapsis is 68k for example you're technically on a sub-orbital trajectory since you'll eventually (albeit slowly) crash back down onto Kerbin.
  17. I terminate it most of the time. No point keeping it cluttered up.
  18. Not entirely cut off, in that case at least some pre-interstellar facilities that continue communicate i.e. Probodoyne (proper spelling? Doubt it) and send you occasional checks whenever you do something right.
  19. I'm not even close to finishing the game, haven't not even gone interplanetary yet, but MY personal endgame acts as a plot device of sorts. Due to devastating event that wiped out the entire race except for a single cluster of buildings, the KSP, the Kerbals use cloning and genetic engineering to create new spawn to crash into planets as they seek a new home. This is why they all look basically the same, spawned from the DNA of Jeb, Bill and Bob Kerman. People like Wernher were survivors too but they're too busy keeping the last infrastructure alive to be candidates for cloning. Those other facilities, like Steadtler? Fabricated. Gene just prints money every time you do something right for encouragement. So at the end you need to pick up dust from Duna and Moho, gas from Jool, water from Laythe, rocks from the other Joolian moons, and finally supercooled ice from Eeloo all in one launch to create a warp drive and then shoot off into the distance away from the Kerbal system with your newfounded technology. That's when you win. The Kerbals then settle and live happily ever after on a planet generated by Planet Factory in Kerbin's image.
  20. Single launch is more efficient, but having an orbit station with fuel for interplanetary journeys and the like is actually much more convenient I find once you get docking down. I recently did my first dock (a couple days) and since then I've been designing a very low orbit (75x75) fuel station to refuel any spent fuel of the interplanetary stage so the journey is a guaranteed success. Cause correcting delta v needlessly is a complete waste of time, right? Why fix my mistakes when I can just siphon fuel from a hunk of metal I launched into space for fun?
  21. Stock and rockets. I am going to make the switch to FAR eventually, probably after a long time however since I'm soon planning my first interplanetary mission!
  22. I went to the space center and back using the tracking station, worked immediately!
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