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Everything posted by Perzel

  1. Speaking of beamed power. Does the angle of the reciever to the transmitter matter? Or is there an up-to-date guide on how to use it? The table on the first page is quite confusing for me.
  2. Is it the thermal power of the reactor that determins the thrust ans ISP of the engine, or the core temperature? That would at least explain why the particle bed reactor is better. But it doesn't explain why the fusion reactor delivered 0 thrust. The reactor control window tells me that the reactor is 100% active. But somehow there doesn't seem to be enough power. I checked it with the thermal launch nozzle and the thermal ramjet nozzle. Neither of the produced any significant power with liquid fuel. And where can I check the upgrade stage of my reactors?
  3. @FreeThinker I'm playing in science mode, the thermal turbojet was in Liquid Fuel mode. I researched the techs in the KSPI "branch" up to Fusion Rockets and Fusion Power and the jet techs up to Hypersonic Flight. I didn't research Subsonic Flight, Efficent Flight Systems and Specialized Flight Systems, as they are empty in my tech tree. I guess there are other mods that use them. The rocket contains a 1,25m drone core, a 1,25m liquid fuel tank, 4 radial radiators, the thermal generator, one of the two above mentioned reactors and the thermal turbojet.
  4. I don't understand why the Particle Bed Reactor is better than the Omega Fusion reactor when it comes to TWR, despite the last one having more than twice the core temperature. I built a testdevice with a 1,25m fusion reactor, themal generator, a liquid fuel tank and a thermal turbojet. The turbojet provided 0 kN of thrust (with a threshhold of 75 kN), with the fusion reactor, but over 25 kN with the particle bed reactor. (And even that is not enough to get it anywhere.)
  5. And how exactly did you fix it? I've got the same problem and I can't figure out how to solve it, since my IT skills are close to zero.
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