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Everything posted by TheMoonRover

  1. It's been ages since I've heard Ratchet & Clank mentioned. I think I once borrowed one of the games from my nephew, but remember little about it. I always preferred the Spyro and Crash Bandicoot games, in fact I still sometimes play them on my PS2. Anyway, I digress. What I was going to say was: Do you think there'll be much interest in such a mod?
  2. Once you pass 233 years, the display shows -233 years (and however many days, hours, minutes and seconds it is) and freezes, and orbits continue as expected IIRC. I think it's 64 years using earth time, again IIRC. What it shows in the save file I don't know. ^That's what you find out when you start messing about with time warp rate altering mods.
  3. All his explosions? Surely he had more than that?! He mustn't be playing the game right if that's all he's had recently! [/sARCASM]
  4. Tempting, but no. That would get exceedingly boring/irritating after a while. Push the button which allows you to travel freely in time, but you can't control where you end up in space.
  5. Perhaps you mean that Ceres is a bit smaller than thought, making it 4% denser?
  6. Haha, I like that. I do edit a lot of my posts. I understand the reference too! For some reason that made me think: "Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's a flying Moon Rover!"
  7. I'm no mod, but it's because KasperVld (who usually does it) has exams coming up.
  8. Didn't you buy the key to go with it? Waiter, there's a lock of hair in my soup.
  9. Are the disappearing parts exploding? There're three reasons that could happen: 1) They're crashing into something - or the game thinks they are. There is a rare bug where the space centre buildings' collision meshes end up in the wrong place, but you would have to be within a few km of the space centre for that to happen. Another rare bug is when a ship is incorrectly flagged as underground, which immediately destroys it, particularly if you quicksave when flying very low then reload the save. 2) Overheating, but you would see little temperature guages warning you first, unless you disabled them (F10) or are using version 1.0.0 or 1.0.1 3) Extreme aerodynamic stress if you pull an incredibly tight turn (highly unlikely). The plane disappearing could be due to the physics load distance. If a vessel goes beyond the physics load distance (22.5 km from the active vessel in the current version, or 2.5 km prior to 1.0) while in dense atmopshere, it will be deleted. But that's unlikely after just a few seconds. Are you using any weapons mods or anything else which alters the physics load distance? unmodded - disregard.
  10. You know, what? I'll join the white bar group. I'm curious to see what description I get. Although I'd rather it was a blue colour to match the forum colour scheme - and my avatar for that matter. Anyway, a single white bar looks better than a single green bar. All I see when I hover over a white bar is the username, or is that what you meant? Misread that. Disregard. I like windows_x_seven's idea of custom text, but I doubt the forum software supports that.
  11. Somebody send help. TrainEngie just exploded. RAINCRAFTER
  12. I've just stumbled across the "Live from Mission Control" sub-forum. Can someone move [thread=125339]my video series thread[/thread] there please. It should have the tag as well, not . Will it keep the same thread number thing and URL, or will I have to edit my signature? Also, why do Sal & RIC appear to have no rep?
  13. This is without a doubt the weirdest mod I have seen. And that's saying something
  14. I'm back! I've been on holiday in Scotland, then I bought Skyrim and got a little carried away. Anyway, here is my new video, in which I show how Kerbal Space Centre has changed during KSP's development process, from the first public alpha version to the 1.0 release, then demonstrate how much longer it takes to climb the Vehicle Assembly Building than it does to get down again.
  15. Actually, I think Eeloo most resembles Saturn's moon Enceladus. Also, the outer planets mod actually makes it a moon of the Saturn equivalent, so I can't be the only one who thinks that.
  16. I like the idea of "Spacecraft Thursdays", but not as described. How about actual spacecraft news, like the pictures from Dawn and New Horizons at the moment? I agree that twitch Thursday needs to change though. I sometimes watch twitch streams live, and they're linked on the forums anyway, but how many people will actually watch the catch-up type things, except maybe squadcast?
  17. That's probably a joke, but you'd be surprised at how easy it is to make it work. 1) In the KSP 1.0.4 folder, go to GameData/Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteMk1 and create the folder "textures" (without quotes). Paste the desired texture there. 2) Open a simple image viewer and either (a) rotate the desired texture 180 degrees, or ( invert it both horizontally and vertically (The stock texture format has changed from PNG to DDS, which doesn't matter in itself, but it looks to have been inverted.) 3) Open "parachuteMk1.cfg" in a text editor add in the line "texture = parachutes_texMapblue.png" (or whatever you have named the image file, without quotes) close to the top (say, somewhere after author but before techRequired) then save and close. I'm not certain this will work, as I've not tried it myself. If the texture looks all wrong, ignore step 2. (Repeat it to undo) It should work though, despite the fact that both the mesh and texture formats used by the game have changed (mesh changed from DAE to MU, texture changed from a mixture of PNG and TGA to MBM to DDS), and the config files have been somewhat restructured. Not bad for a game which has been under constant development for 4 years, using numerous different versions of Unity.
  18. My condolences to you, Ted. I understand how you must be feeling, having recently lost 2 grandparents myself. And also congratulations on your promotion. Now there're two words you don't often see together: condolences and congratulations. And good luck, Kasper. It sounds like the Unity 5 port is going well. I wonder what new features are being added...
  19. You don't need ModuleManager for mods without plugins. Just bring up the debug menu (Alt-F12), click the Database tab, then click the "Reload All" button. It's usually fine to do that from the space centre screen too, but I don't know if it works for plugins. Probably not.
  20. Yes, if there are any. I've only just managed to download 1.0.4 EDIT: And it's taking longer to download the dev version of this mod than KSP itself. It must be a server issue on dropbox. EDIT2: New update coming soon. Changes include: > A couple of engines had their thrust curves changed. > Mk1 Fuselage fuel capacity increased. > A couple of other minor tweaks and fixes. > Added the Mk1 Inline Cockpit from v1.0.0 to v1.0.2 > A secret feature in career mode.
  21. That's the first thing I tried. It came up with an error and didn't do anything. There was a "Unconfirmed 600101.crdownload" in the download folder, which generally means an incomplete download. I'll try again later.
  22. I can't seem to download the update. First Google Chrome blocked the download, now it says there's a server migration. Also, the launcher doesn't seem to know there's been an update. I didn't know that either, but then I'm still using a PS2, which uses removeable memory cards for save files.
  23. Yes, take a look in my signature for a link to the Kerbal Historical Institute mod.
  24. The Sun? Or the Moon?
  25. Yes, the 64 bit hack for KSP, by the very nature of being a hack, will be unpredictable, with greatly varying results for different people with different mods at different times on different computer set-ups with different hair lengths, all of which can affect the results. Okay maybe not the hair, but my point is it's near impossible to predict how it will behave without trying it. That doesn't mean it won't work, and indeed it sounds like many people find it works better than previous 64 bit versions of KSP, although with the expected weird extra bugs specific to previous 64 bit versions. If you try it, expect it not to work. That way, if it works, it'll be a pleasant surprise, and if it doesn't that's okay, you weren't expecting it to in the first place. But remember, it is technically a hack and not officially supported. Squad discontinued it because of it's unpredictability and overall bugginess. Some mods may not work correctly, or at all. This is due to bugs in the game engine itself, which cannot be fixed by Squad or KSP modders (until KSP uses Unity 5, which will make this hack redundant anyway) You will get some odd bugs and maybe game crashes due to the unstable nature of the hack, but if it's playable for you, you can add loads of extra mods before crashing from Out of Memory errors. The whole point of the 64 bit hack is to allow the game to use more RAM than the ~4 GB maximum for a 32 bit process, so don't bother if you're not using that kind of RAM, or have 4 GB or less of RAM available on your computer. So, if you are getting crashes to to hitting the RAM limit in the 32-bit version (usually it will crash while loading if you are) or want to add more mods which will cause that, it's worth trying the 64 bit hack. If you aren't, don't bother; there's no possible advantage to using it and 32-bit version is both more reliable and officially supported.
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