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    Head Combat Pilot

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  1. I can do so, and the rotors are stock! (Helicopter Blade "S"). They are contra-rotating with the motor below being set to 230 RPM, while the upper motor is set to 460 RPM in the opposite direction
  2. Speed is about 120 m/s, and its range is undetermined as of now. There are hopes of making it a quarter of the way around with one tank of fuel though
  3. A small snag on the initial helicopter, it has decided it does not want to fly anymore. A new helicopter is on its way to replace it, as well as collect the crew for the continuation of the voyage.
  4. I just found this challenge, and I'm now attempting a polar circumnavigation (with the obligatory stop at the other side of the planet) with a helicopter designed to do this in one fell swoop. Pictures will come soon, she's pretty slow at only 68.5 meters per second but she is very stable with autopilot
  5. For some of the "Nerfed" BDarmory guns, may I recommend Aviator's Arsenal? It's an older mod created for the purpose of a WW2 themed aircraft dogfight competition, and I think the weapons are mainly fair and balanced.
  6. Any particular ideas for mods? I know things like Procedural parts and propeller mods would be helpful for us in the world war setting
  7. With my craft, I got around this problem by using winglets so I could change the angle of incidence in flight. I would highly recommend trying it if you like really fast landings, since it helps to minimize the amount of drag from wings
  8. My newest iteration is now capable of sustained cruise speeds of 1740+ m/s. I'm starting to think I think that I am approaching the limits of engine technology in KSP, which means I'm gonna have to see how fast this thing can come in while still retaining control.
  9. I have a feeling that I will need to continue to refine my craft in order to maintain this lead...
  10. @linuxgurugamer If you're overheating, what altitude are you flying at and what parts are overheating? I typically cruise at 22,000m-23,000m and nothing seems to blow up for me. The sustained heating effects on the aircraft led me to pose the little quip of the aircraft only being able to be used once.
  11. Another update from the producers of the Lawn Dart. The aircraft has managed to crack the 39 minute barrier, screaming into the KSC with a blistering time of 38 minutes and 54 seconds! Screenshot on the runway, showing no oxidizer (or EC for that matter, but reaction wheels aren't needed for a craft this light) Halfway around the world, making good time Kerbal Space Center in sight! Touchdown and full stop (with the exception of the aircraft rocking due to strong brakes). This landing wasn't as nice as the previous landings, as the craft came in at an extra 50m/s compared to last attempt.
  12. At the speeds that the air frames travel, only Jeb is brave enough to get back in one after a flight. The wings, gear, and nose cone have a perpetual overheat bar during the flight except for takeoff and landing, so none of the other pilots want to fly a half-melted aircraft
  13. Upon careful consideration of my attempt, and realizing that the plane wasn't at a full stop, I've decided to try it again with a much better and less self-destructive landing gear. Behold! The adventures of the Lawn Dart Mk. 9, complete with more photos! The dart in cruise, Beazy Kermen is debating why he chose to fly in this death-trap of a machine Mandatory post about the quarter-way around Kerbin point (roughly) Approach, descent, and full stop on the KSC runway with an even faster time of 39:19! This plane was much easier to control with a newly-installed counterweight, as well as a revised landing gear that doesn't want to flip the plane during any ground maneuvers. I think I should try for an endurance challenge next... We're loosing money since these air frames can only be used once...
  14. Finally, after about 10 failed attempts with landing, it has been done. A blistering 40:19 around Kerbin, including an unfortunate loss of control due to fuel balance. I'm sure I could do better if I remember to transfer fuel forward before final descent.
  15. We've got a new competitor in the works. Test trials proved times of sub-40 minutes are possible, but I need to learn how to land it properly. GDJ has a point, the hardest part about this flight is the slow-down. My airbrakes keep overheating lol.
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