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Everything posted by TiktaalikDreaming

  1. Yar, the licenses are generally there to encourage sharing and so on. The main issue with copies floating about is they won't be updated. And of course, this particular site is a parasitic ad engine. but the licenses in general don't stop that. I'm going to start including README.txt telling people where the core uploads are (spacedock) so they can get updated versions IF they got the mod from elsewhere. That way, even if users do get mods from these <redacted> then there's a chance they'll read the README and direct further traffic to spacedock. Something like; SPACEDOCK.INFO hosted mod This mod is uploaded to http://spacedock.info as a primary source. If you downloaded this mod from another source, be aware it may be out of date. I highly recommend redownloading from spacedock as a guaranteed original file and updating any saved links/favourites/bookmarks you may have. NOTE: CKAN is basically a list of where to get mods and a tool for doing so, so it should usually collect mods from their original sources, and, although it's not guaranteed to be up to date, is usually.
  2. I think Patreon works fine for this sort of thing. I'm just a bit baffled by the way handing over extra money was so hard to find. Usually sites make that the easiest thing ever. :-) Maybe they're trapped a bit in the subscription for rewards model. Dunno. But the general ongoing subscription system works nicely for webhosting.
  3. I wasn't going to mention upping my payment, but by gawd, Patreon makes it damned hard to find how. So, if anyone thinks, "I'll throw an extra few dollars/euro/pounds/rubbles Vitas' way" and then gets stuck finding how; the path starts with attempting to get your "reward". Then you can choose not to get Darklight's address or email unlock, but to just change your donation.
  4. Numbers for everything not the A-4 are suspect. :-) I never noticed the A-10 engine mass... derp. The tank masses are calculated based of figures from Astronautix, but the rest are made up, or incorrectly cut-n-pasted like A-10. Fuel. There's no consensus on fuel (from the Internet, von Braun and friends may have been 100% sold on one or the other). It varies between ethalox and diesel-oil/Nitric acid. I suspect the way Germany was running out of virtually everything by the mid-40s was triggering all sorts of ideas, none of which got development funding. I was going to change it all to Ethalox, but I haven't looked at the RF/RO config in a while. I do intend (after my crash course in RO for the NAR MEM) to convert all the MM configs to RF module TANK, and do just a (real fuel) and (realism overhaul), without the (RSS without real fuels) edition. RO gives so many more ways to make the old engines that much more annoying as well. :-)
  5. RO configs are shocking, and mostly missing. :-) I have a lot of the detail to go in in spreadsheets that I used to get the numbers for the stock config though. Will watch. Likely so will everyone else. :-) Yeah, that was just me being unfamiliar with the values. Seems to work fine now.
  6. No, it's all SI Sieverts. Just take the micro-sieverts and multiply by ten for Banana Equivalent Dose Scale. So, lowest yearly dose clearly linked to Cancer is 100mSv, which is 1MB, average yearly background radiation 40kB. Fatal dose, regardless of treatment, 80MB. Being on the wrong side of the shadow shield on my crazy engine, 9.5x10^10 Bananas per second. The weight alone of all that banana would be dangerous.
  7. I got confused and killed my output_log. Loaded back into game, and accessed the craft already in orbit. Similar display issues when engine was running, but the ray display just skipped drawing altogether this time. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewzgzpqs19x8n2m/output_log.txt?dl=0 Oh, and the config I created for my engine; (OuterShell is the mesh for the central radioactive source, and I matched the shield to the mesh dimensions for the shield, nice, easy to understand values, thanks Nertea) @PART[GCnuclearEngine6kRev]:NEEDS[Radioactivity] { MODULE { name = RadioactiveSource SourceID = OuterShell IconID = 0 } MODULE { name = RadioactiveEngine SourceID = OuterShell EmissionAtMax = 950000 } MODULE { name = RadiationShadowShield ShieldRadius = 10.6 ShieldPosition = 0,5.5,0 Density = 1.2 Thickness = 0.4 MassAttenuationCoeffecient = 15 } }
  8. Not that I've noticed. Launched the sucker again. I'd forgotten the joys of trying to circularize with 0.58m/s2 acceleration. I got similar weirdness to @steeeal Although it varied based on whether the engine was running or not. The ray casts were always pointing off in some other direction. Coordinate system different in flight than in VAB? Not sure. Running Not running I should do testing with the more kerbal regeneratively cooled editions. Less radiator, more thrust. Kerbals closer to the nasties.
  9. I've always been a bit useless at getting legs to work. I did have a really quick look a while back to see if I could just open the mu in Blender, import to unity, tweak a few things and cross my fingers. But it bore no fruit that didn't result in spontaneous velocity acquisition. The mu impart in Blender does brng in the animation and textures though, which is a massive help. The unfolding of those things hurts my brain.
  10. 0.10 is available for download from Spacedock. I uploaded it a couple of days ago, but I wanted to test in a fresh KSP from the download before announcing, and that's taken a bit longer than usual. The update includes the various fixups I've mentioned here since the last update. Primarily, new textures (aka, actual textures) for fuel tanks, chutes etc. Complete remeshing of the chute canopies. I don't think there's any functional differences in parts this time around, except I shifted the part centre of the Kottabos Memorial MEM Lab Decoupler while rebuilding the mesh. So it should be less crazy to attach.
  11. I've been going over the changes to the MEM. I suspect it's mostly the changes from 0.8-0.9 around fuel tankage that would have broken craft files. For Real Fuel/Realism Overhual I switched to using the TANK module instead of messing around changing the RESOURCE. So, saved ships would have values of stored RESOURCE, but the parts would no longer hold that module, but instead have a TANK from Real Fuels, that in turn holds a resource. Good to see you timed the update right. About to put a note on the forums about the update you downloaded. Been a bit slack with forum posts. :-) Twas your postings that triggered me into thinking, "hey, I should really fix up some of those textures".
  12. This is updated (actually a day and a hlaf ago, but I just got around to running stock install tests on it). The ramjet has made it in, although I feel I should drop the visual effect a tad more, it's too big. The A-11 and A-12 now have those fins. A lot of parts got some extra detailing. Pretty much nothing has a texture beyond a small swatch of gurke green. I fixed up the nose-cone chute for the A-4 a bit and dodgied up a surface attachable edition as well. And generally all the assorted tweaks I've done since the last update. An album of testing in a bare bones stock install is here http://imgur.com/a/p2Eg6 Next up, I'll be attempting landing gear for the A-6/A-9. Because none of the stock gear really works.
  13. And it gives me something to poke around at that isn't trying to make landing gear. Seems to work fine so far.
  14. It may be my fault, but I'd need to check. I honestly can't remember renaming a part (which is the easiest way to get your symptoms) but my memory can be a bit cr@p. Do you know what version you were working from?
  15. That helps explain the not quite unrelated images on a couple of mine. Might be time for a trojan Kerbal Industries Decisive Decouplers Integrated Experiment - Parts, Observations, Revisions & Nomenclature (running out of ideas at the end there)... Shortened of course, in the mod name. Content via script is a very bad idea, IMHO.
  16. That there talking to curse may help more than all our noise. Never thought of that. :-) I too received zero feedback from my email asking them to remove a mod. Done. Actually, done a while ago. I have no idea what name it's under. But Johnny Winston's sent me 6 emails thanking me for my tuppence. How close are we to cost recovery? I'm assuming the community is too poor to manage actual paying for time just yet.
  17. The joys of cryo fuels boiling off is pretty much why the 60's MEM plan was liquid methane (very mildly cryo) and liquid oxygen and fluorine mix (low grade cryo, at least compared to LH2). But the Earth->Mars->Earth vehicle really needs that efficiency that comes from LH2. Or nuke engines (running again on LH2). Or Ion thrusters and patience. Lots of patience. There's some nice work being done in improving cryo storage for LH2 and LOX. Not really what I'd call "Apollo era" though. It's looking pretty good.
  18. I don't think they'd worked out just how much heat there was, and they certainly didn't seem to cotton on to the idea of sacrificial/ablative shields. Reentry was something that happened out of sensor range. Which has been the great thing about working on this mod. There's no reason to wonder how to get back down. Because it predates "getting back down". Certainly in a not explode sort of way.
  19. Just a quick survey of opinion. I've been tweaking the ramjet/flying stove pipe. At realistic projections of it's useful velocity range, there's a fine balance between having it work, and exploding. I'm very tempted to leave that in as a historically accurate "feature". You *can* manage to find a middle ground between too fast-burn up and explode and the too slow-engine cuts out, nose dive into ground and explode. It's just tricky. So, do people prefer the challenge? Or would you rather a more Kerbal-user-friendly experience?
  20. It was probably a "deal with it later in detailed design stage". Some sort of thrust vectoring. For aerospikes, it's usually easier to arrange thrust vectoring via differential throttling of the exhaust nozzles than actual gimballing, but KSP just has gimballing. Originally I just had the thrust transform attached directly to the gimbal, but I'm not sure differential throttling would ever extend to 13 degrees anyway, so just switched to a socketed gimbal for the whole nozzle.
  21. Ah, you may not have the version with the flag obscuring the window then. :-) The whole idea of gimballing on those engines is a fudge so users don't need to angle the engines' thrust at the centre of mass. Doubly so for the ascent module, because the CoM would change during flight. There's no sign in any of the studies of how Rockwell expected to deal with a radically changing CoM offset during ascent. But maybe that's why there's such overkill in the RCS. But, KSP RCS is a bit on the binary side, so if you tried using RCS to compensate instead of gimballing, you'd have a Parkinson's ascent module for a few hundred m followed by a complete absence of RCS propellant. So, I figured, might as well make the gimballing a teeny bit pretty. :-)
  22. Apart from a few pieces, the textures are just random metal swatches applied per mesh. But, yeah, they don't look awful. Which I blame as why I keep delaying actually texturing the parts. But then, the ascent module looks pretty sexy now with an actual texture. The flag I meant was the position of the ascent module's flag. For some reason it's ended up rotated over the top of one of the windows. I just turn that one off.
  23. That's a mission and a half. Good luck. And sorry about the lack of texturing on most of my parts. :-) And that stupid flag.
  24. That's the email I used to voice an un-answered complaint about my mods being there. PrivacyGuardian serves a noble purpose, but tends to be used to completely ignore any responsibility. I should try that path as well though. For completeness.
  25. A quick sample shows many are old versions. The site is sitting behind Cloudflare, making it trickier to nail down who is responsible. Contact page is empty. Pretty sure their terms and conditions page doesn't hold any legal water. Someone's paying Cloudflare for this crap though. And it doesn't even actually host the mods. Half of the download links point to Kerbalstuff ffs. The more recent ones seem to point at mega.nz (a cloud file thingy), and are uploaded by user "Administrator". Without the dead kerbalstuff links, I'd be inclined to think this was just a way of piggy backing malware onto mod downloads. Because I haven't actually ruled that out, I'll download some from the mega thingy and check. Files (only tried a few) seem to check out. Again, mostly slightly old, including the "most recent". The whole idea of this site is plain old daft. For my next stupid plan, I shall try to get them to remove one of my mods.
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