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Everything posted by TiktaalikDreaming

  1. Mine just won't work at all. I'm going back and creating an extremely simple leg to see if I can get the basics working.
  2. I was just messing around trying to get mine to work at all and I remembered wheelCollider radius. Your's wouldn't be around the 0.45 mark would it?
  3. That it does. And a nasty habit of exploding. My understanding is that the vehicle rests on the end of the "wheel collider suspension line", modified by weight on the springs. But also that the foot should end up moving with said end point. It shouldn't end up sitting on the piston collider, that would be the KSP equivalent of bottoming out.
  4. There do seem to be more than the usual collection of gotchyas. With legs and wheels, legs being a subset of wheels as far as I can tell.
  5. Yeah, no change for me either. 4.2.2 seems a likely answer
  6. I'll give that a go later today. I have a dummy cylinder matching the expected fuel tank size in my blender file that I delete, which breaks prefab. I'll kill it from blender, resave etc etc. God I hope that's all it is. :-)
  7. It may seem like I'm not keeping at it, but I've been bogged down trying to get landing legs to work. Those big second stage tanks were expected to be re-purposed for moon or Mars colonies, which strongly implies landing them. Thus, enornous legs. Plus my video card died and Unity (editor or player) will not function at all without hardware acceleration enabled in DX. Video card fixed, but my landing legs are still a bit ........
  8. This might help show how I have things set up in Unity,
  9. Using 4.6.4f, but I'll have a go at that. My scene/project is one big blob of everything, and is many bignesses, and thus unsuitable. I'll have a look at the export package options. (EDIT) Export package only seems to grab the assets imported from blender or where-ever. The "how it's pieced together in Unity" bit is likely to be the issue. Is that still useful? I think this should work, but as I said, in Unity 4.6.4f it seems to just export the asset, there's no option to export scene items. https://www.dropbox.com/s/x4ktauucxsv44yd/landerlegs2.unitypackage?dl=0
  10. Some questions; Is this still working for 1.0+? If not, then the following questions are moot. Your lowerPiston(sliding animation, no mesh, no collider), is that an empty game object or ? And assuming an empty transform, which axis points at the ground and where is it centred? I can't find references to it in the posts here, and for some reason I can't open the zipped unity file (blender etc work fine, I think something's changed in Unity since it was saved). I probably need to verify which mesh is which. My assumption is that there's the foot, rotates on X, Y points at ground. It's connected to the lower piston, or "piston" mesh in the heirarchy above. That slides up and down inside or outside the upperPiston. Then that collection may be animated to place it in position to function, or to retract it, via parent objects like arms etc. My heirarchy (which isn't working) is; Legs (game object, KSP Part tools etc) =Legs(Imported Blender object, has the animation and parents the other meshes) ==Base (does nothing, just the attachment point) ===PistonBody (ignore that it says Piston, this is just an animated part for a piston arrangement to extend the MainLeg mesh. Mesh only) ==MainLeg (animated mesh of long arm that folds out) ===LegCollider (collider matching MainLeg) ===PistonRod (ignore that it says Piston, this is just an animated part for a piston arrangement to extend the MainLeg mesh. Mesh only) ===UpprSuspension (mesh, animated, top of shock absorber, coincides with upperPiston) ====Suspension (Emtpy, no mesh, pointed Y down, coincides with lowerPiston) ====wheelCollider (wheelColliders layer, centred at UpprSuspension root, projects down slightly past foot) ====LwrSuspension (mesh only, suspensionTransformName points to this. expectation is this would move up and down with foot, forming inner/lower section of shock absorber) =====PistonCollider (WheelCollidersIgnore layer, centred at root of UpprSuspension, capsule collider, covers about half the distance to foot) =====Foot (mesh only, no collider, referenced as foot in cfg) Kinda hoping someone can spot a glaring error I can't see. :-)
  11. Updated everything tutes once U5 KSP comes out. What's currently probably doing in the heads of Squad devs will be doing our heads in after release. Yay! :-( Got legs mostly working, but I think my foot isn't moving with my suspension. Looks fine when not lifting a lot of weight, but given what it should be supporting, the feet essentially disappear into the ground suggesting they're not properly assigned. http://imgur.com/a/MbeIe Not asking for help, I haven't double checked all my layers n stuff just yet, just venting. Folding legs with suspension are is tricky.
  12. Just wanted to say THANKS! Still had a bit of trouble sorting out how I wanted MY legs to work, but, on the whole, this tute was exactly what I needed. Someone needs to compile a list of layers, transforms, etc and how they work with the various modules in KSP. It won't kill the need for tutes like these, but it'd be an awesome reference for parts of a type you've done before, ages ago and just need a refresher on which axis goes where etc. It'd be nice to think that someone should be Squad. But I know it'll be one of us.
  13. Done. I tried it with the cfg I was already working on and got the same weird results, so I re stole the cfg from stock and it worked just fine. Thanks again
  14. I have a test set of parts. I won't be uploading anything until Nyrath's Orion mod is working. There's not a lot of point having extra heavy, sturdy parts for a spacecraft to go on top of an Orion engine that doesn't work. I will say the new stack/attach nodes both required significant rewriting for the wedge cabin units, but that they also now make sense. Which is nice. In the meantime I'm working on the Nexus rocket (would have been used to loft Orions out of the atmosphere etc), and some second stages that could double as second stages for the Nexus or the Orion.
  15. Unpack so that the new DLL files live in %KSP%/GameData/Nyrath/
  16. Awesome, thanks Tiberion. I haven't had a chance to look at this yet, but I will. I'll let you know if they keep scaling. :-)
  17. They don't expand enough, and the bases aren't the right size. I'm not asking about this for one or two bits that are wider than normal. That's what the stock fairings are for after all. I'm talking 18m diameter etc. When you mess with the fairing sizes, they go to hell. I suspect if I had an idea of how the module works, I could just tweak with cfg files. I was hoping someone had worked that out.
  18. They did align, but I needed to rotate the tank at one stage by 5degrees due to the support structures. I'll be rotating the torus back, as it's also not aligning with the engine's pipes. I cleverly rotated the whole tank instead of just the meshes I needed to rototate. :-/ I keep meaning to fix it, but always forget.
  19. Updated version with working Gas Core nuclear thermal rockets and a few options for the second stage.
  20. Some of the hotfix files replace existing files. If you're not asked/warned about that, they're going in the wrong spot. It very much did work in 0.90. Just coding issues between releases broking it in 1.0.
  21. Good luck. For most purposes they should be annoying as hell and heavy in Earth gravity. They'd kick arse on small moons or planets with non-Oxy atmospheres though. Weight not such an issue, and the atmosphere is essentially heated and accelerated regardless of it's chemistry. A lot of hard data is missing from the tests and reasons for cancelling etc, but it's suspicious that it was cancelled shortly after they ran the airborne shielding tests. It might be that engine plus shielding was just too heavy. Again, requires kerbals to care. And the trade off would be for extremely long airborne times. Short burns use rockets, long burns use jets, infinite burns use nuke.
  22. Has anyone looked at how the stock fairings work in 1.0? I'd dearly love a procedural fairing suitable for a collection of different larger sizes, but I have no idea how to scale them. I can rescale the base just fine, but the fairing won't behave, and I can't see how it's done. It looks to be built purely from the module with a texture in dds format.
  23. It took me a while to come to that realization, but it does seem you can afford to add plenty of visible mesh detail, so long as your collision mesh is moderately simple.
  24. Never mind. While doing my best to explain the issue, I pointed myself at the solution. Make the collision mesh a single non-convex collider, and it all seems to work. Carry on.
  25. (Note: Title edited to sensationalize the issue) I'm working on a mod to recreate the Convair Nexus (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121017-WIP-Convair-NEXUS-super-heavy-Earth-Launch-Vehicle). Many of the second stages use twin rocket engines, and these would be covered with a conical decoupler. The basic layout being a fuel tank above, then 2+ rockets which have either their own stack nodes or are (as mine currently are) surface attached. The decoupler (which is a big cone with a series of colliders to form a hollow) is attached to the tank's bottom stack node. Then the next stage is attached below that. The theory being, when the stage is disconnected, the engines slide out from the hollow of the decoupler's collision mesh, and off you go. And here's what should happen; The problem is, the engines keep hitting the edges and I've made them a bit explosive (this stage engine was to be gas core nuclear, which is a bit reactive), and so the result is usually one engine clips, explodes, takes out any other engines, which also explode, and I have a full tank of juice with no rockets, spinning madly in orbit. Thusly; The question is, have people run into this before? And, if so, what do people usually do? I know I've used this system with parts from the FASA mod without encountering the same issue, but the mu file import doesn't tell me a lot about how collision meshes are configured, so I can't figure out how they solved it. Any help is appreciated. :-)
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