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Everything posted by ObiVanDamme

  1. I am very sorry, but there are no obvious errors in both logs. It seems like the GUI with all the Icons is just to much for your amount of items. I think you already are very close to the RAM limit and opening the GUI exceeds it. I really hope the switch over to paging will finally solve this problem.
  2. Extreme high warp rates can cause problems when the workshop consumes resources, because the amount of resources consumed each "tick" will increase with the timewarp. It might happen, that a single tick tries to consume more ressources than there are available and stop production because of that. I already thought about a cap for maximum consumption each tick no matter how fast you are time warping but did not see a necassity up to now because you can finish parts in a few seconds on time warp around 100x. Might be an optimization for later releases.
  3. I will in the next major release. I just wanted to get the bugfixes out as soon as possible so you can continue to play with the mod. Reworking the UI takes lots of time because there is no editor or anything, but you have to code everything by hand. When no more emergency fixes are needed I will work on the changed UI topic for the next major update.
  4. Version 0.9.4 was just released with more bugfixes - Fixed physics Issue with converter - Reworked part list loading to fix "Empty Workbench" Issue or make it more obvious what went wrong (more logging info)
  5. that all looks ok. Please wait for the next release. I will rework the code to make it more obvious what is not working. can you please send me the ksp log from the root folder. It might give more hints on what's wrong
  6. The ouput log states that there was an error when the workshops tried to figure out the maximum volume of printable parts, but i can't see why. As far as I know the only reason this could happen is if you do not have any inventories on your vessel - - - Updated - - - The item list will be empty if the maximum available space cannot be determined when loading the vessel. I am currently investigating why this is happening. Your other problem might be caused if you add or remove inventories from your vessel while production is in progress, or if you already printed lots of parts. The available parts list shows all parts that have a volume less than the largest inventories maximum volume. It will not check if this space is actually available. In the conext menu you can see the first part of the "not enough free space" status message. Look at your largest inventory and remove all parts from it to make room for the container in production.
  7. The size of the available parts is limited because its they way I like to play. I prefer to build big rockets on kerbin and just add small parts on the fly. However the maximum size is configurable and if you want to increase it you can using module manager like this @PART[OSE_Workshop]:AFTER[Workshop] { @MODULE[OseModuleWorkshop] { @MaxPartVolume = 2000 // set this to the desired limit } }
  8. To start manufacturing you just need the 3D printer which is incuded in the stock Mobile Processing Lab, or in the dedicated "3D Printing Lab" that you can unlock in the Science Tech node. Both come with a small amount of MaterialKits, which is the resource required to 3D print parts. You have two containers with 3000 and 6000 MaterialKits that you can use to resupply your printer. If you want to create MaterialKits in-situ you need the Converter part unlocked in Advanced Science Tech. It uses stock ore to create MaterialKits. - - - Updated - - - Version 0.9.3 is just released with bugfixes in the UI and performance improvement - Fixed a bug that caused the displayed amount of recycable MaterialKits of a part to be higher than the actual result - Fixed a bug that caused an exception to be thrown when parts where removed from the queue - Fixed potential memory leaks in the GUI and made the code in general more robust (I hope the freezing some of you expected is now gone) - Moved the containers from FuelTanks to Utility category
  9. we had that problem before and still no solution - - - Updated - - - good that it is working. The inventory selection will be the primary feature of the next major release.
  10. this one: https://github.com/obivandamme/Workshop/blob/master/Source/Workshop/Workshop/OSEModuleWorkshop.cs#L115-L124 sorry i srewed that up
  11. I investigated your log file and it seems like at least one of the images I use for the filters in the menu is missing. Can you please go to the following link and make sure, that all mentioned files in those lines of code exist in the specified location. The root of the given path is the game data folder
  12. I will take a look at that when I am Home. There seems to be an issue with the latest KIS release which was uploaded twice,because of a mistake with the first package. looks like I recompiled against that old version. you cannot do anything against that at the moment.I will release a patch asap
  13. yes it does - - - Updated - - - thanks, I will give that a try
  14. Hello everyone, in my mod I try to load a list of all parts that are already unlocked and purchased by the player. The list should contain the same items as the menu in the VAB. I currently have the following code to do so. var items = new List<AvailablePart>(); foreach (var loadedPart in PartLoader.LoadedPartsList) { if (ResearchAndDevelopment.PartModelPurchased(loadedPart)) { items.Add(loadedPart); } } This code seems to work in science mode, but not in career mode. Is there another thing to check besides the PartModelPurchased? Thank you.
  15. I am not sure. I may need some more investigation on how to check for unlocked parts. Everything implemented now is best guess and a little bit of copy paste from other mods.
  16. Does this only occur in career mode, or in science mode as well?
  17. I was looking through the output log and could not find any errors or anything that is related to the freezing. As already mentioned, I will get rid of the scrollable list and limit the amount of shown items to a fixed value using paging. Sorry for the problems you had. I hope you will come back with the new release. - - - Updated - - - Do you mean, that you can build parts that you have not unlocked in the tech tree? That was reported already and I thought i fixed it. I did a test in science mode only. Maybe there is something different in carrer that determines what parts are unlocked. I will investigate that. Thaynk you for the reporting of this issue
  18. Thank you for your feedback. I will take a look at the queue problem. The parts in the list are selected by volume, not by mass. Maybe for some reason the front section is larger than the back section. You can see the volume of a part when you add it to an inventory in the VAB. I don't know why it freezes, but it may have to do with the very long list in your menu. I am already looking for a solution and may implement some kind of paging like in the VAB. This will prevent scrolling, which seems to be very slow as well and reduce the number of parts shown in the menu.
  19. Version 0.9.2 was just release and brings compatibility with KIS 1.2 - Updated to KIS 1.2 - Items in the Workshop menu are sorted by title
  20. Thank you guys for the Update. Quick hint from a dependant mod developer. Your assembly says it is version 1.1.6, which confuses my dependancy checker that tries to verify 1.2.0. Keep up the good work
  21. we wanted to use a resource that can be created using the new resource system froma ksp 1.0. The production chain for rocket parts is very large and would have forced use to have something similar without rendering the other implementations useless. In addition we thought that rocket parts that can create complete rockets is a tier above what the printer does. The printer basically creates rocket parts, just not the generic ones used for epl but a small set of concrete parts that can be used immediately with KIS
  22. to make the list smaller you can use the filters on top of the menu. sorting the items by name is a good idea and noted for the next release. A way to find the produced parts easier is already in implementation
  23. Can you transfer manually placed items from one inventory to another? The transfer feature is part of KIS and if it does not work with other items placed there using KIS technology it might not be supported for some reason. I know there are inventories where you cannot simply transfer items from or to. If the transfer works with items placed in the inventories in the VAB or by a Kerbal on EVA please let me know as there might be an Issue with the 3D printer
  24. As Enceos already mentioned, there is no dedicated inventory for the recycler. It simply shows all items in all Inventories on your vessel. I am currently thinking about a global management window for the Workshop that will show you all 3D printers and recyclers with there status as well as all available Items and where to find them. Might come in the next release
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