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Everything posted by DonLorenzo

  1. On day seven some bad things happened to Jeb...
  2. The last episode is already half a year old, but I made another one and it's here!
  3. A new day a new mission! This time we're doing science by crash-probing the ice(cream) moon of Minmus
  4. I've been playing with economic restrictions through a mod and am enjoying that tremendously. In fact at this point I've hit a bit of a rough patch, where I need to unlock certain key science nodes to be able to complete missions yet do not have funds to spare. See my signature for the 'Mission a day' series if you want to have a look
  5. I'm a good way through the tree, but in a bit of trouble now. I'm combining career mode with the mission controller plugin, and the mission pack I've chosen now requires the full sensor package (pressure, acceleration, temperature and graviolies). I don't have enough science to unlock those and am running low on funds. Additionally I've decided (by rolling a dice) that Vall is the holy grail for this playthrough. I'm considering sending a barebones (cheap!) probe there to get the science for the sensor package, so I can start earning money again. I'm finding it quite fun to combine the tech tree with economic and mission restraints, it sort of rules out the big massive projects in favor of specialized, cost-aware missions. My latest mission is up here A new one every day at 6!
  6. Hehe, that's a good one. Thanks. Here's the next one, this time with semi-controlled lithobraking.. for Science!
  7. Here's a tip; try and make the game run smooth under recording. Reduce the graphics fidelity if you have to, but watching a slideshow isn't that fun.
  8. Cool videos! Especially the stylized intro's are well done. Initially I thought I might've inspired you to do those economic missions, but then I saw the dates and realized you beat me to it by a fair margin. Keep it up! Cheers
  9. Mission 4 already! Now we try to get some Science! from the Mun
  10. Fair enough. Funny I didn't peg you as Dutch myself. Anyway, on to more important matters! Here's mission 3!
  11. I just completely forgot to mention this thread or anything on my last recording ><. I'll put up a post-it for the next one haha
  12. It does.. and it doesn't. While constructing a rocket with X capability does get easier as you progress through the mode, it also offers the game up in bite size chunks. The starter parts are sufficient to make basic rockets with that can accomplish basic things, and not much else. IMO that's ideal to start the game off with.
  13. Any landing you can walk away from! Although nowadays I want the science bits to survive as well. In fact it might be fun if they were more fragile. Or they could be more heat sensitive perhaps? So in the case of an unreasonable reentry your craft doesnt burn up but the science does get ruined.. now that sounds like fun maybe.. uh oh, rambling again!
  14. Allow me to plug this series here. In it I fly basic missions from the beginning of career mode. I use a plugin that actually tracks money and mission goals, but you don't have to do that ofcourse and could just focus on the science points or something else. The rockets so far are fairly basic and shouldn't be too hard to understand. Good luck and if you have any more specific questions, don't hesitate to ask them. Perhaps I'll answer them with a video! Cheers
  15. My channel's name is actually 'DonLorenzo' instead of 'onderzeesteen' despite the link, that's an ancient artefact What I thought we all could do is refer to this thread in (some of) our videos. I know I'm going to at any rate, I've seen quite a few good videos from this topic.
  16. Here's mission 2! Jeb stays in space a while longer and brings home the juicy science
  17. I forgot to press the FINISH MISSION button... any way I can edit some files to cheat that mission (and its money, and subsequent mission unlock) back in? would be much appreciated!
  18. Hey! I'm doing something very similar (see link in sig), it's fun to see your take on the career mode I didn't know the recover button is available in the flight scene, that's pretty sweet!
  19. This is my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/onderzeesteen I'm currently doing the 'A Mission a Day' series in which I've combined the R&D tree with a 3rd party Economy & Missions plugin (Mission Controller). As the name says, going at the rate of one mission per day. I've previously done a 'Lessons of space' thing where I try and explain rocketry principles using KSP more as a demonstration tool rather than a game. There's a few episodes up already but it's currently on hold; I'll pick it up eventually. Interspersed between the gaming are some diving and spearfishing videos
  20. I am! Damn I thought my English could pass for the real thing ^^
  21. I love how they put 'improved reliability' and '65 flight engines with no failures' in the same infographic
  22. UPDATE: Here's the first 20 missions for those of you in need of catching up! Hey folks I've been away from the game for a good few months and I can see a lot has happened in the meantime! I'm getting back into it and especially loving the Science tree, it's so much fun deciding which tech to unlock next in order to facilitate the next mission you want to undertake. I've decided to play at least one mission a day, and constrain myself somewhat economically using the Mission Controller plugin (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/mission-controller-extended-17/). This adds actual missions, but more importantly implements economic restrictions. So far I'm having a blast and I'm video'ing all the missions. Have a gander if you like, and feel free to comment on my reasoning, designs or whatever else. If you think this is a great way to play the game and decide to do the same I'd love to hear about your missions! Cheers, Lorenzo
  23. I'm loving this plugin! So much so that I intend to videograph my exploits with it and the new tech tree, see the first installment here Enjoy
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