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Everything posted by Jaeleth

  1. I never managed to get my launcher to work since the 1.00 upgrade but... Squad, you shuold address the installer/launcher ASAP, but for the purpose here it doesn't matters. Just do this: go to ksp shop download 1.00 zip file, not the installer unzip it to a folder in your hdd, call it, say, KSP 1.0 leave the 0.9 installation as it is, doesn't matters create a shortcut, in your desktop, directly to ksp.exe in your ksp 1.0 folder ( not the launcher!!! ) there you are! As a "plus" you will have both 0.9 and 1.0 running at the same time
  2. Duna has a reasonable gravity, a little more weight should do the trick. In lower grav. environments, like minmus, just try hopping around using wheels only for small relocations, like getting under a fuel truck. for extra speed i'd go for a back facing engine, ion engines are great for this since they provide slow, controllable, acceleration and very long burns with little fuel. if you want a fast rover make them heavy, flat, wide, and low CoM, like a formula 1 race car if you put weight on the wheels the brakes "B" will always work, but braking with the engine is always very innefective unless under heavy weight / gravity. beware on travelling over ground at high speed. Depending on the rover above 20m/s requires your full attention at the terrain in front of you, near or above 40m/s almost always spells disaster.
  3. Welcome to reality! And we're talking about a lilliputian system, try that on the solar system. That's the way things are in the real world, and that's the way they should be in Kerbal. This is no ordinary game, this is rocket science! Now you'll give more credit to those guys working hard at places like NASA, ESA and SpaceX uh? Next step? Add remote tech and life support mods, for another taste of the "real"
  4. Never ocurred to me one could use the landing gear for this purpose... Lol Now I know how to complete my fuel-less flying wheel
  5. I know that DRE is not supported in 1.0 I have 2 ships inbound for Duna with heat shields installed. I am planning to land them and THEN import the 0.9 gamesave to the 1.0 install. I heard that there would be... "Issues" but when trying to load my 0.9 gamesave on my 1.0 install the only issue I could see, at least in a couple of seconds after the game load, was that relating to those 2 ships's heat shields (ships not loaded). my question: is this the only problem I should expect? Or should I fear the Kraken to haunt me further ahead if I use the 0.9 gamesave to continue my career.
  6. I learned today on the KSP launcher newsflash, that V1.0 will feature hiring costs for Kerbals. That's fine and well, as it adds to realism. But I also heard about another thing that worries me... That hiring the N+1 kerbal will cost more than hiring the Nth kerbal... Now this poses 2 problems: 1. It is ultimately unrealistic, hiring the 100th co-worker isn't more costly than hiring the 99th unless the 100th is more specialized than the 99th... (And that should be the only thing making a difference) 2. Since advanced robotics is easy to get at in KSP (unlike in real life), by "advanced" I mean robots capable of knowing all flight parameters (easy), making piloting decisions on the spot (difficult) or handling a fast moving rover on a distant world (extremely difficult), this added feature will wipe the little green man out of the space program entirely. They will be reduced to the sad, lonely, task of planting a flag and be marooned on a distant world, forever... Worse... If the need arises, they will be disposed of, just to be able to hire more at home which is, ultimately, bad education for young players... Life is not expendable, even that of little green, virtual, men. How to solve the problem, keeping realism? 1. Hire costs according to skills, some can come already trained. 2. Salaries/Pensions... This will add to the daily costs of having a large workforce, in a natural way. Plus... If you leave a kerbal on a remote planet he/she will earn a salary, forever. If you kill him, you have to pay retirement pensions (to the family) this will introduce responsability in the game. The only way to cut the cost is to bring the kerbal back safely and dismiss him/her. 3. As for the "need" of having Kerbals, Remote Tech mod does a great job at it but, alas, one day robots will be intelligent and will replace us all, little green man on planet Earth, anyway...
  7. Installation: Windows x64, KSP 0.90, DRE 6.4.0 no other mods, I am playing on stock Kerbin. NOTE: I download DRE 6.5.2 Beta but when I install it, and click on the button, it always reads 6.4.0... Installed DRE as per the instructions. When running first time it created the ModuleManager.ConfigCache and ModuleManager.ConfigSHA at GameData folder. DeadlyReentry folder is at /#gameroot#/GameData/ The DRE Icon appears in the top right of the screen, just left of the resources tab (as it should, i think) and when I click it I can set the difficulty, so everything appears to be normal, so far. Issue: I simply cannot get anything destroyed, so much for "deadly" reentry I even tried to raise the value of shockwaveExponent to a whooping 2 and nothing happens, I re-enter with no heat shield, at 45 or plus suicide angle and the worst I could get so far was to kill the kerbals by applying excess G force. Even the flame effects are less visible than those without DRE. Any help?
  8. Am I doing something wrong or is stock Kerbin too easy? After intalling DRE, I tried a reentry pod with no heat shield at all, I put it in a normal reentry angle (shallow) and the unshielded parts reach around 250C... A little more than the oven I use to cook at home Is this to be expected? I have DRE 6.5.2 beta installed and KSP 0.90
  9. I was playing on windows pc, bought the heat shields, saved game, and took it to my laptop for the weekend. My laptop is working with ubuntu. The mod works fine on Linux too but... Do I have to buy the heat shields AGAIN?
  10. Hi. I am a newcomer to this wonderful game so, bear with me if my question was already answered time and again... Will atmosphere friction, particularly damage from wrong reentry angle, be handled in next to be released v1.0? As a newcomer this was the add-on I felt most necessary.
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