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Posts posted by Randazzo

  1. On 3/25/2022 at 9:50 AM, Rocket Witch said:

    I'd like to request a reupload of the old version if you are able and willing. The introduction of part variants is a 'breaking' feature between game versions ≤1.3.1 and ≥1.4.

    I've been away for a time, sorry for the late response. I did not remove any uploads or versions from the original thread so they should still be available.

    Edit: I see the links are not working, let me see what I can do.

    Edit2: Curseforge download give that a try

  2. 1 hour ago, OhioBob said:

    Freezing and crashing problems have been reported frequently since the last release of GPP.  But I've only heard from those that have had problems, not from those who haven't.  Therefore, I have no idea how widespread the problem is.  My own personal experience is that I've never had a problem and have been unable to recreate to bug.  Though, granted, I have not played extensively.  If there is anybody who has been playing GPP successfully without the reported freezes and crashes, I'd like to hear from you.  Please post a reply.

    I'm the opposite of what you're looking for, but I will say that the problems did not crop up immediately and I'm currently working my way into a GPP career without Strategia to test my assumption. I think it has something to do with the tracking of "firsts", contract requirements, and milestones - I'm not sure if those are all necessarily the same thing to the game, but it's the only thing I can land on that makes any sense. If the game would just crash once and generate a log it would be helpful.

    I will report back if my career goes smoothly, or if it doesn't. ;)

    Edit: And I do realize Strategia is not your baby, but since I whined here first...

  3. 8 minutes ago, darthgently said:

    Ackshully, KSP breaks the 2nd law, he is just enjoying the fruits of the pseudophysics ponzi scheme that has been foisted upon him.  But, if in atmo, it can be justified head-canon-wise as being wind driven.   Or even for a base on an airless world, if you put a big enough flywheel on it and combined with PVs one could store power when the sun shines and draw off the flywheel when in the dark.  That would not be a good rover soln though.

    How old is the heat sink grease on your CPU and GPU?  I went in circles with KSP reinstalls, mod removal, etc, trying to sort things out but is turned out to be simple GPU overtemp only when KSP was running (apparently Blender, OBS, and other stuff doesn't push it as far)

    Couple years since I replaced the goop on the CPU, GPU I've never touched. I did suspect this as a possibility though, and used both MSI Afterburner and Intel Extreme Tuning Utility to monitor GPU and system temps, it's not a hardware issue.

    I'm relatively certain it's an interaction between two mods but I cannot test any further because removing either one breaks the save. It's start over, or nothing.

  4. On 2/19/2022 at 6:09 AM, SpaceCardelka129 said:

    Can you help me? I am doing GPP career run without any heavy mods but my game keeps constantly crashing mostly when moving to VAB or Space Centre. Is there any way to fix it? Also sometimes clouds on planets can disappear or transfer into static image, is that normal?

    I'm actually having a very frustrating time with this myself, but the game isn't crashing so much as freezing - no logs are being generated and I can't figure out what the hell is going on. Freezes on recovery, SOI change, landing, time warp.. none of the events seem to have anything in common either.

    Edit: I suspect the culprit is actually Strategia but I cannot uninstall either it or GPP and still load the save to test further.

  5. Well I'm not having nearly as much fun as of last night and today - it seems all the game wants to do is freeze at every opportunity. Zone of Influence change? Freeze. Land? Freeze. Recover a vessel? Freeze. Doesn't even crash properly so no log is generated. It's a pity, I was really enjoying the new planets. Oh well... try something else I guess.

  6. Yesterday evening I reached that point again where I was feeling very blah about KSP and didn't even care to finish my missions in progress - so it was time to try something new. GameData and Saves folders zipped up for safe keeping, and off to CKAN. Decided on Galileos Planet Pack with Strategia installed (and of course many part mods) and WOW! This is, quite literally, a whole new ballgame.

    Perhaps I should take some pictures, but I've been totally engrossed in the game and not working on any projects like I should.

  7. 23 hours ago, Starhawk said:

    I haven't tried a MJ docking in years.  I always found MJ hugely wasteful of monoprop.

    Perhaps that's changed in newer versions.

    Happy landings!

    It depends significantly on the craft you've given it to dock. A poorly balanced vehicle or one with hugely overpowered thrusters leads to a lot of waste as mechjeb tries to make small corrections during docking. It will also use more if your alignment is off by a lot, such as you're facing the wrong direction on the wrong side of the target vehicle or something like that.

  8. 1 hour ago, VapourPhase said:

    Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to make a VERY simple cfg file, and I can't get the damn thing to work right. I just want to modify the electrical charge and cargo capacity of a simple part -

        @author = C.McDowall
        amount = 500 // 10x ORIGINAL VALUE
        maxAmount = 500 // 10x ORIGINAL VALUE
        InventorySlots = 3 // 3 FOR EACH KERBAL
        packedVolumeLimit = 100 // 100 FOR EACH KERBAL

    The second part for Inventory slots works fine, but not the eclectrical charge ? I'm obviously doing something wrong, but I can't for the life of me work out what ??

    Could someone please take a look and advise :)

    Thanks in advance

    The default operation for Module Manager is "insert" so without an operator added to the line, it's simply adding a second set of amount definitions to the existing ElectricCharge node. If it's working for the Inventory bit I would guess there aren't already definitions in place or your lines got dropped in before the existing ones. At any rate you should just need a couple more @ operators.

        @author = C.McDowall
        @amount = 500 // 10x ORIGINAL VALUE
        @maxAmount = 500 // 10x ORIGINAL VALUE
        InventorySlots = 3 // 3 FOR EACH KERBAL
        packedVolumeLimit = 100 // 100 FOR EACH KERBAL

  9. 14 minutes ago, bobcook said:

    Jeb spotted this silly thing in the mountains to the west of KSC during a recent awful landing flyby. Never seen it before, but sure its been there quite a long time. Didn't seem to have any special properties and Jeb didn't get super powers from climbing on it.


    Try to "land" a plane with one o' them fancy scanning arms near it

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