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Everything posted by Bev7787

  1. Port KSP to the iPad (novices only)
  2. Panzerleid I had to search it UPPPP!!!! Im walking in Memphis.
  3. Ummm... You joined 3 days before me TUBM cannot wait till v1.1
  4. A couple of things. 1. THE LAGGGGG!!!!! I have 8 installs just to get round this probkem 2. Wobbly Rocket Syndrome. Almost all of those 8 installs have KJR, except for the stock install.
  5. Just made an eyes turned skyward ship with the new crawler. Because reasons.
  6. I am going to Dres, then a Moho flyby, then the Laythe mission
  7. I have 2 1.0.2 installs, 3 1.0.4 installs and 2 1.0.4 RSS installs on my desktop :-). Mainly due to mods
  8. OP removed it due to complaints, if you want the link type up RSS Visual Enhancements download and click on GitHub. Also, I downloaded ATM Aggresive as well as this but the loading bar still hangs. I'm using KSP 1.0.4 on a MacBook Air running OSX Yosemite.
  9. Download Realism Overhaul, currently trying to load it first time with ATM, 8000 MM patches and counting
  10. I am now playing RO, then upgrading when 1.1 comes out
  11. Jeb mistook the landing gear button with the stage button and the wings were connected to a decoupler... Your rocket mysteriously disappears over Dres
  12. My friend was trying to tell me to download BD Armoury today
  13. Im still working on SLC6 currently stumped on the gantry tower, looking for good reference pics
  14. Playing with remote tech- to get the feel of 1.1. Also, playing RSS
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