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Everything posted by deadshot462

  1. Indeed a cool shot. Hopefully Curiosity will get a great video of the Comet next year.
  2. Do you guys have plans to make other Kerbal 3D models, such as one holding placing a flag on the ground and such?
  3. That building with the platform is freaking awesome. Can't wait to pull off all these crazy stunts from the top of it.
  4. One of the coolest mods ever made for KSP. Great TEAM WORK. Can't wait to see the final completed city. And the future cities of course. Keep it up: Also, really glad installation was really simple.
  5. Wow this got released, there goes my attempt at going to sleep early for work tomorrow.
  6. Well it could be a few things, but most likely it meant that during launch, the rocket passed a point where the crew could not fly back to the launch point if a failure occurred. They would have to either land at a secondary landing spot, or orbit all the way around and land back to the original point.
  7. True, found this on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_space_travelers_by_nationality Scroll to the very bottom, there's a dozen or so naturalized Americans. Pretty cool in my opinion.
  8. So is a company like SpaceX buying this? I'd like to see how this platform can be used for non-space related business.
  9. Looks pretty cool, will give it a try and program an automated EDL sequence. Is the Altitude read from sea level or Radar altitude?
  10. It was suggested by a few NASA members but rejected due to safety issues: Apollo 17 Astronaut Harrison "Jack" Schmitt and other scientists (Schmitt was the only trained scientist, a geologist, to walk on the moon) strongly advocated Tsiolkovskiy as the Apollo 17's, or a later flight's (which were all canceled), landing site, using small communications satellites deployed from the Command/Service Module for communication from the far side of the moon. NASA vetoed the idea as too risky, and Apollo 17 instead landed in the Taurus-Littrow valley on December 11, 1972. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsiolkovskiy_(crater)
  11. Yes, to commemorate the Moon landing. It's pretty cool. Herge made some accurate predictions of how a Moon landing would be, like the lower gravity, stars not twinkling due to lack of atmosphere, and a few other things. Other things, not so much lol - single stage to Moon, constant acceleration to/from Moon, and no clouds seen on Earth.
  12. That "Kerbin" sky gives me a funny idea: How about making the skybox be blue with clouds? Sure it would look weird from orbit, but it would give you clouds from the ground!
  13. I am hopeful of this project. It reminds of the cancelled "ISS Escape" ship that was planned a long time ago.
  14. There are a few asteroids that temporarily remain in Earth's SOI, but no permanent "moon" asteroids. I am pretty sure NASA plans to capture a NEO asteroid for the low dV cost. I guess this is cheaper than landing on the Moon?
  15. All these updates are looking awesome, keep up the great work!
  16. TONY STARK BUILT THAT IN A CAVE. WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS. The last pic has a bit of a "Tron Legacy" feel to it.
  17. Looks cool. Good luck to all. Ideas for anyone: -Monument like the Statue of Liberty in the shape of a Kerbal -Eiffel/large radio tower -Helipad -Hangars similar to the island near KSC -Static boats/ships in the water
  18. There's also Gnomoria. Pretty decent game, kind of frustrating when Gnomes go idle for a while though.
  19. If you can see your engine out your window..
  20. And somehow, we landed a rover within meters of a target spot that far away. Insane.
  21. Printing kerbals.. awesome. Yeah, time to look into these 3D printers.
  22. Looks like something out of Spore editor.
  23. Some movies/shows set in the future show people going back to the Moon next to the original Apollo landing sites, where they show the LEM ascent stage still on the ground. I guess Neil and Buzz used their jetpacks to go home. Transformers 3 Men in Black 3 Futurama
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