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Everything posted by deadshot462

  1. About what specs are required? If your computer can run KSP, you can run this no problem. How are the graphics? Decent. Spheres mostly, detailed textures. Can you build your own stuff? Yes. You can make custom planets/suns/moons/comets, adjust existing orbital conditions 2D or 3D? 3D What does it cost? $20, probably cheaper if there's a sale Are there other planets? All solar system planets, and any new custom ones you want Does it have realistic orbital physics? Yes. Probably some small errors over a period of 1000's years
  2. Frasier Cain has a channel where they livestream on a weekly basis space science/flight/astronomy news: https://www.youtube.com/user/universetoday/videos They also have "Virtual Star Parties" where various people livestream their telescope views and take requests from viewers. Pretty cool channel. Also, Frasier found out about KSP a few weeks ago so every now and then he mentions something about it.
  3. As far as "Space Simulator", check out "Universe Sandbox" (on Steam). Fairly accurate orbital mechanics, it's fun to wreck a whole solar system with a rogue planet/star passing through.
  4. Not sure how much of the launch will be shown, but the site the OP posted has live updates. Usually during launches like this, they'll only show the initial launch and cut the feed prior to payload fairing separation.
  5. Please ask any questions about this mission here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50149-Moon-landing-2013-%28Chang-e-3%29
  6. Can't wait to follow the landing and see those surface pictures.
  7. Seasonal changes to Kerbin's textures. Although that would require tilting the planet which I think would be a cool update.
  8. Curiosity has yet to complete her mission deadline, so keep the rover. Tough choice, both are great probes.
  9. Agreed. I hope their cameras can show a slow-mo replay. I thought LADEE went fast.
  10. Downloading the new update now. Suggestion for future versions: Make the windows light up at night like at KSC. No idea if it's possible but figured it was worth a post.
  11. Alright, one of these astronauts has to smuggle KSP in a USB drive into the ISS. Productivity down to 0%.
  12. We should just close down NASA while it still has its legacy to be proud of. Go China. As usual, Congress is basically drawing all funds towards the SLS to keep contractors happy. There is little respect for research which is basically an investment towards our development and even the economy.
  13. Edit: This topic has been closed as it involves a Steam forum issue which could be solved by PMing one of the KSP forum mods or admins. I'll pass this request on to our staff to see if we can get a copy of the "Do not Suggest" thread posted on Steam, thank you.
  14. Sometimes getting an assist from Eve helps with going to Moho. Quite a bit of dV saved in the past doing that flyby.
  15. This thread is here since it's asking if Storage Bays will be planned as part of the stock game, and general discussion of how such a part would be cool to have in the game. Of course anyone is free to post mods related to this feature. It would be cool if you could leave an experiment in orbit for a few weeks, send a ship with a bay, bring it back to the surface intact for a large portion of science points.
  16. Well good luck, sounds pretty cool.
  17. Seems like Google is still trying to compete with Facebook. They've tried several social network projects which all failed (Orkut is the last one I remember). Knowing YouTube is successful, it's their best "chance" to grab the Facebook crowd.
  18. There's a livestream going right now from the ISS astronauts in EVA with the torch: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html#.Un59c_lPZ8E Also checking the condition of the station from micrometeorite damage. Looks cool.
  19. This reminds me of Orbiter, which was really cool. Gonna give this a try.
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